It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 28

The last few days, although very difficult for me, showed obvious progress in my skills, giving me more motivation.

Finally, the week passed, and on the evening of the seventh day, my sister and I sat on the couch and talked.

"Sister, I have to go to school tomorrow. I understand that you're worried, but I think if I come back on time, nothing will happen. Besides, there have been no news from that guy. It's just so boring at home, and my friends worry about me."

Seeing her pleading look and listening to her soft tone persuading me, I had already agreed in my heart.

Although it would be dangerous, she needed social interaction. But I would accompany her and make sure she was safe.

During these days, she had already noticed how different I was from the previous Eleanor. Two nights ago, when I was about to go shopping, she called to help me.

In the end, I don't know how it happened, but three guys started to harass us. After they fell to the ground with swollen faces, I noticed the glowing eyes of my sister.

Honestly, it brought me pleasure, but it annoyed me that she often compared me to that actor. In my mind, I was born with the ability to fight for real without the need for choreography like in movies.

But seeing how strong she perceived me to be, it seemed to alleviate her worries.

And finally, on that day, she suggested going to school, and I agreed.

Seeing how she happily talked on the phone with her classmates and friends, I felt better.

Although I often curse the unfortunate circumstances that made me a killer, there were many other options.

But it's all in the past, and I've come to terms with it. Even thoughts of killing people weren't something extraordinary. It was just noticeable that my thoughts were sometimes too radical due to the circumstances I found myself in.

The next morning, after sending her off to school and making sure she was fine, I went on reconnaissance.

I recalled the information I read on the website.

[Adrian Blackwood, a well-known businessman with ties to various criminal organizations. He is often seen in his luxurious penthouse in the city center. He loves expensive cars and is frequently accompanied by a team of bodyguards. He is well-protected, and infiltrating his circle will be crucial for a successful assassination.]

The target was not an ordinary gangster like last time; this time he was well-known. According to the information, he held considerable authority. Also, unlike the previous person, they would be much more dangerous if the information was to be believed.

After making the decision, I decided to verify some information and headed to the city center.

Half an hour passed, and I emerged from the subway, then began strolling through various streets. I turned on my phone and searched for the building's name to find its location. But I couldn't, as it wasn't marked on the maps.

I had to casually ask passersby and, following their directions, soon found myself looking at a tall building.

Only at that moment did I realize my situation, and it seemed like the price for this mission was too low.

The building in front of me was entirely made of glass, with the penthouse of this person on top.

Apart from the entrance through the main door, there were no other ways, except maybe landing from above. But that was beyond my capabilities and budget for now.

Looking at the numerous guards around the building and observing their behavior, it was clear they were well-trained, unlike last time.

I had two choices: to infiltrate the building and eliminate the target, or catch them off guard when they would come out on the street.

"It would be easier if I had a sniper rifle."

Sighing, I could only mutter to myself weakly.

Judging by what I saw, the security was very strict, making it several times more difficult to get inside than outside. The problem with the second option was that I had no information about the target's movements.

There was one way to find out, to observe him. But that also required a lot of time. Considering the fact that seven days had already passed since accepting the mission, I had a remaining total of 14 days.

Two weeks to eliminate him. Fortunately, time was quite abundant. Although I didn't know if it would be enough for me.

After finishing my observation, I returned back, calling my sister along the way. She still had two classes left, so I headed towards the school and waited nearby.

Sitting in a café, a short distance from the school, I sipped my coffee. The café seemed quite popular, as people frequently came and went.

Unable to resist, I ordered myself an ice cream. Suddenly, three girls walked into the café.

They were wearing school uniforms similar to my sister's. They appeared to be classmates, as they were around the same age as her.

Glancing briefly at them, my focus returned to the school.

At that moment, the three of them walked past me, speaking in loud voices.

"She really annoys me."

"Yeah, it was great not having her around for a week. I got to talk to Michael a bit more. But as soon as she came back to school, Michael's attention shifted back to her."


It was a conversation among the three girls. They seemed dissatisfied with their classmate.

Continuing to enjoy my coffee and eventually indulging in the ice cream, I finally saw Isabella leaving the school, holding her phone in her hand.

My phone rang in my pocket, and when I checked, it was her.

"Yes, wait a minute, I'll come to you."

I immediately left the café and headed towards her across the street.

"Oh... You went to the café without me, that's not fair!"

I was about to call her, but she had already spotted me coming from where I had left.

Feeling a bit embarrassed, I smiled at her and suggested, "Then, shall we go there before heading home?"

She didn't hear me, simply waiting for me to make the suggestion. After that, she took my hand and pulled me towards the café.

Entering the café again, I was about to ask her what she wanted to order. But at that moment, Isabella suddenly raised her voice and called someone.

"Hey, Olivia, you came here without me!"

Looking in the direction where my sister called, I recognized the three girls. They were sitting there, drinking coffee and talking. And when Isabella spotted them, one of the girls smiled at her and spoke.

"Oh, Isabella, we didn't plan to come. We just felt like it. Join us."

My sister pulled me towards them, standing in front of them and pointing at me with her hand.

"Meet my sister. She's four years older than me."

"Nice to meet you."

They nodded their heads, and for some reason, their movements became more modest than before. It was not the same bold demeanor they had when they first entered the café. And it seemed they didn't even recognize me sitting next to them.

I nodded as well.

"My name is Eleanor. Nice to meet you too."

"I'm Olivia."

"I'm Amelia."

"And I'm Evelyn."

They introduced themselves in turn, and then they slightly moved to make room for us to sit.

Sitting next to them, I carefully observed their relationship with Isabella. Judging by their earlier remarks, they clearly didn't like someone, and I suspected it might be Isabella.

She also returned to school today after a week.

Soon, my suspicion was confirmed, as they deliberately or unintentionally steered the conversation towards a boy named Michael.

They clearly disliked Isabella but pretended in front of her. Somehow, a sense of suspicion arose within me.

Has anything changed when I came into this world? Why has everyone around me become potential enemies? Or is it because I haven't paid attention and couldn't see certain things in the past?

After talking for a while, the three of them stood up, bid us farewell, and left.

In that moment, Isabella was slowly sipping her coffee, watching them leave through the window.

"Isabella, are you close to that boy named Michael?"

"Huh?... No, we're just classmates."

She looked at me and said, then turned her gaze back to the distant school.

"You know..."

I wanted to tell her that those three weren't honest with her, but she interrupted me.

"Sister, maybe if I hadn't seen those photos you showed me that day, I would have been naive. But when I came to school today, I noticed some things I hadn't noticed before."

The image of a beautiful girl looking out the window while sipping tea and speaking softly fascinated me.

But it seemed that at that moment, she had a more mature temperament than before.

"They were talking about you before you came. It was also connected to a guy named Michael. What do you think, is he a good guy?"

Upon hearing my question, she looked at me, smiled, and spoke.

"I don't know, I can't be as certain as before. Before learning these things, I would have thought he was kind. But who knows if he really is."

As she spoke, she looked melancholic, which made me change the subject.

"Alright, don't think about it, just be careful, that's all. I'll protect you, don't worry. Let's go?"

She nodded and stood up, and I followed her.


Entering the house, I wanted to refresh myself with cold water because it was very hot outside today. As I walked towards the kitchen, I heard sounds from behind. My sister was doing something. While sipping water, I headed towards her.

I saw her trying to create something, and when I was about to ask, she saw me and spoke first.

"Wait, I'll be done in a moment."

As she said, a few minutes later she finished her task. And before us appeared a simple board. I couldn't remember when she bought it, but I didn't ask any questions.

She stood in front of the whiteboard, holding a marker in her hand.

"So, let's talk about what we're going to do with your mission."

She drew a simple figure in the center, and then she asked me.

"Tell me the information about him again."

Following her words, I began to recount what I knew and what I had learned today. As I spoke, Isabella started drawing on the board and writing down some of the things I said.

Finally, she stopped doing that and looked at the picture she had created.

"So, based on the information, he seems to be a bad person. It's not so bad if we do this. Although it's selfish and wrong thinking. But we don't have a choice, right?"

I could only nod helplessly as she looked at me and asked a question. But I added as well.

"For now, we don't have a choice, but in the future, we will."

"Let's leave the future for the future." She shifted her gaze back to the board and seemed to be contemplating.

"Do you think you can infiltrate the building and get him out?"

Coming closer to the board, I stood next to her and looked at the picture as well.

"Well, I'm not sure about that. But to do that, we definitely have to do it without weapons. Even through the glass, they check everyone for weapons."

"Yeah... and without them, you have little confidence, right?"

Looking into her blue eyes, I pondered and spoke.

"Yes, there is something missing. I'm more concerned about what to do after the target is eliminated. I don't know the interior layout, which is a problem. It's very likely that it's also guarded inside, and besides, we can't do without surveillance cameras now."

As she listened to my words, she began to draw on the board as well. Soon, a camera appeared there, along with a building plan with a question on it.

After that, we stood there and thought for a few minutes without speaking. Suddenly, I saw her quickly glance at me, and then she headed to my room under my puzzled gaze.

She soon returned with a laptop in her hands, and as she started up the system, she accessed the dark web.

Switching tabs quickly, we finally came across the tab labeled "reconnaissance." Upon entering, another marketplace appeared. However, unlike the last time when I bought items, this time other objects appeared before our eyes.

I hadn't considered this before, which surprised me. The screen displayed various pieces of information, with the assigned price on the right side.

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