Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 23

Having finally knocked out and cured Elfman, I canceled my Angelic transformation. At that moment, the dome that protected Lisanna was shattered as I lost control of my Light Magic. At the moment, I can only wield this magic in the form of 'Light' and 'Absolute Light'. It will be necessary to correct this misunderstanding. 

In any case, Lisanna no longer needed protection, the Anima had already closed, somehow I felt it perfectly. The Anima itself appeared for only a couple of minutes, absorbed a ton of Ethernano from the atmosphere and calmly closed.

It looks like the dome didn't even need to be created, because without being in a dying state, Lisanna was able to resist the absorbing power of the Anima, and did not even notice it. But being careful never hurts. 

After canceling the transformation, I looked at the shocked girls and said with a slight smile: - Hello there. Can you tell me how to get into Fairy Tail? 

I know, not the best words that I could say now, but I wanted to seem as cool as possible. Unfortunately it didn't work and I was basically ignored. 

After mine, Mira and Lisanna almost immediately came to their senses and simultaneously shouted: - Elfman / Elfi. 

Then they ran to their brother. Well, Lisanna ran and Mirajane tried, she still can't get back on her feet. The younger Strauss ran up to her sleeping brother and began to examine his condition. 

- He's fine, he's just sleeping, because of which he spent all his energy. He will wake up in six hours. But for a couple of weeks he should not use Magic, as he overstressed his Ethernano Container. - I said lightly looking at the worried girl, who had tears in her eyes.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you…. - Lisanna began to repeat, hugging Elfman, while sobbing like a child. 

I decided to leave her as she was really stressed out today, so I decided to go and heal Mira. She, too, cried, from happiness and relief, and even smiled. 

- Let me heal you too. - I said, going up to the girl, creating a healing spell, and at the same time a spell to restore clothes. 

- Thanks. Thank you for saving my brother and sister. - Mira said, looking into my eyes, while wiping her tears. 

Damn, now I can get a better look at her, and she's really pretty. More beautiful than all the girls I've ever seen. Well, maybe at the level of Irene.

- Not for anything. I was just passing by and saw your predicament, so I thought I'd help. It didn't cost me anything, as you can see. - I just said, having finished treating the girl.

- Yes, I saw it. But thanks anyway, I'm indebted to you. - Mira said, laughing a little, getting to her feet. Now she is completely healed and has enough strength to walk. 

Rising, she immediately ran up to Elfman and Lisanna, apparently to make sure that they really were all right. Once next to her sister and brother, Mira burst into tears even more and hugged them both. 

Finally she was convinced that the whole nightmare was over and she was able to relax. It was really embarrassing for me to look at the sobbing girls, but there was nothing to be done about it. Although I feel sorry for Elfman, he is already damp from their tears.

After a couple of minutes, Mira and Lisanna finally calmed down. Getting to her feet, Mirajane looked at me with obvious gratitude in her eyes and said: - Thank you again for your help. Let me introduce myself, I'm Mirajane Strauss, you can just call me Mira. This is my younger sister Lisanna and my younger brother Elfman.

- Hi. - Lisanna said with a smile as she got to her feet too.

- Like I said, not at all. My name is Nathaniel Drake, you can call me Drake. You all need to rest, so let's go to the nearest village. - I said, after which, going up to Elfman, I used a telekinesis spell and lifted his body. I don't feel like wearing his body on me, so I'd rather carry him like that. 

- Good idea. The nearest village is three kilometers away, so we can rent a room and rest. - Mira said wondering how I lifted her brother. The last time I used "Light Ècuripte" she had no time for it, so she didn't pay attention to my Magic at all.

- Okay, let's go. - I said, levitating Elfman's body next to me, heading towards the village. Fortunately, I saw this village when I flew here, so I know the way. 

The girls quietly followed me. In fact, they calmed down pretty quickly, especially Lisanna, who nearly died. But apparently this proves that they are real Mages who are used to danger. 

After a couple of minutes of silence, Lisanna broke the silence, showing her cheerfulness, and asked a question: - So, Drake-san, you are a strong mage, right? Are you in any guild? 

- Just Drake. I think you can call me strong, but I don't know how compared to other mages, I had little interaction with other mages. As for the Guild, no, I'm not a member of any Guild, but I was just about to join Fairy Tail. Actually, I was just on my way to Magnolia when I saw your situation and decided to help. - I answered easily. 

- That's right, you said something about it. But that's great, we're all in Fairy Tail, so we can put in a good word for you. - Lisanna happily replied.

She seems to be almost awake now, though she still shows some nervousness. Well, nothing, sleep a little and everything will pass. But Mira was suspiciously quiet, although she still listened carefully to our conversation. 

Probably even despite the successful outcome of the whole situation, she will change and turn from a wild goth into a sweet girl, as she was in the canon. It's really good because with the attitude she had before, she wouldn't have lived long. She needed to grow up, which is happening now.

- Thank you, then I'll stay with you. After you all rest, we will go to Magnolia together. - I said smiling. 

- Excellent. - Lisanna said, even slightly jumping with delight. 

A few more minutes of quiet walking were interrupted by a question from Mira, who finally decided to speak:

- Drake, you've used Take-Over Magic before, haven't you?

- Not quite, but something like. It was the transformation bestowed by my main magic. - I said. 

Although I don't really want to talk about my abilities, being too secretive will only make things worse. And although in the Guilds, especially in Fairy Tail, it is not customary to get into personal life, but you still have to tell something. 

Besides, I'm not going to talk about my Devil Slayer Magic. Until I fully master it, it is better for no one to know about it. Spies are always around somewhere.

: Is that how? And what is this Magic? - Lisanna asked. 

Usually this is not asked directly, but Mages themselves like to show off their powers, so there is nothing wrong with that.

- It's called 'Light Ècriture', it's a type of Letter Magic. - I said, creating a simple fireball spell as an example, which I immediately dispelled. 

- I heard about 'the Dark Ècuripte'. One member of our guild uses this magic. - Mira said.

- This is practically the same Magic as mine, only mine is based on Light Magic, and that one is based on Dark Magic. - I said with a slight nod.

- And it turns out that this magic gives you the ability to turn into an angel? - Mirajane asked again.

- Yes. Although I also own the Take-Over Magic, since I liked the transformation, so I decided to get a few more. By the way, you are lucky in this. - I said, although not quite the truth, but okay.

- What do you mean?

- Due to my knowledge of Take-Over Magic, I almost immediately understood your situation and understood what happened to your brother. If it wasn't for that, I might think that you were attacked by a real monster and could just kill him. - I said harshly, even though it was a complete lie. 

I did not understand anything, after all, even two days have not passed since I learned this Magic, I have no experience in it at all. And I understood the situation only thanks to my meta-knowledge. 

After my words, both Mira and Lisanna looked at me in shock. It looks like they didn't even think about it. In order to somehow remove the gloomy atmosphere that I created, I decided to change the subject and asked a question: 

- So, how long have you joined Fairy Tail? 

Lisanna decided to support my initiative and immediately answered: - Several years...

After that, we started talking, and Lisanna began to talk about life in the Guild, about her past and so on. Well, according to her words, the Guild is no different from what I saw in the anime. On the one hand, this is good, since the knowledge of the canon will definitely come in handy for me, and on the other hand, it's bad, since all the absurdity has been preserved. 

She also spoke about the mission itself. It turned out that the monster whose name was the Beasts King managed to destroy two villages in his rampage. Fortunately, almost no one was hurt and people managed to escape, but the monster destroyed everything there anyway. 

The Strauss Family managed to intercept the King before he arrived at the next village, just the one we are going now, and defeated him. 

According to Mira, this is a rather strange situation, since the Beast King must not come out of the depths of the forest where he lives. Looks like someone pissed him off nce he began to run amok and dump his anger on the nearest villages, although he did not touch people. 

A few more minutes later, we arrived at a village called Iris, just like a flower. Actually, like all the villages and cities in Fiore. It was a small village, with a hundred wooden houses, one of which was a small hotel, a kind of guesthouse. 

There we settled in, rented three rooms, one for me, one for Elfman and one for the girls. After putting Elfman in his room, I went to mine. 

The girls, again making sure that Elfman was all right, went to sleep in theirs, as they were still exhausted both physically and mentally, so they needed rest.

I had nothing to do, it was still too early, so I returned to the former Temple of Poseidon. I want to finish decorating my mansion, and later I can practice Devil Slayer Magic.


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