Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 27

When we returned to the guild, Cana still couldn't resist and started asking me questions. Apparently, she did not like the cozy silence. 

- So, Drake, where are you from? - the girl asked as we crossed another bridge over the river that runs through the whole city.

- I dont know. - I answered easily. 

- What? What do you mean? - Cana asked, not understanding me.

- I don't know where I come from. I don't know much about myself at all. - I said honestly. 

I knew in advance that the guild would want to know about my past, even if there is a rule not to ask about this, but in the end I need to tell something, and if I didn't, I would become as suspicious as possible.

And although Makarov seems to like me and even confides in me in a way, as a Guild Master he has to be careful of outsiders who could potentially harm his 'kids'. I am sure that every new member of the Guild, he checks through his channels. 

Checks their history, origins, previous crimes, if any, and so on. No wonder he has an old friend who is on the Magic Council. I'm talking about Yajima. You don't have to look far for an example. About the same Lucy, who hid her origin at the beginning, I'm sure Makarov found out everything in a couple of days. It is not difficult for him to do this, he has connections throughout the country, I am sure. 

And here, I appear. Pretty strong mage that appeared out of nowhere and saved the guild members from a difficult situation at the last moment. Taking into account that that strong magicians do not lie on the road, and they all manage to check in somewhere, it is rather strange that Makarov will not find absolutely any information about me. 

I'm afraid the good impression that I made and the trust that I have earned may disappear very quickly when Makarov starts checking me. Whatever you say, I'm suspicious, although it's not my fault. 

To be honest, I don't want the Master to watch me closely and suspect something, so I decided to tell my own story. Basically I will tell the truth, but slightly corrected. No one should know that recently I was in the Alvarez Empire, now such people are not welcome on Ishgar. Also, no one needs to know about my meta-knowledge. 

And Cana will help me in spreading my sad story, and after a while all doubts will disappear, especially if I show my best side. Fortunately, Cana still broke down and began to take an interest in my past. God bless female curiosity. 

But enough about that, it's time to get back to reality.

- What do you mean, you don't know much about yourself? - asked the girl, who didn't understand.

- I don't remember anything about myself before I woke up two months ago, on a deserted island. All I knew about myself was my name and my Magic. - I said to the stunned Cana. 

- What? So you don't remember anything about yourself? Where are you from, who are your parents and so on? - the girl asked in surprise.

- Yes, that's how it is. - I said calmly.

- And how did it happen? - Cana asked, still digesting my words.

- I don't know, one day I woke up naked, on a desert island, not far from Caracole Island. There was nothing and no one around, except for the mountain of gold that I took. Good, although I knew how to use magic and thanks to it, I was able to get out of the island. Otherwise, I would be stuck there until the end of time. - I told, in general, my whole story. 

My intuition suggested that it is better not to tell the full truth. And I basically understand why. My story already looks far-fetched, and the connection to the Empire will only raise more questions. Now in Ishgar they really have a very negative attitude towards everything from Alakitasia. 

Well, there is nothing surprising, no one likes those who attack your homeland. I will really save a lot of nerves if I am not suspected of espionage.

- And how can you talk about it so calmly? You don't know your past, and in fact, you don't know who you are? - Cana asked rather loudly. 

- Well, I don't know, I don't feel any mental anguish about this. I'm alive, I'm rich and I'm strong, what else do I need. Yes, I had to start living again and getting to know myself, but this is not the worst thing that can happen in life. - I said, completely nonchalant. 

And then I spoke the absolute truth. Life is the most amazing thing that can happen, and you need to appreciate every moment of your existence. Especially if it's a good life, in a new world for me, where I have endless possibilities, with a lot of money and magic. I even began to have plans to extend this journey called life.

- And you don't want to know your past at all? - asked Cana, who still did not accept my calmness.

- Not really. Purposefully, I will not look for anything, but if I find out something about my past, I will know. I'm just afraid that in my past, there is something so terrible that it's better not to know. - I said.

- Clear, there is logic in your words. In principle, the main thing is that you feel better. - Cana said.

- That's right, life, especially one's own, is precious and I basically started living again, so I don't want to waste my already limited time trying to learn about the past instead of living in the present. - I said my philosophical thought.

- Hehehe… well said. But still ask the Master to look for information about you, he has many friends, suddenly they will help you find something. If there is something really bad, the Master can just not tell you anything. - the girl suggested.

- Let's build it, not a bad idea. Suddenly, I am a prince of some country and I was kidnapped by the enemies of my parents, who erased my memory and left me on the island. And my parents are still looking for me to make me king. - I fantasized.

- Dream. - said the girl, smiling.

- Yes, this only happens in books. So, what's your story? - I asked, although I already know everything.

- Nothing special. I lived with my mother until she died of an illness, then I ended up in an orphanage, and then joined the guild. According to my mother, my father was a member of Fairy Tail, so I joined there. - said the girl.

- And what about the father? Is he dead or is he some super cool Mage who disappears on ten-year and hundred-year missions and doesn't even know you exist? - I said, hitting the nail on the head, because I knew that it was so, but I laughed at the end to make it all a joke.

- Eh? - Cana hung, looking at me in shock.

- What, guess what? - I also looked at her in shock. Although feigned. 

- What? No, of course not. All wrong. You just come up with all sorts of things here, so I'm surprised. Hehehe… - Cana lied. 

Well it's logical why would she tell me the truth if we have known each other for several hours, despite the fact that she has not told the truth to anyone in the guild for all the years.

- Oh, look what a cool coat. It would suit you. - said the girl, pointing to the window of the store, next to which we were now passing. All to change the subject. 

Deciding to play along with her, I looked where Cana was pointing and carefully examined the coat. And it really was awesome. Long just below the knee, blue, like my hair, with white cuffs and gold patterns. I like it.

- Yes, nice coat. I'll go buy. - he said and entered the store, do what I said. 

The coat turned out to be difficult and cost 500,000 precious, which is actually quite a lot. It was made from the mane hair of a Blue Lion A-Rank Magical Creature and enchanted to the maximum. 

All spells, of course were household, such as auto-cleaning and auto-repair, but it's still a very good kit. According to the saleswoman, this coat was made three years ago, but no one wanted to buy it. 

Too expensive for a simple coat, even of such good material and charms. And the pride of the creator does not allow to reduce the price. In general, the woman was very glad that someone bought a coat.

Frankly speaking, I don't need a coat, I create all my own clothes with the help of magic and raw materials, but why not buy a beautiful thing and spend some money, which I already have a lot of.

- Really suits you. - I heard from Cana when I left the store in my new clothes.

- Thanks. - I said, adjusting my collar.

- Well, let's go back, it's almost evening. - Cana said. And that's right, something we lingered. 

Although the real estate firm went well and I got the house on the first try, it still took a few hours. After going back to the Guild, this time without stopping and with little to no conversation, we finally returned to the guild hall. 

Now there was complete order, and all the fighting people came to their senses and now sat to themselves and calmly went about their business.

- Master, we are back. - Cana said as we approached the bar, where Makarov sat and drank beer.

- Oh, it's good. So, did you find a place to live, Drake? - Makarov asked. 

- Yes, everything is fine, I rented a house not far from here. - I said, sitting down at the counter and ordering myself something to eat, otherwise I was somehow hungry. 

- Hey, are you newbie? I am Natsu Dragneel. Let's fight? - a new voice was heard, which, as it is clear, belonged to the protagonist of this story. 

Well, more precisely the former, now I'm the main character. Now, Natsu was a sixteen year old boy with pink hair (poor man) and black eyes.

- Nathaniel Drake and no, I don't want to fight. - I said looking at Natsu.

- Natsu, get away from the man, you don't see him there. My name is Gray Fullbuster, nice to meet you. - Another guy came up and spoke. He was also sixteen, but his hair was dark blue. And now he was in his shorts. 

- Me too. - I said, ignoring his nakedness. 

- Gray, where are the clothes? - Natsu asked, pointing at Gray.

- What? When did I have time? - Gray shouted in shock when he saw that he was undressed and went to look for the lost clothes. 

- What's wrong with him? - I asked Kana, who was sitting next to me.

- Don't mind him, he's just an exhibitionist. – as if nothing had happened, Cana answered. 

- Hmm… - I drawled. Although I knew this, but the strangeness of the situation itself does not negate it. 

At this point, I finally finished eating and seeing this, Natsu shouted: - You finished it, let's fight?

This time, it was a purely rhetorical question, he did not even listen to my answer and already flew at me with a burning fist. Right now, Natsu was pretty weak, so I wasn't in danger. To tell the truth, Natsu was never very strong, but he was saved by the strength of friendship and the flame of emotions.

- 'Light Scripture: Paralysis'. - I almost instantly created a spell and threw it at Natsu. He immediately froze and fell like a log. All he could do was roll his eyes like crazy.

- Your magic is useful. - said Kana, who looked at Natsu with amusement in her eyes and did not even think to help him.

- There is nothing to throw at people just like that. Lie down for a couple of hours, maybe learn a lesson. - I said.

- Your magic is very similar to Freed's. - said the Master, who generally frankly laughed at Natsu. 

Then time went faster, and I slowly began to get acquainted with the members of the guild. I took pity on Natsu and dispelled the spell an hour later, but he only flared up and tried to attack me again. This time, I immediately euthanized him. 

As a result, I stayed in the guild, almost until midnight and managed to get acquainted with everyone who was now in the building. 

The Strauss family left while I was away. According to the Master, who managed to swell so well, Mirajane received punishment as a lesson and now she is forbidden to take the task for three months. Well, that's what I was expecting. 

To my new home, I returned just in time for midnight. The day was quite long and I was tired, so I immediately fell asleep.


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