Isran the Great

2.12 The Day of Sephia

Isran was tired, the day of Sephia was a weekend day in Thalbrin and they had woken up late, Isran’s internal clock told her it was one in the afternoon. Elysi was up before her, as usual, but she was still lying in bed with Isran.

“Were you staring at me while I was asleep?”

Elysi giggled. “So what if I am.”

Isran blushed lightly and smiled back. “You’re cute.”

“You’re cute.” Elysi kissed her softly.

They lay in bed quietly for a while before taking a bath. Elysi had a large wooden bowl in her bathroom that was a tub. Getting in was a tight fit with Elysi pressing almost painfully against Isran’s cock but she wouldn’t trade the experience for anything at that moment.

They sat there till they were almost pruning and rinsed off in the shower.

“Ooh, a date?” Marcus was not what Isran had expected. After spending so much time with his silent brother Isran had expected the other orc to be just as quiet or at the very least as reserved as his brother. Of course that was a faulty assumption.

Desmarcus worked primarily as a luggage escort and a guide, since he never spoke he preferred work that would minimize conversation. Though, Isran wondered if being a guide was a good idea for someone who didn't speak. Marcus on the other hand owned a carriage. It wasn’t fancy but it was clean which, according to Elysi, was not always guaranteed in Kestin. So far Isran hadn't seen any strange animals in the new world and that was a bit disappointing to her. Though, horses were nice creatures to be around.

Elysi had dropped a few coins in his hand and pulled Isran into the carriage with her. The carriage was covered but there was an open panel letting the driver—Marcus—see inside the vehicle.

“Drive Marcus.”

“So mean.” He laughed and closed the panel.

Elysi looked amazing, she was in a tight red dress that looked stunning against her pale skin. The dress exposed a very good portion of her cleavage and ended beneath her knees. A simple pearl necklace sat around her neck and matching earrings in her ears. She had bought Isran a tunic that was made of silk and black pants. Isran paired it with one of the new pairs of boots she had gotten. Her hair pushed out of her face.

“Where are we going?” Isran whispered into Elysi’s ear, nibbling lightly on the large droopy lobe the woman had.

Elysi blushed slightly as she answered. “A new tavern. It’s a little fancy but I hope you like it.”

“As long as you’re there.”

Elysi rolled her eyes but blushed more.

Isran wondered if the tavern was a restaurant and she didn’t need to wonder for long. Marcus opened the carriage door for them once they arrived, bowing dramatically.

The exterior of the building was not what Isran had imagined when Elysi had said tavern. It more accurately was a restaurant. The stone building had a tall archway that led into a dimly lit space. They were guided into the tavern by a gnome dressed as a waiter.

The familarity was messing with Isran a little but she focused on Elysi to help calm herself. With their bodies glued together, they walked into the space, passing by several tables and into a different section of the tavern, closed off from the rest of the space by red curtains.

“I will have someone come take your orders.”

Once they were left alone Isran pulled Elysi into her, avoiding her horns and kissing her softly.

“This is amazing.” She mumbled against the sheep girl’s lips.

“You actually think so?”

Isran recognized the woman’s nerves and kissed her again, smiling reassuringly. “Of course I do. You’re amazing.”

Elysi laughed lightly. “I’m glad you like it. I haven’t done this before.”


Elysi blushed. “Yeah... well whores don’t get asked on dates much. People prefer monogamous partners.”

Isran frowned. She had thought polygamy wasn’t that frowned upon considering the fact that some jobs were literally divinely assigned. Isran quickly realized the error in that thinking, there was probably a variety of factors for why polygamy wasn’t as popular. She hadn't spent enough time in the new world to figure out most of their societal norms.

“I never asked if you were interested in anyone else... I assumed, since you were open to with the others last time. We should probably talk about it.”

Isran blinked. “I hadn’t really thought about it much. Fucking four hot women sounded amazing in the moment and that was honestly the only thing on my mind.”

Elysi shook her head slowly with a smile. “Ok, but I’m serious, are you interested in the idea of having other relationships?”

Isran frowned and thought about it. “I mean, I think so? I’m getting better with not feeling jealous when you have work and I’ll admit I’ve thought about fucking others or that some of your colleagues were hot.”

Elysi giggled. “Yes but what about emotionally? I’m not trying to label anything but I really like where what we have is going. What if you start to feel the same way about someone else? What if I start to feel that way about someone else? How do you see that looking for you, for us.”

Isran hummed contemplatively. “I guess just go with the flow. It sounds uncommitted but I’ve never been in a relationship before, I don’t know if I would feel that way down the line or if I’d just y’know, wanna fuck a hot girl.”

Elysi snorted.

Isran smiled at the cute sound and continued. “And if you felt emotionally invested in someone else I guess it depends on the person? If I don’t like them I’m not gonna tell you to stop seeing them, I just never want to hear about them. And if I also get emotionally invested in the same person well then that would be convenient.”

Elysi nodded but was interrupted by the waiter before she could speak. She ordered and after asking the waiter about the options Isran ordered a steak. Familiar food was the best idea.

“Hmm if you got emotionally invested in someone I dislike I think I’d feel the same. I never asked... do you like men?”

Isran scrunched up her face. “Uh...”

With a laugh, Elysi shook her head. “I’m figuring if I got emotionally invested in a man you would like to not hear about him?”

Isran shook her head. “Not necessarily. I mean if he’s cool I have no problem with the dude. If not—“ Isran shrugged.

“Dude...” Elysi whispered, furrowing her brows.

Isran realized not all words probably translated into this video game-like world. So many things were uncannily similar that she had forgotten for a moment she was in a different place.

“So we are open to other people?”

Isran nodded. “Yes.”

Elysi picked Isran’s larger hand. “So... what does that mean, we’re dating?”

Isran blushed slightly and laughed. “Awfully forward of you ma’am.”

Elysi rolled her eyes and pulled Isran down to kiss her. “I’m being serious you jerk.”

Isran laughed. “I would be a fool to say no.”

They kissed for a few seconds longer, their lips pressed softly against each other while Isran held Elysi’s nape.

“You’re my girlfriend now.” Isran whispered in disbelief, she was really that lucky, to get someone so hot that was interested in her. Someone so amazing who cared about her.

Elysi wrapped her arms around Isran and hummed. “You’re my girlfriend.”

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