Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 26

I continued to communicate and get to know Kana and Lisanna better. The fight in the guild hall was still going on, but more than half of the fighters had already been knocked out and now lay unconscious on the floor while the remaining half were busy trying to bring their opponents to the same state. 

Somehow, even Elfman got dragged into the fight when he just wanted to go to the bathroom and now he's punching Gray in the face.

In order not to be disturbed, I created a barrier that should stop everything that flies at us. Op… well, the barrier came in handy, they just threw the body of some poor fellow into it. Looks like he broke his nose. 

- Your magic is convenient. - Cana said, sipping juice and looking at her guild mate, who was lying at the barrier and at whom a chair was also thrown. Really poor guy. Oh, I think I remembered his name is Jet, teammate Levi McGarden.

- I think so too. - Lisanna said, apparently not at all worried about her brother, who had just been hit over the head with a chair. 

- Thanks. Soon Mira and the Master will finish there? - I asked while sipping some lemonade I recently ordered from a nice waitress.

- The conversation is going to be serious, so at least another hour. - Lisanna said, also sipping her lemonade. 

- Yes? Well, there's nothing to do, I'll wait. - I drawled.

- Maybe then we'll play cards to pass the time? - Cana suggested, pulling out another deck of cards, this time apparently playful.

- Cards? Well, we can, though.... I have a better idea. Here. - I said and took out a small box from my bracer.

- What is it? - Cana asked with curiosity, picking up the box. 

- This is a unique card game from the Alvares Empire. It's called "Regenca". I recently visited Caracole Island and met a merchant from the Empire there, so he sold it to me. According to him, it is a resounding success and very popular in the Empire. - I said not quite the truth. I bought the Regenca back in Vistarion, but it's better for no one to know that I'm from the Alvarez Empire, although this is not entirely true, but it doesn't matter.

- Truth? From Alvarez? Now this is not available. - Lisanna was surprised. 

- Right. So what are we going to play? - I asked as I started unpacking. 

- Of course. / Let's go. - the girls said, after which we started the game, after we figured out the rules. 

And although Regenca is a card game, it reminded me most of all of Monopoly with the addition of cards. The game really turned out to be interesting and dragged us with the girls for a good two hours. 

By this time the fight was over. No one emerged victorious from this massacre. All the participants in the battle were now lying in a cut on the floor. Oddly enough, no one had anything serious bruises on the whole face and bruises. Magic Power is indeed very strengthening of the human body. Can immediately see the difference between the Mages and the common man. 

The last to stand were Natsu and Gray, who had previously knocked out Elfman together. But in the end, these two morons knocked each other out. They are lucky that Erza is on a mission right now. That's what Cana said when she saw the end of the fight. 

Generally during the game, both Cana and Lisanna told quite a lot about the Guild and its members. I knew a lot but it was still interesting to listen and compare with my knowledge. 

I have been in this world for two months now and according to my observations, everything that I have seen exactly repeats my knowledge from anime / manga. And all this anime strangeness is also present, although this is a completely real world, with real people. To be honest, I'm not quite used to it yet, but who asks me.

- And you don't want to help your brother? - I asked, looking at Elfman's unconscious body. 

- No, he needed it. Let it unravel. - Lisanna said nonchalantly.

- Hmm… - I drawled, exchanging glances with Cana, who didn't seem to think it was normal either. 

- Oh, everything is as usual... - said an old voice from above. 

All three of us raised our heads to the voice and saw Mira and the little old man who were now standing at the railing of the second floor and looking at the devastation and the consequences of the fight.

- Master / Master. - the girls shouted at the same time when they saw the old man. 

Apparently, it was the Fairy Tail Guild Master, Makarov Dreyar. He was really short, less than a meter. In appearance, he was 70 years old, that is, he was very well preserved, because this year he is 86 years old. 

Makarov was wearing an orange jacket and a white T-shirt with the guild's symbol, as well as a strange, orange hat with two bells. 

- Mira, please ask Macao and Wakabe to clean up the mess and bring new furniture. - said the Master, looking at the bedlam, what is happening in his Guild. 

- Yes, Master. - Mira said softly, her eyes red again. Apparently the conversation was not easy. 

Mira started down the stairs like a normal person, and the Master climbed onto the railing, jumped down with a cool acrobatic stunt and calmly landed on the table next to us. And how did he do it, at that age?

- I am Makarov Dreyar, Master of Fairy Tail. Nice to meet you. - said the little old man, shaking his hand.

- Nathaniel Drake, I'm pleased too. - I introduced myself, shaking the Master's surprisingly strong hand.

- And you are strong. - Master said, apparently sensing my Magic Power.

- Yes, I've already been told. But I don't know how much. I have no experience fighting other Wizards. I only fought Magical Creatures. - I said the honest truth. Larcade was a demon. 

- Clear. I have to thank you for helping Mira and others. If you hadn't intervened, I'm afraid an irreparable tragedy might have happened. Please accept my sincere gratitude. - Makarov said seriously, bowing his head.

- It wasn't difficult for me, so don't worry. The main thing is that everything is over and nothing terrible happened. - I said, trying to quickly close the situation. To be honest, I'm tired of getting compliments all the time. Too many in two days. 

- Nevertheless, thank you. So, Drake, do you want to join Fairy Tail? - the Master asked more carelessly.

- Yes, that's what I came for. - I said.

- Well then, welcome. I'll be glad if such a strong Mage joins Fairy Tail. Where to put the label? - the old man said, taking out the Magic Stamp Tool, with which you can put a guild mark on the wizard's skin.

- Is it that simple? - I asked doubtfully. Is it really going to be that easy? 

- Yes. We accept everyone who wants to join us. - Dreyar said, nodding her head.

- What if I'm a spy or I have some malicious intentions? - I asked, still doubtful.

- If that were the case, you wouldn't be asking these questions. And, you helped Mira. Plus, my intuition says that you are a good person and you can be trusted. You certainly won't hurt my children. - Makarov said narrowing his eyes. 

Basically, it's logical. He has been a Guild Master for 40 years, during which time he has gained the necessary experience that helps him read people like an open book. Don't be fooled by his looks, he's still that old monster. 

- Okey then. Then put a label here. - I said holding out my right hand. 

The master immediately put a seal on the upper part of the palm. Just like Lucy. When Makarov removed the Stamp Tool, I saw the white symbol of Fairy Tail on my hand. Not bad, now I already have two tattoos.

- I'll say it again, but welcome to Fairy Tail. - Master said with a smile from ear to ear. 

- Thanks. - I replied with a smile, looking at my hand, after which I asked: - So, what rank will I get?

- For now, B-rank. Erza will return in a few days and I will arrange a duel with her for you. Although I know that you are strong, I want to see you in battle. If you do well, you'll get an A-Rank, and then we'll see. Maybe I'll recommend you for the S-Rank exam. - Makarov said.

- That is, I can already take rear B-ranks and below? - I asked. Of course I would like to immediately get a higher rank, but it's not bad. I don't have to be greedy.

- Yes. But you can take your time. Meet your guild members, explore the city, and so on. - Master said. 

- Okay, I'll do that. - I said and noticed that by this moment all the cleaning had already been completed. 

They put up new tables and chairs, removed all the garbage, and threw the bodies of unconscious comrades into a pile in the corner of the building. 

- Think, while it's still early, I need to take care of the place of residence. Anyway, now almost everyone is out and I can return in the evening when they come to their senses. Can you tell me where the real estate company is located in the city? - I asked.

- I can take you. It's close here. - Cana said as she stood up from the bar stool.

- Okay, this is really important to do. But do you have enough money for housing? - the Master asked. Probably used to the lack of money of their wards. 

- Yes, I have no financial problems. So, let's go, Cana? - I asked the girl and also got up from the chair. 

- Yes. - the girl said with a smile, after which she led me to the street. 

- See you, Lisanna. Tell Mira and Elfman I'm out on business. - I finally said to the younger Strauss.

- Good luck. - Lisanna shouted, waving her hand in farewell. 

Cana took me almost to the center of the city, where the real estate company was located. There they helped me quite quickly to find a good house in the north-west of the city, near the lake, on the edge of the city, a few kilometers from the Guild. 

It was a small two-story house made of stone. The ground floor had a kitchen, living room and storage room. On the second floor there were two rooms, as well as a large bathroom and a small balcony with a great view of Lake Scilliora. 

The whole house was already furnished, there was even a refrigerator, so I could move in right away, which I did. I just need to buy groceries. This house was not cheap, 300,000 a month, but I have enough money, besides, I really liked the house. I rented the house for three months at once. I'll live in it for now, and then I'll build my own, to my taste. Or I'll buy this one. Let's see. 

Cana also liked the house, in fact it was she who advised me to rent it, knowing that I have enough money for him. The girl herself lives in a dorm for the girl members of the guild, called "Fairy Hills". It is located west of my house, on a hill, as you might guess.

Since my house is on the way to the dorm, the girl had seen it for rent before, and she knew it was a good place, so she recommended it. Satisfied with our home, the girl and I went back to the Guild. 

On the way, I calculated my finances, and even though I had a few million left, I decided that it was worth getting more, so I turned to Cana with a question: 

- Cana, do you happen to know where you can sell gold?

- Gold? Yes I know. There is a pawnshop nearby, and you can sell it there. Where do you get gold from? - the beauty wondered.

- You could say it's my legacy. - I gave a vague answer. 

Cana, realizing that she would not get more, she did not ask questions and took me to the pawnshop. The store turned out to be good, and I quietly sold twenty million worth of gold. And this was only a very small part of my treasures. After the pawnshop, Cana and I set out again on our way to the Guild.


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