Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 19

Luckily, it didn't turn out to be as difficult as I feared. Acceptable results appeared in just four hours. Right now, I don't need to become a Take-Over Magic master, all I need to do is learn how to properly capture an Angel Soul. 

Now I understand how to do it and everything should work out. Not the first time, of course, and maybe not even the tenth, but in the end I will take the Soul of Arariel. 

Luckily, the sphere containing the Angel's Soul makes it very easy to capture. It was specially made for this. And since the consciousness of Arariel disappeared long ago, the Soul should not show any signs of resistance.

Even if earlier at least some instincts in the Soul were preserved that could resist, then after three bearers who suppressed them, and several centuries of stagnation, there was nothing left.

It will be necessary, by the way, to create a couple of such spheres, they can come in handy. For example, if I meet creatures that can be used for Take-Over Magic and even if they don't suit me, then I'll just sell them to someone. 

Luckily, the book included the process of making them. I can't make them myself, but I think a person who specializes in creating Magic Items can handle it. 

'Okay, I think I'm ready. It's time to do it.' - I thought as I approached the stand with the Soul Sphere. 

Taking a sphere the size of a bowling ball in my hands, I moved a little to the side and sat in the lotus position. Resting the orb on my knees, I closed my eyes and rested my hands on the orb itself. After that, I started trying to create a Magic Circle to absorb the Soul. 

This is the first time I've ever done this since my Magic works differently, but luckily creating Circles is very similar to creating my runes for spells. But still, it was a completely different experience, and actually a completely different Magic, in which I have absolutely no experience, so any Magic Circle that I tried to create was destroyed almost immediately. 

After fifteen attempts it got better, but the stability was still not enough. But with each failure, I got the experience I needed so much, and each time I was closer to luck. 

Fortunately, I had enough Magical Energy for all these attempts. And so, after another two hours, and forty destroyed Magic Circles, I managed to create a stable spell, which I immediately directed at the sphere. 

When the Magic Circle touched the sphere, it shone and the surrounding space was engulfed in azure light. At that moment, the Soul of Arariel was captured by my Magic Power and forcibly sent to my Ethernano Container, where it will be stored from now on, so that I can use its transformation at any time.

As I thought, no resistance was offered and everything went off without a hitch. When the Soul of the Angel was completely captured and fixed in my Container, I decided to immediately turn into Arariel to check if everything was working as it should. 

Luckily, even with my frankly shitty knowledge of Take-Over Magic, activating the transformation itself is a piece of cake. All I have to do is send a steady stream of my Magic Power into Arariel's soul, and until the Ethernano ends, I can keep the transformation. 

Having previously pulled out the full-length mirror that I created on the first day, I began the transformation. Calling to the soul of Arariel, the azure magical energy completely covered my body and it began to change. 

First I got taller. If earlier I was 185 centimeters, now I have grown to 200 centimeters. Then two pairs of angel wings appeared behind me. The first pair were large, three meters in span. And the second was quite small, only half a meter in scope. 

The wings themselves were blue in color and had a silver-colored metallic finish on the top. After the appearance of the wings, the azure light disappeared and I was able to see my new appearance. 

On the hands, up to the elbow, there were metal silver mittens with a blue pattern. Boots of a similar design appeared on knee-deep legs. Thanks to the mirror, I saw the rest of my appearance. 

My whole head was hidden by a deep hood. The face was completely darkened and only a pair of glowing blue eyes were visible. In addition to gloves and boots, I was wearing only tight-fitting black shorts. The rest of my body was completely naked. 

All the visible part of my body was covered in tattoos, just like Jason Momoa as Aquaman, but the color of the tattoos themselves was bright blue. I looked chic and quite intimidating, even if I am an Angel.

Unless there were not enough clothes for my taste, but the tattoos are cool. It is immediately clear that I am connected with the sea and water. A real Sea Angel. I like that my face is completely hidden, it adds some mystery. Cool, what more can I say. 

With my current reserve, I can only be in this form for twenty minutes. I lose 4% of the reserve per minute. Although it doesn't seem like much, it's four times what Absolute Light consumes. 

After moving my body a bit to get used to the wings, I continued to examine my current appearance. Just at this point, the experience of previous users began to emerge. Every second I learned new possibilities of this transformation. 

Already now I can fly and control wings without any problems. But since there is quite a lot of information, it comes gradually and slowly. It will take some time. But I don't have to learn all the abilities of Arariel myself. 

Somehow it will be necessary to devote a day to check all the experience gained in practice. But now is not the right time. 

Having seen enough of himself and even tested the ability to create water, I decided to turn off the transformation. I really like this form. I used to think that the Soul of Arariel suits me, but now I am convinced that this is true. 

Looks like Angel Soul is the perfect Magic for me. Perhaps in the future it will be necessary to get another one. For example, Barakiel, the Lightning Angel, he must be quite strong, I don't mind getting his form. But for now, it's just an idea. 

After returning to my true form, I sent the mirror back into the ring, and headed towards the display with the Armor of the King of the Seas. Since I've successfully obtained the Soul of Arariel and have already verified its operation, it's time to get the armor itself. 

Approaching the armored dummy, I put my hand on the core of the Sea Serpent in the chest of the armor, and then began to channel Magic Power into the core. Due to the enchantment on the armor, only the owner of the Soul of Arariel can wear it, and now by directing the Ethernano into the core, I allow the armor to check for the presence of the Soul and Magical Energy of Arariel in my Ethernano Container, and also record me as a new owner. 

After a couple of minutes, the core shone a couple of times and I removed my hand. 

'Everything seems to be ready and I can put on the armor. Although…. how to do it?' - I thought looking at my armor already.

I've never worn knight armor and don't know how to wear it. All I know is that it's far from easy. Deciding to start with the helmet, I tried to take it off the dummy, but all of a sudden the whole Armor moved and jumped right at me. 

It became like a viscous liquid that completely covered my body, just like a Symbiont. What's odd is that the underarmor has also changed shape. 

Covering me completely the armor had returned to its former appearance and now I was dressed in a perfectly fitting light armor of silver color, with blue patterns and many Lacrimas inlaid into the armor. 

I also had a underarmor on, I felt it perfectly. The armor was surprisingly comfortable and light, weighing less than a kilogramme. Having jumped a little and made a couple of movements, I was convinced that the armor fits perfectly on me and does not interfere with my movements. 

Unfortunately, I can only test its effectiveness in combat, but I can already say that I am satisfied with its acquisition.

All that was left was to pick up the axe. Which I immediately did. Although first I need to bind it. Removing the metal glove from my hand, I made a small incision with the spell and dripped my fresh blood onto the Leviathan. 

The ax almost immediately absorbed the blood, after which it shone with a red light for a couple of seconds. This meant that Leviathan accepted me as his master and only I can now own it. 

Taking the Leviathan in my left hand, I waved it around a couple of times to get used to its weight and balance. After that, he sent some of his Magic Power into the ax to check if everything was in order with him. 

The Leviathan shone again for a couple of seconds, after which something unexpected happened. It seems that not only the Soul of Arariel can transfer the experience of previous users to a new owner, the ax is also capable of this. 

Although it was not written in the book, but knowledge about how to use the axe, its abilities and the ideal fighting style to use with Leviathan started to flow into my head. Comfortable. 

This time the information came quickly, so after ten minutes I knew everything that this ax could do, as well as how to fight with it. Although it gave me a terrible migraine. Small price. 

After casting an anesthetic spell, I swung the Leviathan again, but this time I did it like a real master who has years of experience with a two-handed axe.

'Great, I don't have to spend years learning how to use an axe. I'll just have to develop muscle memory, but with knowledge, it won't be difficult.' - I thought happily, waving it a few more times. 

After that, I sent the Leviathan to the spatial storage. As long as I don't need it. I also returned the armor to the mannequin, and I already sent it to the ring. I don't need armor either. 

Finally, I took the Sea Dragon Lacrima and sent it to the ring as well. Now in the main hall of the Temple, I have completely finished my business. It remains only to check other rooms and the basement. 

And since it's a safe and well-hidden place, I can finally examine Larcade's corpse and his belongings.


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