Isekai Hotel

Chapter 41 – Crying?

"I'm sorry, Nahida, it's just that I couldn't stand the final scene of one of the books I took from your closet."


"..." Nahida stared at Lucky's face, incredulous at what he had just heard. He'd gotten that way because of a book? An android is crying over a book? What kind of madness is that?


An android crying is unbelievable, and he was crying over a book? Nahida didn't even know a human who had cried over a book, even if they were heavy drama.


Maybe the humans he knows who like to read don't care enough about reading.


"You're crying over a book, and that's why you're late?"


"I'm sorry about that. I promise it's almost done. I'm just finishing cooking the potatoes to make a mashed potato."


"It's okay. The customers can wait a bit longer. But about this book, which book is it?"


"Bridge to Terabithia."


"Ah... That book. But is the ending sad? I don't remember."


"It's a very emotional ending. I recommend you read it."


"I'll think about it..." Nahida gave a bitter smile. "Now hurry up, I'll help you assemble the dishes." Nahida opened the cupboards and began taking out various plates, cutlery, and glasses to serve the customers.


All the plates were the same size, medium-sized and deep. It would be enough to satisfy the customers. "Are you finished, Lucky?"


"Yes, I've finished. Let's start assembling the plates and serving the customers. Do you want me to call Nazuna to help us?"


"No, you don't need to. Nazuna is looking after the reception and calming down the customers who are probably very hungry."


"All right." Lucky wiped the last of the tears from under his eye and, together with Nahida, assembled several plates. Before long, all the customers had been served, and everyone was satisfied.








Nahida woke up the next day at eight o'clock in the morning. It wasn't too late, and it wasn't too early either. When he woke up, most customers had left to do their business.


And some of the guests' stay was over, and he now had four rooms available.


"I've reached a thousand points. I can buy a new floor."


Nahida opened his system while still sitting on his bed and bought a new floor for his hotel. He had spent 1000 points, almost all he had. So even though he had purchased a new floor, he needed the points to buy new rooms.


With the new floor purchased, Nahida went to the stairs to look at it. As the whole building shook when Nahida renovated his hotel using the system, he believed it would shake after he bought a new floor, but it didn't.


"It's right here." Nahida reached the second floor and saw that a new staircase had appeared between two of the rooms. The second floor had grown more to make this possible. The stairs appeared at the end of the corridor.


When Nahida reached the third floor, he breathed a sigh of relief. The new floor was the same as the other floors. Nahida wouldn't need to upgrade the new floor.


"However, the rooms are like the rooms in my hotel before I upgraded them. The quality of the beds is questionable." But he wasn't surprised since every time he bought a new room, he had to upgrade it.


"The third floor has five rooms. So the limit is ten rooms per floor? Interesting." Nahida used his remaining points to upgrade the new rooms' beds.


The price was low so that he could pay for everything with his points. He only had 22 points left after the upgrades.


"Oh, speaking of points, I've raised my level again; I'm now level 16. Now I'm earning more points per hour."


[ Upgrade Points: +25 (12:12) ]


[ Upgrade Points: 22 ]


"And now that everything is okay, I should get on with my planning for today. Today will be quite productive. I'll buy the air conditioners and some things for Rimuru. And at the end of the day, I'll go out with Bulma."


Nahida was looking forward to his meeting, as he would be visiting the world of Dragon Ball for the first time.






Nahida got ready and turned the coins he had into yen so that he could buy everything he needed. He got a large amount of money, so large that he couldn't even carry it in his pocket.


He picked up his backpack, which he hadn't used for a long time, and put all the money in it.


After that, Nahida said goodbye and asked Nazuna and Lucky to keep an eye on the hotel. He also talked about the Orc that Shuna would send to work as a guard at the hotel.


"I thought the Orc would come yesterday, but he didn't. I want you to take care of it if he comes today. Negotiate a salary with him, a high salary."


"Me? Negotiate a salary? That won't work..."


"Why? Don't you have confidence in your negotiating skills?"


"... Fine, but don't blame me if everything goes wrong!"


"Don't worry, I won't blame you. Now I have to go, or I'll be late."


"See you later, Nahida."


"Oh, also, if Shirou shows up here in the afternoon, tell him I want to talk to him."


"Is that because he didn't come to work?"


"That's right, I want to know what's going on. This is the second time he's 'run away' from work. It can't happen anymore."


Nahida left his hotel, and before going to the train station, he looked back to see what had changed in his hotel. This time, the building had also changed from the outside. It now had an extra floor.


"I wonder how high my hotel will get in the future. I'll need elevators."


Nahida sighed and headed towards the station. He got there and entered the train towards the town where he had bought the televisions for Rimuru.


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