It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 30

Rose took a few steps back, feeling a searing pain in her hands. The blow from the other side had been quite strong. But she quickly regained her composure and shook her hands, assuming a stance that resembled boxing. However, her fists were not clenched. With a careful gaze towards the other side, she heard the following words:

"You know, because of someone, I hesitate to kill innocent people... but if you continue, I can definitely consider your killing as a pretext for my own."

Listening to those words, Rose gritted her teeth and took a step forward. She intended to teach the other side a lesson for their arrogance.

"Well... since you've decided on this, then..."

As she took a step forward, she heard more words from the other side. Following her lead, the girl in combat attire slowly assumed a battle stance. This action slightly excited Rose because it indicated that the other side was taking the fight seriously.

Suppressing her anxieties, she recalled the words of her mentor.

"Maintain your composure so that you can engage in combat with formidable opponents..."

She had only escaped that dreadful place with the help of this person. When she began training to become strong enough to surpass her twin sisters, she worked day and night, following her savior's guidance. Gradually, her experience in assassinations and mission execution reached a certain level. This gave her confidence in her progress. However, every time she remembered her sister's face, she clenched her teeth and continued her training.

And finally, when she no longer felt overshadowed by her sister in completing missions, the same attitude and indifference resurfaced, bringing her memories to the surface. Thinking about how satisfying it would be to wipe that similar expression of her sister's emotions off her face, a sense of joy welled up within her.

In the next moment, she adjusted her posture and mood, carefully observing her opponent. In this quiet atmosphere, they stared at each other. Rose could no longer bear it and took a step forward, swinging her fist.

The other side easily dodged her attack, their expression unchanged.

"Well, judging by your movements, you're still a novice. So let me quickly finish this..."

The other side muttered to themselves, and Rose heard it clearly because the room was too quiet.

She felt anger ignite within her, and once again, she stepped forward and delivered another blow. But this time, she didn't stop and followed up with a second and third consecutive strike, thinking she could hit her opponent this time.

In the next moment, she felt a swift and precise punch from her opponent landing on her stomach. Her breath immediately halted as she tried to grasp what had just happened.

Another punch came, a clean blow to the side, causing her to turn her head.

The next blow hit her in the ribs, and she could no longer maintain control as her opponent's strikes were too fast and accurate for her to handle.

Dazed, she began to stagger, but another punch landed directly on her face, making her recoil towards the door.

Just when she thought it was over, the opponent swiftly turned on their heel and delivered a kick to her chest, propelling her out of the room and onto the ground.

It took a few seconds for her to comprehend the situation and attempt to breathe. Due to the opponent's strike to her solar plexus, she couldn't breathe, and a sense of desperation and pain spread throughout her body.

Lying on the ground, she trembled as she tried to catch her breath, listening to a male voice coming through the earpiece.

"Rose! Are you okay?"

Trembling from what she was feeling, she finally managed to take a breath.

"Rose, quickly get up. People downstairs heard the commotion and are coming towards you."

Desperately inhaling air to fill her lungs, she widened her eyes and instinctively looked back towards the room. She only saw the figure's back as they leaped out of the window, executing agile movements.

"Rose! Snap out of it. They're already coming for you."

She quickly reached out her hands and grabbed the backpack on her back upon hearing a masculine voice. Despite her trembling hands and body aches, she managed to open the bag and pull out a rifle.

"Using a grenade, there are too many people there."

Following the voice's instructions, she also retrieved a grenade and immediately pulled the pin, throwing it into the corridor.

Without hesitation, she stood up and, rifle in hand, headed towards the room by the window where the mysterious girl had gone.

Only to hear the sounds of gunfire, followed by the cries of people below.

"Enemy detected swiftly..."

When she finally reached the window, the grenade she had thrown exploded. A wave of vibrations swept through the house, but she paid no attention to the blast. Her gaze was already fixed on the figure lying on the ground.

As she tried to aim at the figure with her trembling hands and press the trigger, she abruptly stopped.

Because she saw how the enigmatic girl effortlessly fired three shots while running.

The guards who were aiming at her, just like she was, immediately began to fall one after another.

While she was stunned by this site, the figure ran towards the fence. Jumping right onto it, she agilely climbed the stairs and, making a swift and precise movement, fell to the other side, disappearing from her view.

"What the hell..."

She unconsciously uttered those words...

"Rosa, what the hell are you still doing there, run!"

She followed the figure and jumped out of the window, passing by the three corpses, heading towards the fence.

Climbing over it, she tried to understand and act like the mysterious girl, but realizing her precarious situation, she could only climb carefully to the top.

A few minutes later, she was already sitting in her car, stepping on the gas and speeding towards the city.

"Rosa, are you okay?"

A masculine voice could be heard.

"I'm fine."

"Good, come back as soon as possible. Our actions have caused quite a commotion... Can you explain what happened there?"

"I'll tell you as soon as I get there..."


The conversation ended, leaning back in the seat, she looked at the road.

At that moment, she couldn't describe her feelings in any way; she was overwhelmed by suppressed emotions. Clenching her teeth, she punched the steering wheel, immediately feeling the pain in her hand.

"Damn... who the hell are you... even my sister isn't that strong..."

Her initial determination and confidence turned to dust as she fell to the ground after the enemy's attack.

In such mixed emotions, she finally returned to the base.

Parking the car a short distance away, she got out and made her way towards the high-rise building. At that moment, the pain in her body and fatigue made her walk somewhat unnaturally.

Entering what seemed like an ordinary building, a corridor opened up in front of her. Approaching the door at the end of the corridor, she unlocked it with a special key and opened the door.

The entrance room was ordinary, but as she opened the door to another room, a different scene unfolded before her.

There were multiple screens showing various incomprehensible images flickering with symbols. Some displayed specific surveillance cameras, even the place where Rosa had been some time ago.

Behind these screens sat a middle-aged man wearing glasses. Upon hearing her open the door, he turned and approached Rosa.

Sitting on the couch, Rosa pushed her backpack aside.

"Rosa, how are you?"

She didn't answer, only started unbuttoning her shirt, revealing a bruise on her side.

A man held her face, lifting her head, and keenly noticed a bruise on her face. Additionally, there was a bit of blood near her nose.

"What happened there?" he asked, walking away to return with a first aid kit in his hands.

"How should I know... It seems like she also took it upon herself to eliminate this person... Ouch..."

She paused her narration when the man touched her side.

"Go on," he urged.

"As I told you, when I entered, she had already killed the target. Then a fight broke out between us..."

She seemed reluctant to share certain details, but the man ignored it and continued her words.

"So they beat you up and threw you out of that room, right?"

She could only nod in response, releasing her head.

"Alright, now tell me everything, but in more detail."


(First person)

When I opened the door and entered, I could see my sister sitting in the living room, holding a laptop.

She appeared slightly nervous, but upon seeing me, she relaxed.

As I sat before her, I gradually relaxed as well. I never thought those people who forced me into this mission would target someone else as well.

Recalling the face of that girl, it seemed like this world was more dangerous than it appeared.

As I thought about what happened during these days, strong arms enveloped me in an embrace. The sister who sat in front of me now held me tightly, and I could feel a slight tremor.

Extending my hand, I cautiously placed it on her back and began to stroke gently. In these few days, as the final day for the missions drew closer, her nerves became increasingly strained. I frequently went to observe the target, but there were no opportunities. I had no choice but to wait for the target to leave the building.

After obtaining some information, we learned that the building was heavily guarded.

Infiltrating it posed a high risk, so my sister and I could only wait for the right moment. If it didn't work out, I would have to enter.

Fortunately, I was prepared, and when the target left the house, I followed and discovered other people carrying out the same task. Moreover, the money offered by the other side was clearly more than what I received.

I was already prepared to kill her, but upon hearing movement downstairs, I quickly exited through the window and made my way down.

Luckily, the scene was chaotic, and I managed to kill those two and escape. I was puzzled by the loud explosion I heard, but there was no time to pay attention to it.

Looking at my sister in my arms, I softly asked,

"Sister, did you send the photo?"


Her voice came in a hushed tone, and I understood why she was like that. After seeing the other assassin, I sent her updates on the situation and asked her to send a photo to our employer.

It was the best way to prove that I was the first to complete the mission, reducing the risk for both of us.


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