Isekai Life as Ōtsutsuki

Chapter 36 – Hunt for Divine Emissary (3)

Among the types of planets, the Mining Planets were those with rich mineral resources.

These planets are typically rich in various ores, precious metals, and gemstones; strictly speaking, most of such planets were devoid of most lifeforms found on many planets and there were no types of flora and fauna either.

Geologically, a mining planet may vary in composition, but it generally possesses a diverse range of mineral deposits.

It could be an entirely rocky planet or have a combination of rocky and metallic cores.

These planets might have undergone geological processes like volcanic activity, tectonic movements, and meteorite impacts, which have contributed to the formation and concentration of valuable minerals.

Due to the harsh nature of mining operations, the environment of a mining planet can be desolate and inhospitable. The atmosphere may contain high levels of dust, toxic gases, or other hazardous substances.

Barren expanses, rocky terrain, and huge mounds of discarded rock and waste material frequently marred the landscape.

The planet before them was typically an example of barren rock without any forests or oceans, just floating pieces of rock in the empty vastness of space.

"This is probably the ideal mining world... the scans are showing tremendous lodges of various types of ores and there are even naturally formed Chakra Stone Veins... most unusual."

Yakou said as he received the information from the scans of the Warship. This unnamed planet wasn't mapped within the star charts of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and was even outside of the influence of the Clan in the Unknown Regions of Space.

"That would be for a later date; now, we need to lock down the space. Artifact Spirit, lock down the space around the planet as stealthy as possible... we don't want the prey to panic."

His fainceé Kirihara said to the Artifact Spirit of the Warship of the Ōtsutsuki Clan as it carried out the order and locked down the pace.

The Warship itself was a powerful artifact capable of many things; even locking down some area of space wasn't a problem for it.

The Warship naturally had the ability to lock down space, to prevent teleportation and Dimensional Travel; unfortunately, this was relatively new technology that the Ōtsutsuki developed, so it had a lot to work with.

It could prevent only a certain level of space locking, as it wasn't very advanced, though, for the purposes of the current situation, it should be enough. Preventing one Divine Emissary from teleporting should be an easy task.

Of course, that was considering the fact that the Divine Emissary won't have some kind of space-related artifact with him, which would teleport him out no matter how strong the space lock was.

"The Divine Emissary is right now resting within the depths of one of the cave systems of the planet. We need to lure him out from the caves before we can even move a bit and think about capturing the Divine Emissary."

Yakou said as he opened the projection of the extensive cave system to them. The entire planet was intertwined with countless cave systems, pathways and other things, making the entire planet a very extensive and complex labyrinth.

"Muzaka and Juraki, you two will go down and make a ruckus, forcing the Divine Emissary to go up... after he exits the caves, we can start the plan. Now, with everything being said, good luck."

As the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan finished his instruction, both werewolves went to the small shuttles within the Warship, stealthily bringing them to the surface.

They were employing the highest level of stealth in case the Divine Emissary was observing the area, as Yakou was very cautious when dealing with Gods.

Still, at the same time, he was also aware that compared to the other Pantheons within the Faith God Alliance, the Evil God Pantheon was the most restricted one...

While other Pantheons had Gods with various purposes and versatile usage, which stemmed from their Divinities, the Evil Gods were almost all combat-oriented or slaughter-oriented, which was very detrimental for them.

They lacked people that were skilled in aspects of healing, development, supporting...

Yakou even knew that they had only two Gods of Wisdom, which was pretty much embarrassing and due to that, their danger level wasn't that high when it came to things like spying or gathering information.

Though they were making up for this weakness with the number of Gods proficient in combat.

"Fortunately, there is nobody better than making chaos and ruckus than wolves."

Yakou said as Kirihara sat next to him and they were watching the life projection of what was happening on the planet as the shuttle with two werewolves landed.

And what were Juraki and Muzaka doing to lure out the Divine Emissary?

They started fighting as they unleashed their most powerful forms and started clashing against each other.

Just the aftershocks of their battle were enough to penetrate deep within the crust and could be felt hundreds of kilometers away.

This continued for several more minutes as they deliberatively fought in such a way as to cause the greatest destruction to their environment as possible, as it paid off approximately after another twenty minutes.

"He is moving."

Yakou heard Kirihara say as the target was moving from its original position and within three minutes, the Divine Emissary exited the cave system where he was hiding. Soon enough, the life feed in their ship showed the imposing figure of the Divine Emissary of the Evil God Pantheon.

Both Kirihara and Yakou could deduce that it was some type of mutated and corrupted human.

At the same time, the mutation part stems probably from some kind of radion, most probably post-apocalyptic society, not something rare.

Young civilizations that developed too fast in the technological department tended to destroy themselves pretty often.

While the corruption stemmed from the influence of the Evil Gods.

The Divine Emissary was tall, around three tall, bulking with muscles with dark skin and a relatively humanoid appearance, still resembling his original race.

The corruption of the Evil Gods was twisting his appearance, giving the Divine Emissary disfigured appearance on his face or an additional part of limbs.

"It looks disgusting... death would be salvation for something like that."

Kirihara almost wanted to throw up every time when she saw someone that was deeply steeped in the corruption of the Evil Gods. The Evil Gods had a tendency to corrupt their followers, twisting them to their own image for meager bits of their power.

"Do we wait until they start fighting or now?"

Yakou just nodded absentmindedly because he was waiting for them to fight to make him move.

The moment of distraction was the most paramount thing in this capture.


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