Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 28

The next day, I woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning. The night in the new house was great and I slept well. I didn't feel like going to the Guild yet, so I decided to go back to Poseidon Manor and create a couple more spells for Devil Slayer Magic. 

Having moved to my underwater base, I decided to do something first. I'm fed up that every time I train, I have to be careful not to overdo it and accidentally destroy the barrier that protects the base from water. 

The barrier is certainly strong, because it can withstand the pressure of tons of water for several centuries, but my spells are not weak either. Due to the element of Light, they are very concentrated and have a high temperature, so with a single Rage I can break through the barrier.

Because of this, I always subconsciously, and not only, hold back in this place when I train. I'm tired of this, so it's time to create a training ground for myself. Of course, I could just find a new place to train, but I like it here, and besides, I don't have to do too much. 

I went down to the bottom of the hill, near the edge of the barrier. There was quite a lot of space here, so this is the perfect place for a playground. With the help of several spells, I cleared and delineated the area, after which I disintegrated a huge piece of land in the shape of a rectangle, with smooth edges. 

As a result, I got a rectangular pit seventy meters deep, two hundred meters long and a hundred wide. I don't need a roof, because this place is unlikely to be found. Yes, and the stairs, too, because I can fly. 

Finally, I reinforced the walls and floor of the pit with a spell that cost a lot of Ethernano. Now they should be strong enough to withstand my attacks. From now on, I can safely use spells in this training pit. 

The main thing is not to shoot attacks upwards. It would not hurt to make mannequins on which you can practice spells, or you can even create something like golems, I think I can do it, but I'll do it later. 

Once at the bottom of the pit, I started trying to create a new spell, which was pretty simple. 

Light Devil's Heel, that's what I called this spell and it was just a version of the Light Devil's Fist, only instead of the hand, when attacking, as you might guess, the heel is used. 

When cast, my heel is enhanced by my Light, and I can also fire beams from my leg. This, by the way, also gives me some agility, I can do very high or lateral jumps, depending on the trajectory of the shot, if I push off the ground with a light beam. 

In fact, my attempt to jump off the ground with the beam resulted in a painful head-butt on the barrier. It's good that I'm strong. 

In general, after practicing for a couple of hours, I was able to learn a new spell and even mastered it quite well. Although this is a very basic attack. 

Truth be told, I'm running out of ideas for Devil Slayer Magic spells. In many stories, Light Magic and similar powers have always been less than original. The same Kizaru, basically, did nothing but shoot lasers from his arms and legs.

I have an idea how to unleash the true potential of my Magic, but for this I need to learn the Creation of Light and then, I will turn around to the fullest. For now, I had time and I decided to create another spell, but stronger and more original. 


Almost two hours later, when dinner came, I decided to return to Magnolia. I could not bring my idea to life on the first attempt, and frankly speaking, on the fiftieth one too. 

I wanted to create a Light Devil's Spiral Ball, i.e. a Rasengan from my Light Demon Slayer Ethernano, but I didn't have much success. It was very difficult to hold a huge number of rotating streams of Light in hand and at the same time give them the shape of a sphere. 

All the currents always wanted to get out of control and explode as powerfully as possible. This spell needs a lot of control, which I don't have right now.

It is good that the Light created and my own Ethernano cannot harm me, otherwise I would have definitely lost my arm. Although I still suffered a little and my hands are now buzzing. Fortunately, with my Magic, I am also a healer, so I quickly recovered. 

I feel this will be a strong spell, the study of which, moreover, raises my control over the Light of the Slayer, which will also not be superfluous. Later, when I finally finished creating the Spiral Ball, I could try to make a hole in the ball, thus creating a Light Devil's Cero. But this is for the future. 

After returning to my home, I immediately went to the Guild with the help of teleportation. I never had breakfast, so I really wanted to eat. 

Since I was taking the shortest route, I arrived within ten minutes and after opening the door, I went inside the Guild. This time it was completely quiet, there was no fight. There were not many people, only ten people. Most likely, the rest are on a mission right now. 

What immediately caught my attention was Mirajane, who was now standing behind the bar. And she was not a client. Now the girl was dressed not in her usual gothic clothes, but in the uniform of a waitress. And she was wiping down the counter with a rag.

- Oh, Drake, good morning, even though it's already daytime. - Mira said when she saw me.

- Hello, Mira. Why are you dressed like that? - I asked, pointing to her shape, although I already guessed the reason.

- It's because of the Master's punishment. I can't go on assignments for three months, but I need to earn somehow, we have almost run out of savings. - Mira said as she handed me the menu.

- But Elfman and Lisanna can't get the money? - I asked while ordering food. 

- They can, of course, but I also don't want to sit idle for several months, but I've found a job for myself, and I'll earn money. - Mira answered after she gave my order. 

- It is truth too. Well, where are Elfman and Lisanna? - I asked as I started my meal.

- Let's go on a mission, Lisanna went with Natsu and Happy, and Elfman went with Gray. They should be back by evening. 

- Clear. And how are you? - I asked anyway. 

Hearing my question, Mirajane froze for a second, after which she sighed heavily and said: - Honestly, not really. I feel terrible. Memories of what happened constantly gnaw at me and I feel great guilt.

- There's nothing you can do about it. It is clear that after this you will have problems, but the main thing is not to dig too deep and come to your senses gradually. And yet, try not to forget about Magic. I heard that after stressful situations, some Mages lock their Magic in their body and are unable to use it. - I advised. It would really be a shame if she were to lose her powers like in canon. 

- Thanks. You're the one, who just supported me, and did not try to convince me that what happened was not my fault. It didn't help much because I knew it was a lie. Your support means a lot to me. - Mira said with a smile. Still, she's still a beauty. 

- Get in touch. If you want, we can go on a mission together when your punishment is over. - I said smiling back at her.

- Of course. - said, already a happier girl. 

Still, she can be understood, she almost killed two of her closest people, because of her arrogance and arrogance. Now she is mentally devastated and can only pretend that everything is fine with her. Only time and unobtrusive support can help her. Although she has already changed a lot. 

Just yesterday I listened to a couple of stories about the Demon Mira and I must say that the girl I met a couple of days ago is not at all like the one who they told me about. Of course, I heard that people can change after tragic events, but not so dramatically. 

Although she still wears the same hair and makeup, she is no longer a Demon. Most likely, it was also a mask that was needed to protect himself and hide his feelings. After all, before joining Fairy Tail, Mira had a very hard life and she had to go through a lot. And so that this would not happen again, she created the mask of the Demon.

After the last event, Mira's mask shattered with a bang. And under it was a fragile girl who has a lot of problems. In general, now, the World needs not only to cope with guilt, but also to practically reassemble itself. I already know what will come of this, as I saw in the anime, and I think that Mira will be better this way.

In the meantime, I left Mira and chose my first mission. It was B-Rank, but only because of the difficult conditions. A week ago there was a very strong storm, during which a large merchant ship was literally planted on sharp rocks, right in the center of the sea. 

The team managed to evacuate and no one was hurt, but the goods for tens of millions remained on the ship, which never sank, and is still planted on the rocks.

In general, need to save this ship before it finally sank, and also drag it to the shore. That's why it's a B-Rank. It requires a very specific set of skills, which fortunately I have. 

Having torn off the sheet with the task, I again approached Mira and said: - Mira, I have chosen the task. Do I need to do something to accept it? 

- You need to inform the Master and he will assign it to you. - the girl replied.

- Thanks. Where is the Master?

- In his office. Let's go, I'll take you, because you don't know where to go. - Mirajane said, leading me to the second floor, which we passed and went up to the third, which turns out to be here. 

There were only three doors that led to the Library, the Master's Office, and the Restroom, respectively. It looks like the second floor really belongs to the S-Rank Mages. And for other important premises, a third floor was created, right under the roof itself. And I used to think that there were only two floors.

- This is the Master's office. Also, I don't know if they told you but the second floor is forbidden for anyone except S-Rank Magicians. - Mira said, pointing to the office door.

- Yes, I know. I was told about this yesterday. Thank you for passing. - I said knocking on the door.

- Good luck. - Mirajane said at last, and I entered the office after I heard permission to enter.

- Oh Drake, how can I help you? - said the old man, who was now sitting at the table and sorting out documents.

- Here, I would like to take this mission. - said, passing the flyer to the Master.

- Hmm… This is not an easy task, are you sure you can handle it? In addition, it takes a couple of days to complete it, and you just joined. You have nowhere to hurry. - the old man said after reading the contents of the task.

- With the help of my Magic, I can complete this task quite easily. Plus, I can fly, so I'll be back by tonight. - I said.

- Well, if you're sure I see no reason to refuse you. You can go, just try not to destroy anything. - said the Master, clearly tired of his children's antics.

- Promise. See you tonight. - I said, after which I left the office and the Guild, after saying goodbye to everyone. Well, it's time to complete my first task.


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