It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 29

Several days later...

In the evening, one of the commercial streets was as usual, with bright lights from street lamps visible everywhere. One of the prestigious buildings on this street was brightly illuminated at the moment.

In a corner nearby, where the building was easily visible, stood a car. Inside the car, a girl sat behind the wheel, her face partially obscured. Red hair tied in a ponytail could be seen from behind.

Her dark blue eyes sparkled in the night as she continuously stared at the building.

Suddenly, a voice rang in her ear.

"Rosa, the target is starting to move. Be ready."

Upon hearing those words, she immediately straightened her lazy posture. With one hand on the ignition key and the other on the steering wheel, she waited.

Under her observation, several black cars soon started emerging from the underground parking lot.

"Rosa, according to the information, those cars are armored. Be careful..."


Responding to the voice, her eyes gleamed with coldness. She turned the key, the sound of the engine came to life, and she began following the black cars.

She had to keep an eye on the target and find an opportunity to eliminate it.

Moving forward slowly, she opened the passenger-side compartment with her free hand.

Inside was a weapon, an automatic rifle. She had bought it with the money from her last mission, and now it would come in handy. She just needed to find a chance to eliminate the target.

As she drove along the main road, she had to gradually accelerate. The target had entered the central road and picked up speed.

"Rosa, it seems they are heading towards the city exit... This significantly increases the risk level. Are you sure you want to continue?"


As soon as her voice dropped, she made a sharp movement, shifting gears, causing the speed to increase.

If there had been an opportunity, she would have done it right on the road, but it would also lead to unnecessary casualties. Later on, she would attract more attention from the government.

Looking at the few cars ahead, she followed them without leaving any gaps.

This went on for almost half an hour until the cars ahead started slowing down at one point. Following suit, Rosa also reduced her speed.

The three black cars slowed down enough to make a turn leading to the private houses not far from the city.

"It seems they have a meeting. I'm asking you one last time, Rosa... Are you sure?"

Once again, a voice rang in her ear, but this time she did not respond as her actions demonstrated her determination.

Without hesitation, she turned after the bend and left the main road towards the private houses, pursuing the three black cars.

At that moment, she didn't notice the taxi, which also gradually slowed down and followed her.


Passing through several turns, all the cars slowed down to a very low speed. The streetlights in this area were not as bright as on the main road, making the surroundings appear darker.

But the bright lights illuminated the path ahead very well. Many cozy and beautiful yards and private houses could be seen.

Following them, Rosa was also cautious. She even turned off the lights of her car to avoid being noticed by the other side. Fortunately, the road was lit, allowing her to navigate using the faint light.

After going through several turns, the three cars finally stopped near a house.

Rosa also stopped nearby and observed them. Soon, the target she was supposed to eliminate stepped out of the black car. But as she reached for her rifle to aim, the other party entered the gate.

Realizing that she had missed her chance, she clicked her tongue. Taking the bag from the box, she packed a semi-automatic weapon and two grenades into it. She attached two pistols to her belt in specially designed holsters.

Finally, she stepped out of the car, slinging the bag over her shoulder. Glancing at the fence near the house, she pondered for a moment and headed towards it.

Carefully avoiding the guards in the distance, she gradually approached the fence. Just as she was about to climb it to infiltrate the premises, a bright light from a nearby streetlamp illuminated the area.

She halted her movements and stood there silently. A taxi turned away from the house where her target was located.

Waiting for the headlights to disappear, she gathered her strength and leaped upwards, grabbing onto the edge of the fence where she could hang.

Afterwards, she adjusted her position and effortlessly climbed to the top of the fence. Maintaining her posture, she lifted her head slightly and looked inside.

The area was quite spacious, even featuring a small lawn. There were several light fixtures on the ground, as well as a small bridge.

A few people carrying weapons with flashlights could be seen walking back and forth across the lawn. They occasionally whispered into their shoulder-mounted radios, increasing the risk of being detected if she were to incapacitate anyone.

Waiting for the patrol to pass by and move away for a while, she exerted force with her legs and arms. Vaulting over the top of the fence, she began to descend straight downwards.

Her landing, somersault, and swift retrieval of her weapons were quick and exhilarating. Surveying her surroundings, she ensured that it was clear. Bending down, she proceeded forward, gradually making her way across the lawn.

Cautiously bypassing the nearby guard, she finally reached the door. Upon observation, she noticed a camera near the entrance. As she contemplated what to do, a figure flashed above her, casting a shadow on the ground.

Reacting swiftly, she adjusted the pistol's aim upwards towards the roof of the building.

But it was already empty up there; she couldn't grasp what it had been. Dismissing it as some kind of animal, she focused her attention on the camera.

"Are there surveillance cameras? Can we make it appear as a malfunction for a few seconds?" she whispered, sitting quietly in the shadow and awaiting a response.

"It will be done in 5 seconds. The disruption will last approximately 14 seconds."

The countdown began immediately, and Rosa was ready. As soon as the 5 seconds elapsed, a voice said, "Done."

She sprang into action, swiftly opening the door and entering inside.

"Alright, I'm inside. Is scanning possible?"

"Yes, we've already hacked into the system. The target is on the second floor... On your left, someone is approaching..."

Just as she was about to inquire about the target's location, random information from her accomplices prompted her to quickly take a few steps to the side and enter a corner.

With the sound of footsteps, a person in ordinary attire gradually drew nearer. He held a shotgun in his hands.

Rosa watched as the man opened the door and shot at the camera, followed by a conversation over his shoulder-mounted radio, where they discussed the camera malfunction.

After waiting a few seconds, the man confirmed that the camera was working properly and proceeded in the direction he had come from.

"To your right, it's clear. You can also proceed from that side. Then, take the stairs and on the left, at the end of the corridor, there's a door... The target entered that room where there are no cameras. You seem to have an opportunity, but we can't provide information about the situation inside... Be cautious."

Ready to proceed without hesitation, Rosa aimed her weapon ahead and began walking towards the right.

The report, which was being narrated by a voice, reached zero. Without any hesitation, she quickly began to walk. Soon, she entered a room with a staircase. The camera in that area immediately turned off for a few seconds, giving her the opportunity to slip upstairs.

As she looked around on the second floor corridor, there was no one. Effortlessly, she finally reached the door where her target had entered.

Leaning against the door, she first tried to listen for any movement inside, but there was nothing.

Although she had some suspicions, she cautiously grabbed the doorknob, quickly turned it, and entered the room, aiming her gun at the people inside.

However, she immediately stopped near the door. The room was dark, but not so much that she couldn't see the situation.

At that moment, her mission target lay on the floor near a table with a visible cut on the neck.

Apart from him, there was only one figure sitting at a desk, typing something on a computer.

When she opened the door, the other side also reacted, and now two guns were pointed at each other.

Rose noticed that the other side was also a girl, her lower face was covered, and she wore a special uniform that Rose had seen but not purchased.

At that moment, two pairs of eyes stared at each other, pointing guns at each other. Neither of them spoke or shot.

The situation was tense and irregular.

While Rose was thinking about what to do in such a situation, the other side, who had already stood up from her seat and aimed at her, released her grip and lightly pressed on the computer.

Rose didn't understand what she had done, but the fact of the action was evidenced by the quick lights projected onto the girl's uniform.

"Rose, what's the situation? Tell us..."

"The target is dead..."

"Okay, calm down..."

"Not by me..."

As she spoke, she paused and looked into the gray eyes.

"There is someone else here who also came for the target. Now she is aiming at me, and I'm aiming at her."

As she spoke, the girl pointing the gun at her tilted her head slightly.

"Are you also here to kill him?"

A voice was heard, causing Rose to narrow her eyes. She only heard an indifferent voice without any panic or fear, which reminded her of something.

"Yes... Who are you?"

Restraining herself, Rose asked a question.


But the other side didn't answer her question and asked a different one, which made Rose understand one thing.

It seems they are both participants in the dark network.

She didn't answer, but the other side hesitated for a few seconds and asked the question again.

"What's the reward?"

This question slightly puzzled Rose, but after hesitating for a few seconds, she answered.

"20,000 MQE-P."


Immediately after she said those words, she clearly saw the other side momentarily lose control of her emotions and curse.

"Alright... I completed the mission first, so I should be given the reward. Since you're not an enemy, just leave..."

As she spoke, still aiming at Rose, she circled around the desk, getting closer to the target's body. Taking out her phone from her pocket, she took a flash photograph, and it seemed like she sent it to someone.

This movement made Rose feel uneasy. Certain memories emerged in her consciousness, causing her to clench her teeth.

The other side clearly ignored her, seemingly not considering her an equal in strength.

Maintaining her posture, she waited for the moment to strike her opponent. She was confident in her close combat skills.

After undergoing an experiment, she acquired the ability to learn quickly, which allowed her to grasp what would take others several years in just a short amount of time.

Luck seemed to be on her side as the other side, holding a phone and aiming at her, received a message. This momentary distraction gave her a chance.

Without hesitation, Rose swung her naked arm and successfully struck the opponent's hand, causing the gun to fly sideways and fall to the ground.

She didn't wait for any reaction; as soon as her foot touched the ground, her other leg lifted into the air.

Twisting her waist, she fiercely struck towards the opponent's abdomen. Such a blow could throw the enemy off balance and even stun them for a few seconds.

However, her eyes widened as she stared at what unfolded before her. The opponent quickly dodged to the side, turning their waist, and she couldn't retract her leg in time.

The opponent had already grabbed her leg, using the same move Rose used. She twisted her waist and kicked her foot against their abdomen.

Realizing her actions, she could do nothing but block the direction of the strike with both hands.

Soon, a sharp pain shot through her arms...

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