Isran the Great

3.11 Off to the wrong foot

Isran sighed and looked up at the orc that approached her. It had been a day since she had woken up, she was upset but decided to just keep to herself. She had never really been good at handling her anger in her previous life, or was she? Some days she couldn’t be sure.

 She could still vividly remember the dread she felt when her chest tightened up, her breathing stolen from her.

She would’ve died had it not been for Phaedra. She wished she could repay the adventurer group ten-fold the dread. A hundred-fold the pain.

The female orc hesitated and sat beside Isran. Isran was putting on her armor to leave the presence of the adventurers as soon as possible.


Isran stayed quiet, Red floated menacingly beside her, creating a thin fabric barrier between Isran and the orc adventurer.

The orc sighed as continued to speak. “Uh I’m guessing you’re not going to speak to me so I’ll just continue… We really are sorry, it wasn’t intentional and this sounds kinda shitty but you’ve gotta understand the dungeon is a dangerous place we were just doing what we thought was best.”

“You were being dumb heros”

 Isran looked up to Elysi, she was lost in thought trying to ignore the orc and had not noticed her girlfriend approach.

 “I spoke to your gnome friend already, I’m confused as to why you’re here.”

“Well, no offense but you weren’t the one I almost killed so…”

Isran blinked and looked at the orc, her body staying still but her head and eyes shifting. She could feel her relaxed features, knew her anger wasn’t shown on her face so with the words she spoke she hoped she could convey her message.

“That was an insensitive and rude thing to say. If you truly are sorry please leave us alone.”

The orc seemed surprised, blinking slowly as her cheeks turned a darker shade of grey. “I—”

“Go away.” Isran sighed, standing up. “Please, you’ve caused enough trouble as it is. We’re gonna go deeper into the dungeon, if I’m not mistaken you and your group were leaving. You’ve done enough don’t you think?"

The orc blinked and lowered her head, her short black hair fell in her face.

Isran didn’t wait to hear whatever she planned to say, she walked over to her tent, Phaedra was trying and failing to pack up the tent.

“Let me.” Isran smiled and took the rope from the healer and began properly wrapping up the tent to tie it up.

Isran waited for Elysi to move to extinguish the dying fire before she turned to Phaedra. “I know you’re the least suited to be in here and it seems this is your first time... They’re going back to Kestin y'know.”

Phaedra blinked and smiled a little. “I appreciate your concern and yeah… maybe if they hadn’t attacked us I would probably have suggested this to you.”

Isran lifted an eyebrow. “Suggested? You can do whatever you want Phaedra.”

Phaedra blushed. “Well yes, but you saved my life and they tried to kill you. Yes the dungeon is dangerous especially for a healer but I’d like to continue healing you and Elysi, at least until we get back to Kestin.”

Isran’s smile widened. “I appreciate that Phaedra.”

“Oh its nothing.” The healer laughed nervously.

“Ready to leave?” Elysi smiled. She had been smiling less since Isran had woken up, she knew it had everything to do with their upsetting companions.

They spared the group no words as they walked away from them. Red floated towards them and wiggled strangely for a while before floating back to Isran’s head.

“That’s a full day wasted.” Elysi mumbled.

Isran noted that it was nine am, It was technically the third day they had been in the dungeon. In two days they would leave... probably.

“Should we stay on the first floor?”

“What do you think Phaedra?”

Phaedra jumped lightly at the sound of her name. “Oh… uh I don’t really know.. the safer the better?”

Isran laughed softly but agreed with the healer. 

"It’s a shame that we can’t make the most of this trip but we should stay on this floor, it is a fairly un scouted dungeon, we might even find some ore.”

They agreed and moved carefully through the dimly lit ruins around them.




Isran grunted as she pushed the two skeletons off her, they clattered to the ground as their companion threw a rock at her, thankfully missing.

Isran hated monsters, they were dumb enough that they could be underestimated to a point, but they had enough intelligence to be able to ambush. She would be staying clear of dungeons populated by skeletons for a while. Elysi not being able to assist her during fights was the worst part of the experience. She wasn’t only fighting the monsters, she was also protecting her companions.

Isran threw the rock back at the skeleton as soon as she got to her feet and slammed her sword through the skull of one of the skeletons she had thrown off.






She quickly dismissed the message and dodged another stone being thrown at her. At level six and with a higher strength point total it was easier to wield her sword, especially against low level enemies like skeleton mobs.

She slammed the flat side of her sword into the face of an approaching skeleton that was missing its jaw the pathetic thing clattered to the ground.






The last skeleton was dispatched in a similar fashion, she evaded one of its stone throwing attacks and destroyed its skull by whacking it with her sword.

Isran sighed after dismissing the final message.

“I wish you would gain points by proximity or something.” She sighed again, pulling off her helmet once she determined the cost was clear.

Elysi lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t beat yourself up, most of my experience points come from fucking, I am a whore after all.”

Phaedra nodded in agreement. “Healing you will serve me better. There is no use in me stealing your hard earned points when my class does not require me to engage in combat.”

Isran scratched her head. “Yeah, I guess.”

Elysi rolled her eyes and tugged Isran down giving her lips a brief kiss. “Such a hero.”

Isran chuckle and kissed her back. “Only the best for my girlfriend.”





I made a sword during the weekend.

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