Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 25

Magnolia Town is a small trading city of only 60,000 inhabitants, located on the shores of a large lake called Sciliora. The city is built up on a rectangular area, stretching from the shores of the lake from north to south. 

The city itself is divided vertically and horizontally by a series of large paved roads, as well as a small river that crosses the entire territory of the city. As in all of Fiore, and in fact everywhere I went, the architecture of Magnolia was made in the western style, and the buildings resembled medieval ones, made of stone and had orange tile roofs. Except that, unlike the Middle Ages of my world, everything here was clean and well drained.

It was now 11 am and we arrived by train at the Magnolia station, which was located in the South-Eastern part of the city. We had to go north to the lake, it was on the shore of Sciliora that the building of the Fairy Tail Guild was located. 

But since this is my first time in the city, Lisanna offered to show me the city and its sights. Mira and Elfman liked the idea, so instead of taking the shortcut to the guild, we took the long route through the center of town. 

Magnolia has few main attractions, chief among them is the Kardia Cathedral, the great cathedral we were just passing by. According to Lisanna, this cathedral is one of the three great churches in the kingdom. Although I did not understand what kind of God the locals worship, although from what I was told it was something like Christianity, with a mixture of paganism.

The cathedral itself was rectangular in shape, with four cylindrical supporting towers, one at each of the corners of the building. Something similar to the Gothic style, although I'm not sure, I don't understand architecture. But the building is beautiful, I liked it. 

In principle, I liked the city itself, it is small, but cozy. Kind of like Alignon, the first city I visited in this world, but at least I'm safe here. 

Walking along the central road, we crossed the bridge over the river, and already from here we could see the rear guilds. It was a large, tall two-story building, painted in rather bright colors, which immediately stood out from the rest of the city, which, although it was bright, was not so bright.

At the top of the building was a triangular dome, on which the guild flag fluttered. Coming a little closer one could see the large red gates of the Guild, as well as the inscription above them, which read "Fairy Tail". And that's right, in English.

- Well, here we are. - Mira said with a smile. 

- Welcome to Fairy Tail! - Lisanna said enthusiastically, pushing the door forward to open it. 

The door opened and the first thing we saw was not the Guild hall, but a flying table that flew straight at Lisanna's head. Fortunately, Elfman managed to react in time and pulled his sister out of the table's flight path and she was not injured. Mira and I also had to dodge. 

As can see, there was a fight going on in the guild, although what else to expect from Fairy Tail. The guild hall itself was made of wood and looked like a typical inn in a fantasy world. Inside there was a bar counter, behind which stood a couple of waitresses, several dozen tables with chairs, and a little to the side there was a large information board, on which, apparently, tasks for magicians were posted. 

There was also a staircase to the second floor, which, if my memory serves me, was the exclusive resting place for S-Rank Wizards. Although most likely there is nothing special there, there are also several tables and a board for tasks. 

Now, in the middle of the hall there was a real pile of a dozen people who were hitting each other in the face. It is immediately clear that they are true friends. Not all the people who were inside were fighting, most of them were just a set, just sitting and watching the fight with curiosity. 

Among them, I saw a few familiar people whom I know from anime and manga. Although, of course, they were all younger, but only by two years. Behind the counter sat Cana Alberona, a beautiful girl with brown hair and purple eyes. She had a gorgeous, curvaceous figure, with large breasts and curvaceous thighs. 

Also unlike her canon counterpart, she still wore outerwear and didn't flaunt in public in a swimsuit. And by the looks of it, she still hasn't started drinking like a longshoreman, as she's now drinking orange juice, unless my nose is mistaken.

A little away from Cana, there was a red-haired guy in glasses, embracing some beauty. It was Loki, or to be more precise, the Celestial Spirit Leo, who was stuck in this world after the death of his previous mistress Karen Lilika and joined Fairy Tail. I also saw Macao and Wakabe, next to whom sat four-year-old Romeo Conbolt, Macao's son.

Of those that fought, I noticed Natsu and Gray, as expected of them, and the rest I did not know, well, or did not remember. Since it was now almost lunchtime, there were not many people in the guild, twenty-five people in total, the rest are apparently on assignments. 

Looking at the scuffle, I looked at the Strauss and asked: - And how often do you have this? 

All three of them were obviously embarrassed, I would even say ashamed, but only Lisanna answered: - Ehehee... yes, quite often.

- Alright, let's go, we need to meet the Master. - Mira said, deciding to change the subject. 

We sidestepped the fray, dodging a couple of bodies flying down the hall and approaching the bar. There, Cana finally saw us and greeted us: 

- Oh, Mira, Lisanna, Elfman, you've returned. How did the mission go?

- Not really, but we did it. Do you know where the Master is now? We need to talk. - Mirajane answered shortly and asked for the necessary information.

- He is now in the library, he needed to find some information and he sat there in the morning. - Cana said kindly.

- Thanks, then I will go to the Master and talk to him about the task. - Mira told us and went to the second floor. Apparently, there is not only an exclusive territory for the strongest wizards, but also a library. 

- What's wrong with her? Somehow she is strange today, too calm. - Cana said looking at Mira.

- Something happened on the mission, we're all a little out of our minds right now. But don't worry, we're all right. - Lisanna said. Elfman, after he greeted Cana, went somewhere on his own business.

- I see, well, if everything is in order, then it's good. So, and who are you? - Alberona said, then looked at me and asked. 

- This is Drake, he helped us during the mission and we got to know him. He wants to join the guild, so we brought him. - Lisanna said introducing me.

- Nathaniel Drake, nice to meet you. - I said, bowing his head slightly.

- I'm glad too, handsome. My name is Cana Alberona, B-Rank Mage. - said the girl, shaking the hand which I kissed instead of shaking. 

Cana did not expect this and blushed slightly, she clearly liked such a gentlemanly act. This is clearly not expected from local guys. And it's not difficult for me. 

Quickly pulling herself together, Cana pressed her hand to her chest and said: - So, Nathaniel, what kind of Magic do you use?

- Just Drake. You can say that I am the Light Mage. What about you? - I asked a question to which I know the answer.

- I use Card Magic. - said Cana and took out a deck of cards, from where from behind her bosom, after which she added: - Do you want to tell fortunes? I'm good at it.

- Why not, even though I don't really believe in it. - I said with a shrug.

- Great. - Cana said and began to tell her tarot cards.

- Something is wrong? - I asked curiously, and Lisanna also began to look with interest.

- I can't do anything. I cannot predict your future. - The girl said looking into my eyes. 

- Has this happened before? - asked the younger Strauss. 

- Only in childhood, when I was just studying. Let's try again.- Cana said and started laying out the cards again. 

In the end, nothing happened again. Cana decided to test Lisanna's future and this time everything went well. The next attempt with me again didn't work. Cana never understood what was happening, but I think I have some kind of protection against predictions. This is quite possible, maybe this is my protection as a reincarnators, like me. But who the hell knows. 

The girl was clearly upset by her failure, but Lisanna and I quickly cheered her up by talking. We got along pretty quickly with Kana, we had similar characters. So far everything is going well for the first visit to this crazy guild.


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