Isran the Great

2.11 Some Actual Combat

Isran grunted at the impact of the larger man, Desmarcus was surprisingly very easy to convince to help her train. She had asked Morgana how she could get her strength up and the woman had advised she focus on sparring instead. Morgana had told her plainly that there wasn’t any viable way to gain enough experience points except killing monsters so she had to forget about her strength for the time being and focus on combat experience.

Elysi had made good on her promise the night before and waited till Isran woke up to start work. She kissed Isran and they took a shower together. Elysi was running late enough as it was so they were chaste in the shower but the sheep girl promised some fun at the end of the day.

Desmarcus was taller than Isran, a fact made more clear as they sparred. Isran had no idea what she was doing. Her hazy memories of her past life included no fighting of any kind. She didn’t think she had ever gone to the gym.

It had only been thirty minutes and she was already sore.

Desmarcus wasn’t the best sparring partner for someone who was trying to learn, since the orc didn’t speak he gave no pointers on the mistakes Isran was making. So she was just taking hit after hit, narrowly avoiding some.

Morgana arrived just as Isran dodged a punch to the face only to take one in her belly. Her endurance was the only reason she was still standing.

“Oh my.” She winced as Desmarcus stepped away from a lightly bruised Isran. “You're really not a fighter... well, at least you learn fast.”

Isran didn’t have the mental space to be embarrassed by Morgana’s words, she was still recovering from her spar with the orc.

After giving her a small flask of a light blue liquid that healed her bruises, then, Morgana guided her better, showing her simple dodges and lecturing her about reading her opponent's movements. By two in the afternoon, they were done for the day and Desmarcus waved Isran goodbye. She was grateful that he had stayed to help till she was done even refusing to get paid for the help.

As they walked to the blacksmith building to pay for her full plate Morgana continued to lecture her. “There are experience points gained from training and mundane work, but it’s so small it’s negligible. Some people with primary MUNDANE classes join expeditions to level up faster for this reason. Of course, MUNDANE classes work differently from WARRIOR classes but the idea is the same.”

“Do you go into the dungeons regularly?”

“Not anymore, I work for the government now so almost never but it is required twice a year.”

They didn’t spend too long paying Jayn and then she took Isran to a weapon shop.

“Before you get your strength up you should still have a sword. It won’t be very durable but it is roughly the same size as what I would recommend and you can get in some good practice for your future sword.”

The sword was the same as the one she had been training with at the adventurer’s hall, the blade was a deep brown, almost black, and a little lighter than the one at the adventurer’s hall.

“A good hit from a better weapon will probably destroy it but as long as you stay on the first three floors no monster should be capable of that.”

Isran paid for the sword and an equally large sheath. They got her boots and longer-sleeved tunics. Morgana spoke a lot about covering as much as possible even underneath her armor. Before they split up she handed Isran a small book with the word MONSTERS etched into the cover.

“Studying the well-known monsters is also important, knowledge is power after all.”

She also gave her a different non-labeled book. It was theoretical knowledge on combat and a lot of military tactics.

“You are welcome to read the militia sections but you don’t have to, I’ll see you tomorrow.” And then pink-haired woman was gone.

By the time Elysi was done with work Isran had taken her last shower of the day and was well into the book about combat Morgana had given her.

“Well, aren’t you studious.”

Isran chuckled and embraced the sheep girl, reading the book over her shoulder while Elysi ate her dinner.

“How was your day” Elysi mumbled.

“I think I drank a health potion today? Morgana had just handed it to me.”

Elysi giggled. “You drank health potions the whole day?”

Isran blushed. “Well no.” She laughed when she realized Elysi was teasing her. “I got a sword.”

Elysi glanced up to see the sheathed greatsword.

“Oh... a greatsword. I should probably get a new bow.”

“Oh right, when are we going to the dungeons again?”

Elysi shrugged. “Whenever. I’m not tied to my work and I enjed the dungeon... sometimes.”

Isran deflated slightly. “I’m guessing you will not be able to come on every  trip I go on?”

Elysi tilted her head and smiled. “Now that’s not what I said Isran.”

The taller woman blushed. “What if you want to stay and I want to go?”

“Then we’ll work it out,” Elysi mumbled, caressing Isran’s cheek.

They stared into each other's eyes for a while before Elysi connected their lips. They kissed slowly, Isran lifted the smaller woman off her lap and onto the bed caressing her exposed leg.

“Fuck I’ve missed you.” Elysi mumbled her eyes opening slightly and her face turning pink.

Isran groaned when the sheep girl palmed her hardening cock, massaging it through her pants.

She slowly pulled off Elysi’s robe and immediately latched onto her tits, sucking her nipples while trying to take off her panties.

“Someone is impatient.” Elysi breathed, running her hand through Isran’s hair.

Once Isran got Elysi’s panties off she moved down her pale skin slowly. Kissing softly down a path towards the woman’s pussy.

Isran blew lightly on Elysi’s clit, looking up at the moaning sheep girl. “Teach me please.”

Elysi trembled and moaned a little louder. “Oh, you’re so hot.” She pushed Isran’s head down slowly. “Suck.”

Isran sucked on Elysi’s inner thigh. “Here?”

Elysi’s voice trembled. “No... fuck.”

Isran hummed and moved to her other thigh.


Isran loved hearing her name leave Elysi’s lips, it sounded even better when the sheep girl was breathless.

“Fuck when did you learn this?”

Isran thought about saying porn, but she wondered if that was a thing in Thalbrin or the entire world. She felt less overwhelmed from the other few times she had had sex since she arrived in the world and wanted to make Elysi feel good.

Being a virgin in her past life hadn’t helped her in her new one, but at least the women she had fucked found it cute.

Continuing to tease Elysi was a very hard game to play though, the woman smelt amazing, her pussy almost called to Isran, and her head was getting foggy. Her erection was also doing its best to make her suffer.

Elysi whined and tilted her lips toward Isran’s mouth. She couldn’t resist the woman after that.

Elysi tasted amazing. She was almost sweet, Isran couldn’t compare it to anything since she had never eaten a girl out before. She sucked gently on the sheep girl’s clit slowly rubbing her pussy lips with her fingers not inserting them.

Elysi seemed to be slowly approaching orgasm and Isran was reminded of how Adrianna had surprised her, falling straight down on her dick. She groaned at the memory.

But this wasn’t about her it was about Elysi. She sucked hard and firmly and pushed two fingers into the sheep girl as deep as they would go.

Elysi’s hips rose off the bed, her body spasming as she came hard.

Isran never stopped sucking, helping her ride out her orgasm.

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