Isran the Great

3.12 Ah… They’re F*cking

Phaedra was feeling less upset about being in the dungeons the more time she spent with Isran and Elysi. It wasn’t as bad as she had led herself to believe… well no it was but she was slowly not seeing it that way.

Isran was the definition of a gentle giant, sure she wasn’t an actual giant but human women usually weren’t as tall as orcs. Some times when Isran took off her helmet and was lost in her little world Phaedra wondered if she would’ve mistaken her for a cocky adventurer had they met under different circumstances.

Elysi was a little more forward, but Phaedra had noticed that usually arose when Isran was uncomfortable or hurt, in any other case she was almost as quiet as her lover.

Phaedra had just finished easing herself in a bush near where the had camped, Isran was resting, since she was the only one capable of fighting the skeleton monsters, she was always the most exhausted, Elysi had been entering the tent when she left and Red had been keeping watch.

Elysi didn’t understand much about capes, and wasn’t completely sure if entrusting keeping watch to the sentient piece of fabric was the best idea but she knew less about adventuring than the adventures she was travelling with so she didn’t bring up her concerns.

The closer she got to the tent the slower she moved.

“Are they…?” She whispered, coming to a stop.

The sounds of moans were low but she could hear them through the thin tent. Phaedra couldn’t help the blush that dusted her cheeks as she moved closer to the fire. She preferred heat stones but her stuff was left behind.

Phaedra shifted as she listened to the sounds from the tent. Sure she knew they were probably fucking when the entire expedition was together but they hadn’t since they had entered the new dungeon, then again they barely had the chance, Isran did almost die the night before.

“Oh… fuck.” Phaedra closed her eyes at the sound of Elysi’s moan. Listening was rude, it was their private thing and she was just listening but it wasn’t like she could give them privacy.



Closing her eyes made it worse. She was wondering what exactly it was that they were doing, she didn’t know that much about sex but Isran was an attractive woman, and so was Elysi… maybe their fingers? Mouths?

“Oh fuck you’re big.”

Phaedra’s eyes snapped open. Isran’s fingers were big? Her tongue? Her body? That was a weird phrase.

The moans continued and even with the sentence Phaedra had decided to latch onto she was still flustered by her companions having sex near her. She wasn’t much of a surgical person, lesser healers were but she was blessed so she didn’t need to know. She had spent her time studying scripture and some minimal history instead, the bodies of those around her were unnecessary for her healing.

That being said she knew something about reproductive organs. Vaginas and penises weren’t a foreign concept, though the thought made her blush. She did meet a reproductive healer once, there were differences in biology between the races, most particularly animalfolk and orcs but Isran was neither and Elysi was a female animalfolk.

Elysi’s voice turned breathier, and the sound of restrained panting Phaedra had decided was Isran grew fiercer. She wasn’t naive enough to not know that either one or both of her companions was approaching their orgasm, it was still very embarrassing to be listening to such a private moment.

Isran sounded… very hot when she came. Her groans and soft calls of Elysi’s name were making Phaedra shift in her seat. She sat quietly with her thighs pressed hard together as she waited for their orgasms to end. When the tent went quiet Phaedra let out a sigh of relief, only for the sound to continue barely a minute later.

By the time Elysi walked out of the tent Phaedra’s head had gone fuzzy from how much blood had rushed into her head. Her skin was much darker than her companions, but with how long she had been blushing the red must have pushed through her dark skin.

“Oh…” Elysi smiled sympathetically and sat opposite Phaedra, the ruins always providing impromptu furniture. “I’m sorr—”

“Oh tha—that’s okay.” Phaedra laughed nervously. She had a weird feeling Elysi was naked under her cloak and the thought did not help her nerves or the pressure that had built between her legs over the last hour.

Elysi leaned her cheek against her palm, her legs crossed. “Are you sure? You are looking light headed.”

Phaedra tried to laugh it off. “Oh, just--- the dungeon.”

“The dungeon… okay.”

Isran walked out at the tent and stopped when her eyes met Phaedra’s. The healer blushed and looked to side, her thoughts getting even more horny at the sight of Isran. The tall woman had a light sheen of sweat on her skin and her was a little wet and dishevelled. She looks so much better without her bulky armor. Her muscles showed through the thin fabric of her long-sleeved shirt and for the first time Phaedra looked down at Isran’s baggy pants as she sat beside her girlfriend.

And blinked.

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