Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 20

Just as I thought, the Lacrima in the basement that kept the barrier around the Temple working was already on its last legs. 

Energy would be enough for just a few more years, 7-8 maximum. After that, the barrier would disappear and the whole place would be flooded.

Luckily, this Giant Lacrima, the size of a two-story building, could be refilled with Etherano and continue its work undisturbed. Lucky, otherwise I have no idea where to find such a large Lacrima.

Well, except to wait for the Tower of Heaven arc, when, thanks to a volley of Etherion, the entire tower turned into a huge Lacrima. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait.

But even so, all my reserve, which I poured into Lacrima, was enough to increase the duration of the barrier by only 30 years. But for now, that's enough. 

After resting and replenishing my reserve, I searched the rest of the Temple and found only one additional room. Except for the huge basement below, but there was only the Lacrima of the barrier. 

The room, as you might guess, belonged to the priest of Poseidon, who was still in it. The room itself was small, only 14 m². In addition to a simple bed on which lay a cassocked skeleton, the room contained a wooden wardrobe, a table, a chair, and a small bookcase. There was also a pantry, but it was empty. Looks like food was stored there. 

After checking several books that were in the closet, I did not find anything interesting. Several old maps of the sunken archipelago, a couple of history books and a local Poseidon Bible. 

This room is too small for me, so I won't use it. It is all the more terrible, since a lonely priest died here. You never know there is some kind of curse or ghost, this is still the world of Magic, there can be anything. 

Taking the cards, I destroyed all the contents of the room, after praying for the repose of the poor man who died here alone and thanking him for keeping the relics of his people for me. 

'Well, I guess stop putting it off.' - I thought as I walked back to the main hall in front of the Poseidon statue. 

Something makes me nervous. I don't want to see Larcade's face again, even if it's dead. But I need to figure out what's been going on with my body for the last couple of weeks. I'm sure it has to do with Larcade's death. 

Stop acting like a rag I pulled the body of Etherias and his weapons from the dimensional store. He still looked like shit, all gray, with a grimace of pain on his face.

I knelt down and began checking Larcade's clothes. Although his costume looked like a monk's robe, there were pockets on the inside. Unfortunately, there was only money. Even demons seem to need money. 

Having finished inspecting the clothes, which honestly was not very pleasant, I was about to inspect the cross, when I accidentally touched the demon's skin. After that, strange things began. 

Larcade's body shone with a bright white light (something shines too often today), after which the entire body of the demon dissolved, turning into particles of light, which immediately flew at me. 

Even though it was pretty creepy, I didn't try to dodge and let the particles of light that used to be Larcade touch my body. My intuition told me that for me it was harmless and even beneficial. I think this is what will end the changes that have begun with my body. 

When the particles made contact with my body, they ignored my clothes and immediately absorbed me until they disappeared. At that moment, I felt something forcefully penetrate my Ethernano Container. 

Because of that, a real storm of Magic Power started there. The more particles of Larcade entered the Container, the more the Magic Power went crazy and gradually it began to increase. This storm had been going on for 10 minutes, by which time the Container was already cracking with tension.

And I must say this is not very pleasant. I could only sit and endure terrible pain, as if from the depths of the very soul. Because of the storm in the Container, my Magic wasn't working properly, so I can't even use the pain relief spell. 

The madness in my Ethernano storage continued for another three hours, and all this time, in addition to terrible pain, I felt how the amount of my Magic Power increased, and my body became stronger. 

Half an hour later, I felt how a part of my Magic Power, about a third of the total volume, began to change into another type of Ethernano. If before, I had one type of Ethernano, which I used both for the "Light Écriture" and for the transformation into Arariel, now part of my Magic has changed to use a new type of magic. 

This kind of Ethernano was much more powerful than normal, and there was a certain contradiction in it. From this Magical Energy I felt a strong sacred, cleansing element, and at the same time I felt some kind of dirt and filth. 

I don't know how to describe it, but it really felt like given by Larcade's Magic. Not exactly the same, but there were similarities. 

After the appearance of a new kind of Ethernano, the storm in the Container began to gradually subside and the pain receded. Although, I still felt some changes, but it seems that the whole process has slowed down and now it just needs time. 

After a couple of minutes, everything seemed to be over and even the pain disappeared, and I was finally able to get on my feet.

'No, it's not over.' - I thought as I felt a burning sensation on my left arm, right under my new bracer. 

Quickly removing the bracer, I saw that a gold-colored tattoo gradually began to appear on my arm. This tattoo was similar in design to the tattoo that Gray Fullbuster received from his father when Silver passed Devil Slayer Magic to Gray.

'Hmm, as I thought, this is Devil Slayer Magic after all. When I cut off Larcade's hand, his blood got on my face, and later when he broke my nose, his blood must have entered my bloodstream. Perhaps this was the beginning of a ritual decreed by the Devil Slayer. 

Most likely, when I finished off Larcade, he released a small amount of these particles of light, which soaked into my body, but I did not notice it. And since then, changes have begun that have strengthened my physical data and feelings. 

I guess if I hadn't put Larcade's corpse in the ring right away, his entire body would have turned into these particles and I would have become a Devil Slayer even then. It's a good thing that didn't happen, otherwise I wouldn't have gone far and maybe Zeref would have found me. 

Due to the small number of particles absorbed, the changes were extremely slow and I didn't even notice the new magic appearing in my Source.' - I thought as I watched the tattoo gradually show itself fully. 

Now I'm officially a Light Devil Slayer, or Sacred, I don't even know how it sounds better. This is of course all good, like this Magic is quite strong and useful, especially against demons. 

I should now be able to create and control Anti-Demonic Light, be able to absorb light to replenish my powers and Magic Power like all Slayers, and I should also gain immunity to Devil Curses. 

And thanks to the strange feature of this Magic, I should be able to get information about a Devil just by watching it for a few seconds. About the abilities and weaknesses of any Devil. This would be very useful to me when fighting Larcade. 

Now I have real combat magic. "Light Ècuripte" is a great and versatile magic, but it lacks combat power, which is why I originally intended to become a Dragon Slayer. 

The trouble is which is like Devil Slayer Magic is very unstable. And it is assumed that over time this magic "absorbs" the soul, because of which the magician can go crazy. But in this regard, my intuition is silent and it seems that everything will be fine with me. Besides, everything was fine with Gray, so I think I have nothing to fear.

Now I have to develop this Magic from scratch and invent new spells. I don't have anyone to help me. Ehh... 

But that's all tomorrow, it's already late and a lot of interesting things happened today, and I'm tired of all these experiences. Therefore, using the statue of Poseidon as a material, I created a small stone house, which I immediately equipped, after which I fell asleep. 


After sleeping for almost 14 hours, I woke up full of energy and decided to test my new abilities. At least now I have noticed another increase in my physical data, as well as an improvement in my feelings. 

Now in my body the strength of at least 10 adult men, and my vision, hearing and sense of smell have improved several times more. It's good that all this is under control and I don't get information overload. But I think now, I can smell prey no worse than dogs. 

For a night of change that brought the Soul of Arariel and Devil Slayer Magic settled down, and the experience of owning the Leviathan became completely a part of me. It seems that with the advent of Slayer Magic, I got some instincts on how to use it, although everything is very superficial, but already now I can do something. 

Leaving the Temple, I took off the bracer again so that I could clearly see my new tattoo, which never disappeared. After applying the Devil Slayer Ethernano to my hand, namely the tattoo, I saw the golden tattoo glow slightly, after which white spots began to appear on my hand. Exactly the same as Grey's. 

It's kind of called Dark Matter (although mine is light) and it's a special ability of Devil Slayers that enhances my body and my abilities, as well as increasing my defense against demon attacks and attacks based on the Light element. 

I feel, that I can increase the expansion of these spots, which will increase my strength, but for now I do not need it. I just wanted to see if it works the same as Gray's. Everything seems to be great. 

Now, I think ai can try to create one spell. I will not go far from the classics. Moving away so as not to destroy anything, I stood up and closed my eyes. After that, I started channeling the Devil Slayer Ether into my lungs. 

And although it was just an idea, everything seems to be working. Taking a deep breath of air, so much so that my cheeks expanded like a hamster's, I began to add Ethernano down my throat.

'Light Devil's Rage.' - I thought, sharply opening my eyes, exhaling all the air and Ether forward. 

A white magic circle appeared in front of my mouth by itself, and an ultra-fast and thick beam of white-gold color light erupted from my mouth. It was so powerful that almost swept me aside, it's good that I resisted. 

A beam of light hit the roof of the temple and was about to hit the barrier, when I caught myself and dispelled it.

'Hmm, didn't know that was possible.' - I thought looking at the hole in the temple. I was afraid that the beam would break through the barrier and the whole place would be flooded, so I instinctively canceled the attack. I really didn't know that was possible. 

Well, the first spell is ready, it remains to create a couple of dozen more and everything will be fine. It's probably worth learning regular Light Magic, and maybe even Light-Making Magic if there is one, to complement this Magic and expand its repertoire. 

This way it will be much easier for me to develop this Magic. After all, Gray, who had just received Devil Slayer magic, immediately began to use it well, and all thanks to his knowledge of Ice Magic. 

'Here I finished my business, I can go further to Fiore', I thought as I returned to the temple to repair the roof.


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