Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 22

Mirajane stared in horror at what was happening in front of her. Now she was completely exhausted, she did not even have a crumb of Magic Power left, and her whole body was covered in wounds and bruises. It's amazing that she still hasn't passed out. 

Now her brother, Elfman, was rampaging in the form of the beast they had so recently defeated. The beast completely seized control over Elfman's mind, although it is clear that her brother is struggling and trying to regain control, because the beast destroys everything, but purposefully does not look in the direction of the sisters, but the guy does not get anything sensible. The beast is simply stronger.

It's all Mirajane's fault. If Mira had not taken her juniors on an S-Rank mission, none of this would have happened. She knew that neither Lisanna nor Elfman were ready for a task of this complexity. She was told this back in the Guild, but she did not listen and took them anyway. 

Mira was sure that even if her brother and sister did not have the strength to stand up for themselves, then her strength would definitely be enough to protect her younger ones from all dangers. 

After passing the exam and earning an S-Rank, Mirajane became overconfident. She believed that now she can handle everything and no one can harm her, and she can easily protect her family. Well, in the end it played a cruel joke on her. 

When she chose this task to destroy the Beast King, she was told that Elfman and Lisanna were not yet ready for this, they offered to take another task, and even offered help, but Mirajane foolishly did not listen to anyone and acted in her own way. 

At first everything was relatively normal, after a long battle they managed to neutralize the monster, but in the end, Mira was left completely without strength. 

Frankly, there was not much help from Lisanna and Elfman, sometimes they even rather interfered, but they gained experience in fighting a strong monster, which in the end was the main goal for which Mira took them. 

But after the battle, which was frankly the most difficult in her life, mostly not even because of the strength of the enemy, but because of the constant concern for her younger ones and keeping an eye on them so that they do not get hurt, Mirajane became even more proud. 

She was able to protect her loved ones, and also defeated a strong monster. This was her first major mistake to date. Mira's second major mistake was allowing Elfman to use Take-Over Magic on the beast so that he could capture the Beast Soul and increase his strength.

It honestly wasn't a bad idea, besides the fact that the Beast Soul would increase Elfman's strength, it would help him overcome his insecurities. Mira has long wanted to do something about Elfman's excessive shyness and insecurity, which prevented the guy from reaching his true potential. 

It was a good chance for Elfman to overcome himself and get rid of his shortcomings. But what was stupid was to start the capture process right after the battle, when both Mirajane and Elfman were completely exhausted.

Due to Elfman's small strength compared to the beast, he already had only a 50% chance of successfully absorbing the monster's soul, but being weakened and exhausted, his chances fell even less.

For good it was necessary to wait several hours for both Mira and Elfman to restore their Magic Power. It would increase the guy's chances of a successful capture, and Mira could be insurance in case something goes wrong, just like now. 

For some stupid reason, Mirajane didn't take into account the chance of failure and persuaded, or rather ordered, Elfman to use the Take-Over Magic on the Beast. Well, we all know what that led to. In the end, it turned out that this beast captured Elfman and was now going crazy destroying everything, and Mira could only look at it, unable to help. 

The younger Strauss was also not particularly quick-witted, and when she saw her brother's problematic situation, she, instead of running away from him sparkling with her heels, so as not to accidentally fall under the monster's hot hand, decided to help Elfman.

Well, what can not the strongest Mage, who even does not reach the B-Rank, do in such a situation? Never mind. So Lisanna did not come up with anything better than to help Elfman come to his senses with the help of words of support. 

It's strange that it didn't work, because this is the anime world, here it always helps. Apparently at this point the anime logic decided to take a break. 

Lisanna did not achieve anything, but rather, on the contrary, she only made things worse. She only attracted the attention of the raging beast, which has now found a new target for destruction, in the form of a fragile girl. 

Mirajane could only watch in horror as Elfman, in the form of a beast, turned to the talking Lisanna and, uttering a powerful roar, directed his giant fist, the blow of which would have turned the girl into a cake. 

Mira tried to get up and call for a second wind to stop her brother and save her sister, but she did not succeed, and all she could do was scream in horror and fear. 

For Mirajane and Lisanne, everything was happening in slow motion. The monster's fist was closing in on the girl's face, and there was nothing she could do to save herself. Oddly enough, neither Mira nor Lisanna closed their eyes and watched everything that was happening, and thanks to this, they were able to see the arrival of their savior. 

When the fist of the beast was a meter from Lisanna's face, a figure fell from the sky and stood between the fist and the girl. Mirajane opened her mouth and eyes in shock as she saw the appearance of the creature that stood in front of Lisanna. It was an angel. 

Literally an angel. He was wearing a white suit with gold trim. Behind him, snow-white angel wings were developing, on top of which were golden protective equipment. The body of the angel also had a protective outfit consisting of a helmet, shoulder pads, gloves from which triple blades came out, a breastplate with a belt and knee-high boots, the appearance of which gave the angel's legs bird-like paws. 

All this was kept in a gold and white theme, so that a sense of holiness and purity was directly felt from the angel. Of course it was our main character Drake. He was now in the form of his first transformation, called 'Light'.

Shielding Lisanna with his back, Drake quite easily caught the flying fist of the beast and stopped it without any problems. The angelic Drake then grabbed the Elfman monster by the wrist and pulled him towards him. This destroyed the beast's stance and it flew towards Drake. 

When the beast was close enough, Drake kicked him in the face with all his might. Not only did the strike contain the strength of fifty men, since this transformation increased Drake's physical strength by five times, the beast's muzzle also received damage from the blades on Drake's arm. 

From the impact, Elfman flew several meters away and even rolled back a couple of times, although he eventually landed on his feet. After the attack, Drake was in no hurry to pursue the beast, but turned his head and looked at Lisanna. 

The girl herself still had not come to her senses after an unexpected turn of events, she had already prepared for death, so she could only look blankly at the angel that towered over her. 

Drake raised his left hand in a simple gesture and a transparent dome of light formed around Lisanna. Mirajane and Lisanna, seeing this barrier, might think that it was needed to protect Lisanna from an accidental attack by the Elfman monster, but in fact, Drake created this dome as a precaution. 

In the near future, the Anima, the gate between the worlds, should open in the sky, which absorb the Magic Power of the EarthLand in order to send it to Edolas, a parallel world. In the original story, without Drake present, the beast's strike did reach Lisanna. She survived, but since a similar but fatal event took place in Edolas, the Anima devoured Lisanna here to make up for Edo-Lisanna's death.

And although the Anima was able to take Lisanna, most likely due to the fact that the girl herself was dying and simply could not resist, but now this did not happen and the girl would not be pulled into the Anima, but Drake decided to play it safe and close Lisanna with a dome. 

Convinced that Lisanna was safe, Drake shifted his gaze to the beast, which had just recovered from the blow and started yelling angrily at its opponent. 

Drake simply raised his hands in front of him and fired a powerful beam of light that instantly took Elfman down. The attack was powerful enough to throw the monster back several tens of meters, and the damage was enough to make him almost lose consciousness. 

Deciding to end it, Drake jumped forward, slightly accelerating and supporting himself with wings, and landed right on the chest of the beast trying to get up. In front of Drake's hand appeared an Asian character in white and yellow, which meant "Sleep". 

The spell was sent directly to the beast and it worked instantly. The monster lost consciousness and the transformation was canceled, returning Elfman's true form. 

Although he was in a slightly shabby condition and in torn clothes. Seeing Strauss' condition, Drake created another spell and threw it at the guy. This time it was 'The Cure'. 

Thanks to the spell, Elfman's body began to heal right before his eyes, although he was still sleeping, as he had used up all his strength. 

All this 'fight' could be observed by both Mirajane and Lisanna. All they could do was stare in shock at the angel and at the sleeping Elfman. The monster that Mira spent all her strength to defeat was defeated with one blow and two spells. And although now the beast is weaker due to the fact that his strength was limited by Elfman, but it was still too fast and easy. 

While still at shock, Mira saw how the angel who saved her sister and calmed her brother lit up slightly, after which his appearance changed. Now it was not an angel, but a handsome young man of sixteen, with long blue hair and purple eyes, dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans. 

Mira got short-circuited again, as she did not expect the angel to turn into such a handsome man. It was only now that she realized that it was a transformation similar to her Satan Soul.

- Well hello. Can you tell me how to get into Fairy Tail Guild? - Drake asked, smiling a little at the dumbfounded girls.


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