Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 35 – Hunt for Divine Emissary (2)

Strictly speaking, Heaven Pantheon was the enemy of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and they wouldn't believe the shit that they said. Though Yakou could see some of the more short-tempered members of the Pantheon believe them even without evidence.

Especially some of the Archangels created by the Heavenly Father would probably listen to them, as the Ōtsutsuki Clan was way less evil than the Evil God Pantheon and some of them, like Uriel, would do everything they could to create a war between Heaven Pantheon and Evil God Pantheon.

Some of them just needed a reason for the all-out war.

But unfortunately, not every time we get what we want and the Heavenly Father was a wise and intelligent God who won't act against the Evil God Pantheon without concrete bullet-proof evidence.

And naturally, what was the best kind of evidence?

The Divine Emissary himself.

"What he wants to say is that the Heavenly Father won't act without bullet-proof evidence, My Lord. He is a very old God and very experienced who is very well aware of the aftermath of an internal war between the Pantheons of the Faith God Alliance."

Juraki explained to Muzaka in hopes that the Werewolf Heir would understand it, but neither of them put their hopes in that. Muzaka wasn't some profound schemer and he just liked to smash things.

He was the type who attacked first and then thought...

Most unfortunate for the future of the Werewolf Tribe, but fortunately, he was also the person who hated dealing with politics and other troublesome matters and had a tendency to leave it to his advisors.

So that counted as plus.

"Now, this topic aside, we need to act fast because there is the possibility of the information about the death of Commander Automaton getting into the ears of other Gods or Divine Emissary and we can't miss this opportunity."

After discussing their strategy for some time, Yakou ordered the ship to change the course the Star Systems, whose location he got from his grandfather as the hunt had started.

Fighting the Divine Emissary of Tier 6 God was something that he at the same time wanted to avoid, but yet, a certain part was boiling in anticipation for the fight.

Yakou, as proud member of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, hated the concept of Godhood with passion, as he hated all of the Faith Gods.

Contrary to "cultivators" who termed some of their cultivation stages as "God", they weren't a "Gods" in a true sense because the only Gods that existed were born from Faith, Mythos and naturally, there was a very rare breed of Gods that were born naturally, so-called Innate Gods.

Still, cultivators named some of their stages after Gods, mainly because some cultivation stages had very similar abilities to the Gods and at the same time, some cultivation stages were entirely changing the very own fundamental existence of the said cultivator.

Yet the Faith Gods, as Ōtsutsukis called them, were disgusting creatures that leeched of Faith and if their religions were destroyed and their followers died, then there were only two fates that awaited them.

For powerful Gods, they would be just stuck at the same stage because their power was so great that they weren't already dependent on Faith and could go on even without it.

But that wasn't so for the rest of the Gods, who would slowly lose all of their power and in the end, they would die a very slow, agonizing and excruciating death.

"You should calm down... Your emotions are a mess and the hatred you are releasing right now starts clouding your judgment."

Yakou suddenly woke up from his thoughts as he heard the voice of his friend. Because the Werewolves were very close to nature, they were adept at sensing someone's emotions and intent, and both Muzaka and Juuraki could sense Yakou's hatred for the Gods.

Or rather, instead of hatred or disgust for their very own beings.

For beings that were slaves to their own power and without Faith, they were lesser than worms.

For a being that had their fundamental existence overwritten into amalgamations of their Faith and Mythos. As they were beings that absorbed Faith, they were soon remade into the image that their Followers and Worshippers had of them.

Yet, the Faith Gods, even according to his grandfather, who has ventured into different Origin Worlds, were a rare breed as they were something they had, something akin to true immortality because as long as their Faith was alive, it was almost impossible to kill them.

Not only he but also the rest of the Ōtsutsuki Clan despised the Gods, especially since they switched to Evolutionary Cultivation and started comprehending the Profoundness of Dao.

If not for that, they were slowly but surely heading toward the Path of Godhood that would slowly be their end.

Something that Yakou knew only from his grandfather, but the Faith Gods or beings that tried to imitate Godhood were typically hunted down no matter where they hid.

Either because some viewed their entire beings as valuable cultivation resources or from hatred.

"I apologize for letting my emotions out... now we need to focus on the task and soon enough, we will arrive at the first Star System. Muzaka and Juraki, you two will go out and engage the Divine Emissary in combat; their kind is arrogant even more than Ōtsutsukis, so you know what to do."

Yakou said as both wolves grinned; hearing that as they knew exactly what to do.

There was nothing greater than God's pride.


2nd of the Star Systems that were on the list...

They scouted the first Star System rather fast because it was relatively empty; there were only a few Stars and a small number of planets. The rest of them were celestial bodies were asteroids of various sizes.

As they arrived at the second Star System from the list that his grandfather gave him, Yakou suddenly got a bad feeling when they entered. This sort of precognition was the innate activation of the Clairvoyance of his Senrinjōnegan.

"I think we have found the spot."

He said to the remaining three as two werewolves looked at the members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan suspiciously, but even Kirihara looked equally serious to her finaceé as her third eyes shined for several seconds as the patterns inside it swirled furiously.

"Yes, we have... we have seven habitable planets in this Star System, but I can feel weak Divine Power emitting from that one."

Kirihara said as she pointed at one of the seven planets in this Star System, to which Yakou activated the scans of the Warship and even used his own Senrinjōnegan to be absolutely sure that they had found their prey.


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