Isekai Hotel

Chapter 43 – Time zone.

Everything was already settled between the Orc and Nazuna. She offered a salary of two bronze coins a day. It was an average amount, not too high or too low. It was a fair amount for a security guard.


He would have to stay at the hotel reception to protect the staff and customers. It's a dangerous job, but there won't be many incidents.


"You start work today, okay? When the hotel closes, you can go home." Nazuna said to the Orc, and he agreed. He was prepared to stay there all day since Rimuru had asked him to take the job, but he was glad he could rest.


The Orc, called Joulan, leaned against the wall and stared straight ahead without moving. Nazuna, sitting behind the counter, said that Joulan could sit down, which he did.


He took one of the wooden chairs and sat down. Fortunately, the chair could support his weight.


"Are there many customers at this inn?"


"As there aren't many rooms, the number of guests isn't huge."


"I see. Do dangerous things happen here often? The owner had to hire a guard, so..."


"Something happened to me a few days ago that triggered Nahida to hire a guard. I think it only happened once." Nazuna didn't know what had happened to Shelly, so she thought the attack on her was the first time someone had been attacked inside the hotel.


"Did something happen to you? Did someone attack you?"


"Yes, a muscular man came into the hotel and attacked me. He was quite unpleasant. Luckily, Souei-sama arrived just in time and dealt with him and his friends. But I didn't see what he did; everything had been sorted out when I woke up. It was Nahida who said Souei-sama helped me."


"So Souei-sama helped you. I'm glad he arrived at the right time." Joulan gave a genuine smile.


"But it's all right now. I'm sure that with you here, they won't try to attack me anymore."


"I hope so." Despite being strong, Joulan only had no experience with protection or bodyguarding. But he did know one thing: if necessary, he would use all his strength to deal with anyone who might cause trouble.






A blue-haired girl arrived at the hotel while Nahida was in the store.


"Excuse me, is Nahida here?" Being very well dressed and smelling nice, Bulma completely ignored the giant Orc and went straight to the counter to talk to Nazuna.


"Nahida? He left a while ago."


"A while ago? But we had something planned for today... Maybe he forgot?"


"I'm sure he didn't forget. Are you sure you arrived on time?"


"Yes, I'm sure. It's night, can't you see?" The door was still partially open so that Nazuna could see outside. It was a completely different world, and it was night.


A big problem had occurred.

The time zones were completely different.


The first time Bulma came to Nahida's hotel, it was night in her world, but it was mid-afternoon in Nahida's world.


And when she came to the hotel yesterday, it was probably nighttime for her since after eating lunch(dinner), she went straight to her room to sleep.


Also, she left the hotel well before dawn both times she stayed there.




Afternoon for Nahida = Night for Bulma. In other words, Bulma is always hours ahead in the 'time zone'.


In other words, the previous afternoon, Nahida believed that he had made an appointment for the next day's evening, but the date was in the afternoon (for him). It was something he hadn't expected.


"Anyway, I'll wait for him, okay?"


"No problem, you can sit at one of the tables."






Nahida finished paying for the seven air conditioners and gave the store his address so they could deliver everything. The store promised to deliver everything the same day during the night. Perfect for Nahida.


He would take advantage of the nighttime to install all the air conditioners. All the guests were in their rooms at night, so it was the perfect time to install the air conditioners on the first floor.


The rest he would install in the empty rooms.


"Remember, the remaining nine will be delivered next week, probably on Tuesday. Today is Friday so it will take four days."


"That's great. I thought it would take longer. Thank you very much." Nahida bowed to the saleswoman, and she bowed to him.


"Thank you for your purchase." The woman had a giant smile on her face. She had just made an incredible sale. She couldn't have been happier.






When Nahida arrived at his hotel, the sky had already started to darken. The night was coming. He entered his hotel and met Nazuna and the Orc.




"My name is Joulan. Rimuru-sama and Shuna-sama sent me here to work for you as a guard. I've been here for a few hours. It's a pleasure to meet you."


"It's a pleasure to meet you, Joulan. Did Nazuna treat you well? Did she talk with you about your salary?"


"Yes, we've already negotiated a salary."


"Good. It'll be great working with you from now on, Joulan. I hope we can work together for a long time."


"Me too." Nahida shook the Orc's hand and then turned to Nazuna.


"Nazuna, I'm waiting for some things to arrive. Keep an eye on the door. I'm going to eat something and shower. I haven't eaten anything for hours. I should have stopped at that lamen restaurant to eat."


"Don't worry, as soon as what you're waiting for arrives, I'll call you. Oh, and someone is waiting for you."


"Someone waiting for me?"


Nahida walked over to the main hall and met someone he wasn't expecting sitting at one of the tables. It was Bulma. She was downcast.


"..." Nahida was perplexed.







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