Isran the Great

3.13 A little hex

Isran glanced at Phaedra as they walked. Since the night before she had been extra quiet, staring at her and turning her head away when she was caught. Isran wondered if they had made the healer uncomfortable when they fucked the previous night.

Isran wasn’t going to… but it had been a few days since she had had sex and Elysi looked so sexy. She wanted to resist her sexy girlfriend, but she just couldn’t bring herself to stop kissing the sheep girl, and fucking her. She had to start practicing self-restraint.

“I think those are goblins.” Isran looked past one of the many hills that filled the dungeon. Four blurry figures were walking around a large building less destroyed than the others. Elysi had pointed out the figures and drew her bow and one arrow.

“Why are they circling the building?” Phaedra frowned, moving closer to Isran.

Despite the circumstances Isran was glad she could answer the question, she had been reading enough of the books Morgana had given her that she knew enough about some of the monsters.

“Goblins like to pretend they’re protecting things, it’s considered a tactic to make people think they’re adventurers. Though sometimes they are protecting ore they have stolen, or even gear form adventurers.”

Elysi smiled up at Isran, and although Isran’s face couldn’t be seen beneath her helmet she still blushed fiercely from the proud look on her girlfriend’s face.

“What do you want to do?” Phaedra asked them, wringing her hands nervously.

Isran frowned and though a little. “We can always move in a different direction and avoid them all together. Goblins are apparently some of the smarter monsters, we might expect a certain number and get ambushed by many more.”

“If we had someone with a trap class we could’ve been more safe against that but we don’t.” Elysi added.

Phaedra looked between them and the goblins. “Why don’t we ask RED. It always seems to know when there’s danger around.”

Isran and Elysi blinked at the healer. “You’re considering we fight?”

Phaedra brushed some hair behind her ear nervously and lowered her head. “Well, it must suck to come to the dungeons and not get the experience or loot you hoped. If we’re hiding in a dungeon, you should at least be able to…”

Isran smiled and patted her helmet gently, Red floated down into her hands. Communicating with the cape was a bit rocky, it sometimes seemed extremely intelligent and then sometimes it either wouldn’t respond or misunderstand her.

“How many goblins are present?”

“That’s a spec—”

Elysi stopped speaking when the cape formed a five with its fabric form. The three women blinked at it.

“Woah.” Phaedra whispered in wonder.

“Capes truly are unique.” Red dove into Elysi’s cleavage at her words and remained there as they moved off the hill.

“You can’t stay there forever buddy, you need to help me fight.” Red only buried itself further at Isran’s words causing the three women to laugh gently.

“I’ll keep you safe.” Isran smiled down at Phaedra, pushing her helmet up a bit.

The dark-skinned healer blushed and looked away. “Thank you. I—I’ll heal you too.”

Isran laughed gently as she put on her helmet properly and pulled Red out of Elysi’s breasts. The cape strained briefly but sagged and wrapped itself around Isran’s armored arm.

They hid a good distance away, but close enough that the monsters were much clearer. Isran was thankful that her armor didn’t make a lot of noise when she moved, she had no idea whether it was the metal or the build quality but she would make sure to thank Jayn when she got back to Kestin.

“Two skeletons.” She mumbled, watching the bony monsters moving in a less coordinated fashion as compared to their goblin counter parts.

The goblins were much of what Isran had expected when she drew closer. Sickly green skin and absolutely ugly features. Their noses were like mangled versions of gnome noses and they were all bald.

One had a short sword, the other held a spear with a buckler shield and the third held a mace. The skeletons were defenseless.

“How do you think we should move forward?” Elysi whispered, two arrows held at a loose stance with the bow.

Isran thought carefully about how to proceed. The skeletons would be a problem if they spotted Elysi, but she was also very sure the goblins would need a proper beating to die. The monsters were also too close to each other, if she rushed in to attack the skeletons she would be overwhelmed.

“The goblin with the mace seemed bigger than the others, I’m hoping that means he’s slower than them. Hit his friends as I take care of the skeletons.”

Elysi hummed and Isran got into position to dash out at the skeletons, waiting for the two to be close together so she could hopefully finish them off with one blow.

The skeletons were not expecting Isran, as she had hoped. She heard Elysi’s arrows hit hard surfaces as she rammed the two skeletons into a boulder nearby, not having enough time to swing her sword.

The spiky ball of the mace swung over her head as she slammed the skeletons’ heads harder into the boulder.













Isran dismissed the message and pushed hard against the boulder, moving back to avoid another swing of the mace.

Like she was blessed by a god the mace got stuck in a lone pillar a few paces to her right and Isran wasted no time slashing at the goblin. Not only were the things ugly as fuck, they smelt horrible as well.

She heard Elysi’s arrow whiz past as she kicked the goblin away from her. Her slash had buried the sword in the goblin's side but had not killed the monster. It screeched and tried to reach her, thrashing against the greatsword.

A kick forced the goblin to slide off her sword and thunk to the ground. As soon as it did Isran was upon it, sword raised high. She thrust the sword downward hard, slicing through the goblin’s head, and wincing when smelly blue blood sprayed out, some hitting her lips from under the helmet.






Isran dismissed the notification and looked up at the other two goblins. One was already dead and the other died a second later when an arrow buried into its eye socket.

Isran sighed in relief. It was a good fight. Considering goblins were more intelligent monsters she had expected a more difficult fight but she guessed ambushing them had negated the little intelligence they had. Isran looked around and after asking Red for good measure she yelled to her girlfriend and… friend? That the coast was clear.

“It felt good to get that notification.” Elysi smiled as she got closer to Isran. “I hate skeletons.”

Isran smiled and tasted a bit of the goblin’s blood in her mouth. It tasted so putrid that the only thing she could do was tear off her helmet and vomit the food she had eaten a few hours before.

Elysi got her water and Phaedra put her hands on her head to heal her. The healer had explained that she needed contact with the patient’s body to heal.

“I’m okay.” Isran winced as she gulped down water and washed her mouth some more. “Tasted goblin blood.”

“Your health was down a bit.” Phaedra frowned. “The blood might have hexing effects. I’ll check in an hour to be sure.”

Isran let the healer mumble about hexes as she worked to get the taste of goblin blood out of her mouth.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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