Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 29

The shipwreck happened far out to sea, southeast of Hargeon. Therefore, I again had to return to Hargeon, where I immediately teleported. There is nothing to waste time on the flight. 

According to the leaflet, the customer is to stay at the Golden Goose, the luxury hotel where I stayed overnight when I arrived in Fiore. I need to meet with him and discuss the assignment. In the blink of an eye, having overcome several hundred kilometers, I found myself on the Hargeon embankment and immediately went to the hotel, which was very close.

There I was met by a familiar worker whom I met last time. Having greeted her, I informed her about the purpose of my arrival and asked to call the customer. 

Sitting in the lobby of the hotel, I waited for Rosa Pines, the woman who had commissioned the mission to rescue the ship. According to the flyer, she works for the Heartfilia Company, the one owned by Jude Heartfilia, Lucy's father. 

A few minutes later, a woman in her 25s walked into the hall, who could be perfectly described as a sexy secretary. She was dressed in a blue, strict women's suit, in the form of a pencil skirt, jacket, shirt and red tie. 

The clothes perfectly emphasized her seductive figure, with large breasts and curvy hips. Her blue hair was pulled back into a bun and she wore glasses on her face. Realizing that she was my client, I got up, to greet her properly. 

- Are you from Fairy Tail? - she asked without hesitation as she approached, in a slightly cool voice.

Ignoring her tone and brusque demeanor, I replied, showing my guild badge: - Yes. My name is Nathaniel Drake and I am a B-Rank Mage from Fairy Tail. Nice to meet you.

- My name is Rosa Pines, you can call me Miss Pines, I'm the head of the Heartfilia Company in Clover City. I was sent here to investigate what happened. Are you aware of the general situation? - Rose said a little less coolly. Looks like I made a good impression.

- Yes, your company's ship is stuck on the rocks during a storm, and you need to save it, along with the goods. - I said.

- Right. We tried to pull it out in the usual way, with the help of other ships, but nothing worked out in the end. For our company, the goods on this ship are very valuable and it is very important for us to save them as soon as possible. If you do well, you will receive a bonus. Do you understand it? - Miss Rose asked, narrowing her eyes. 

- Absolutely. I chose this task, confident that my abilities were suitable for this situation. - I said, nodding my head.

- Wonderful. Then immediately go to the port, there is a ship waiting for us, which will take us to the scene. - Rose smiled a little. It seems she is not a frigid bitch, as it seems at first glance. Just very serious and professional. 

- Since you are in a hurry, I can offer the best solution. - I said as we left the hotel. 

- Yes? And what do you propose? - Rose asked, looking at me curiously. 

Without saying anything, I summoned the blue, angelic wings of Arariel. Judging by the look Rosa was impressed and liked my wings.

- So you can fly? Well, that's right, it will be faster. - Nodding, said Rose, still looking at my wings.

- Have you been to the crash site? - I asked. 

- Yes, I was there when we tried to pull the ship ourselves, so I know its current location very well. But why are you asking? - the girl asked. 

- That's why. - I said as I took Rose in my arms, bridal style, and soared into the air, after protecting us with a barrier from the wind. 

- Woah… - Ms. Pines yelled sweetly and grabbed me in a death grip. 

- Show me the way. - I said, flying to the southeast. I only knew that the ship had hit the rocks somewhere in that direction, but I did not know the exact location. 

A blush appeared on the cheeks of the Head of the Branch, and she said sternly: - You could have warned…. Turn slightly to the left. 

Following Rosa's instructions, I flew over the sea, gradually accelerating. At first, Rosa was clearly afraid of both speed and heights, but over time she overcame her fear, and even, on the contrary, began to enjoy it. She was clearly delighted with the flight. 

With the wings of Arariel, I could reach speeds of about 700 kilometers per hour. As it turned out, the ship was 470 kilometers from the coast, so we flew there in almost half an hour. 

Rosa had long lost her cold look, and her eyes literally shone with excitement and delight. In principle, you can understand her, she is an ordinary person, not a mage, and flying for her is something incredible. Although, in fact, not many Mages in the world can fly at all. 

In general, we saw the ship on the horizon. It was huge, even bigger than what I privatized from Zeref. On the sails of the ship itself, we could see the emblem of the Heartfilia Company, which confirmed that this was the ship we needed.

Hovering over the ship, with Rose in my arms, I was able to see how much the ship was damaged. In this place, several dozen sharp rocks protruded from the sea, and it just so happened that the ship hit three rocks at once. 

Here it is not even clear whether the team was lucky or unlucky. On the one hand, they were wrecked, but on the other, the rocks act as a cork and the water could not penetrate inside, so the ship did not sink in the end.

- Could you land? I need to inspect the ship. Someone might have been here before. - said Rosa, returning her usual image of a business woman.

- Okey. - I said and started to go down. 

The ship was on one side, but it was still possible to walk on it, so after landing, I put Rosa on her feet. It was a little difficult for her to keep her balance, so I supported her and led her around the ship so that she could inspect everything.

Twenty minutes later, Rosa smiled contentedly and said: - Looks like everything is fine, no one was here.

- That's good, but why didn't you leave some guards here? - I asked. 

- Eh ... To be honest, our company has serious financial problems. My branch is about to close. Employees began to quit, as everyone understands that the next two years, the company will go bankrupt. - Rosa said. For some reason, she decided to open up, but why not.

- I just couldn't afford to hire security, because I knew I would have to pay for a mission for the Mage. But if you can successfully get the ship to port, the goods on that ship will help stabilize the situation for a few months. Honestly, this ship is our last chance. Losing him would be the end. - Rosa finished pouring out her soul to me, while sighing heavily. 

- I understand. Don't worry, I have taken on this mission and will successfully complete it, the ship will be delivered to Hargeon, safe and sound. - I said with a little smile. 

- This is good. - Rose said smiling. Damn, why are there so beautiful girls in this world. 

- Okay. Time to get him out of here. - I said and cast the spell "Light" and turned into an angel. 

I would have been able to express this ship without transformation, but it would be more difficult. Why extra complexity. 

Seeing how I turned into an angel, Rose looked at me in shock. She even opened her cute mouth.

- Let's go. - I said, lifting the girl with one hand and planting her on my shoulder, fixing her with a spell.

After that, I took to the air and using the Light Magic granted by the transformation created a ball of light that completely surrounded the entire ship. At the same time, part of the rocks still remained inside the hold. 

The sphere broke off the stone so that I could take the whole ship at once. The ball itself hung in the air, and I, having flown under it, began to push forward. That will be faster than dragging him along.

Rose was clearly impressed by the display of my abilities, and she asked: - Can you get the goods from the bottom of the sea?

- If he hasn't been swept too far by the current, then yes, I can. - I replied. 

It doesn't really matter to me the distance since I have search spells, but I'm too lazy to search too far to be honest.

- Then you can do it, I will increase the reward. - Rose said excitedly. This is obviously very important to her.

- No problem. - I just said.

- Then we need to stop at the nearest island so that I can conduct an audit and find out how much goods were lost and what exactly sank in the sea. - said Rose, at the same time taking out a piece of paper from the hollow of her chest.

It turned out to be a map that Miss Pines studied for a few minutes, then showed me and said: - Here, this island is closest to us. We can stop there, I'll quickly check everything and we can go back to the sunken goods. 

The island that Rosa was pointing to was 150 kilometers away, and had the shape of a crescent, which immediately set off a bell in my head.

- Is this island called Galuna by any chance? - I asked.

- Yes, that is right. And what? - Rose asked looking at me.

- No, nothing. - I said, while thinking: 'Well, of course, as if it could be otherwise.' 

Galuna Island is famous for being the site of one of Natsu, Lucy, and Gray's first missions. 8 years ago, in X774, in the land of Isvan, a country that is located north of Fiore, one of Zeref's Etherias, named Deliora, raged. 

He roamed the country, while destroying everything that caught his eye. In a few months, he destroyed several cities. In one of these attacks, and Gray Fullbuster's parents died. After that, wanting to become stronger in order to take revenge and kill Deliora, he volunteered to be an apprentice to a rather strong S-rank ice sorceress Ur Milkovich. 

All was going well for a while, until Gray heard of another attack by Deliora on a nearby town. This idiot thought that since he had already learned how to use magic, he would easily be able to kill a demon that other mages had not been able to destroy before. 

Of course, when Gray attacked Deliora, he realized the fallacy of his act. In the end, in order to save this idiot, Ur had to sacrifice herself and she used a forbidden ice magic spell called "Iced Shell". 

This spell turned Ur's body into super-strong ice, which Deliora sealed tightly. Since, the demon is in this ice prison and the ice gradually takes away his life force. By the year X784, when Deliora was released, he was already completely weakened and lost his former strength. After being released, the demon literally crumbled into pieces, having only managed to growl in the end. 

And freed Deliora, Lyon Vastia, another student of Ur and also not a very smart guy. Because of some insecurities or something, I'm not sure he wanted to defeat Ur in a fight. But after she sealed Deliora, Leon decided that since he could not defeat his teacher, he would kill the demon that Ur could not kill. 

And in order to do this, first need to print out Etherias, who practically devastated the whole country and the S-Rank sorceress could not even kill him. The plan is simply 'brilliant'. 

The problem is that the ice created by Iced Shell is unique, as it contains the soul of the caster. Such ice is not so easy to melt and break. To get rid of such ice, you need to use a special ritual "Moon Drip", which condenses moonlight. 

Such light can already melt the ice, but not quickly. For such a large piece of ice, in which Deliora is sealed, it will take three years of daily use of the "Moon Drip". To use the ritual, Lyon dragged Deliora to Galuna Island. An ideal place to perform such a ritual, as it is very quiet, safe and the moon phases are very suitable.

Now is X782, if I'm not mistaken Leon started the ritual last year. So it turns out that Lyon, his team, and a bunch of dark Mages that Lyon uses to perform the ritual are now on Galuna. And now I have to go there. 

Of course I can refuse but I'm not averse to getting involved in all this. I need to test my Devil Slayer Magic, and Deliora is the perfect target. I even have an idea how to get it out of the ice without destroying it. I might even save Ur.

- So we're flying to Galuna Island? - asked Rosa, seeing that I was thinking.

- Ah… yes, of course. Guide me. - I said, and flew following the instructions of Rosa.


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