Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 36

The key that Moka pulled out of his pocket was very familiar to anyone who watched or read Fairy Tail. After all, such keys were used by Lucy Heartfilia, one of the main characters of the story. 

Such keys were magical items that were used by the Celestial Spirit Mages to summon the Celestial Spirits themselves from their home world. Celestial Spirit Magic was actually a high-level spatial magic that the Heartfilia family seemed to have an aptitude for. 

There are only three types of Celestial Spirit Keys. Silver, of which there are quite a lot in the world, and with their help, you can call the Junior Spirits. They don't have much power, but they can still be useful.

The gold ones, of which there are twelve in all, and one of them, is now being offered to me by Moka. Each of the Celestial Spirits that can be invoked with the help of such golden keys represents one of the major constellations in the sky and at the same time one of the signs of the zodiac: Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio, Libra and Taurus. 

And judging by the arrow sign ♐ on the Moka's key, it can be used to summon Sagittarius. 

Each Celestial Spirit from the golden key has an impressive combat power. In addition, the stronger the Mage that summoned them, the stronger the Celestial Spirits will be. 

There is also one unique, black key, with which you can call on Ophiuchus, which is the constellation of the same name and the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, which is sometimes distinguished. But now it doesn't matter.

- This is the key of the Sagittarius Celestial Spirit. It may be of use to you. You can use it or sell it. Still, take the key, let us thank you for your help. - Moka said, handing me the key. 

To be honest, I completely forgot that the inhabitants of Galuna had this key. The magic of the Celestial Spirits, although it can be useful, is rather capricious, since when summoning, you need to conclude a contract with the Spirit, and they all have a different character and are not always good. 

Contract is contract, and in most cases it must be two-way, which means many problems and shortcomings. I have little interest in summoning magic, as I would rather fight for myself than ask for help. 

There is too much trouble with celestial spirits, and besides, they are not that strong on the world stage. If I need units, in a pinch, I'd rather learn how to create some Warriors of Light, who will become my personal guard and fight for me. 

So I don't really need a key. Especially Sagittarius, because he is some strange man in a horse suit. And all he can do is archery, which is not very useful. It appears to be useless in close combat. Even Taurus is more useful, even if he is a complete pervert. 

If I had a choice, I would prefer Vergo, as she is a sexy maid who can come in handy with her skills. By the way, I know who owns the key of the Vergo and, in principle, I can take it away if I want. 

But I will still take this key, because it is needed not only for the summon. With the help of 12 Zodiac Keys, you can use the Eclipse Gate, with which you can travel through time. 

I'm not going to use the Gate, but I really don't want to for someone else to use them. A possibility like time travel is too dangerous to just leave it to its fate. Future Rogue is a great example of this. This jerk went back in time with a bunch of dragons and nearly started another Dragon King Festival. 

It was also lucky that it was only Rogue and not some Acnologia who lost in the future and decided to go back in time to kill his enemies. I know a lot of such stories and can imagine a huge number of possibilities when the Eclipse Gate could lead to a total end. 

Especially since the Gate had already fulfilled its purpose and brought in the Dragon Slayers at this time, so it's better not to use them anymore. And if I keep the Sagittarius key, at least I'll have hope that some super powerful enemy from the future will not fall on my head, who wants to kill me and my loved ones. 

Unfortunately, the absence of one key does not give a full guarantee that no one will use the Gates. Lucy's mother, Layla Heartfilia, found herself in this situation when she opened the Eclipse Gate in X777. She was still able to successfully use the Eleven Key Gate, but she had to sacrifice her life force to make up for the lack of a key. 

I can't be sure that there won't be another very smart person who will do the same. Well, at least I can rest easy knowing that I have one of the keys, and if anyone thinks of reopening the Eclipse Gate, they will have to come to me for the Sagittarius key.

After taking another look at the key that Moka literally handed me, I thought about the decision again and said: - Okay, I'll take the key. Thank you. 

After confirming that I accepted the gift, the demons cackled happily. Funny guys. They break all stereotypes about demons with their behavior. 

- Thanks again for helping with the curse. When you have free time, be sure to visit us, we will arrange a feast for you. - Moka said, signaling to his comrades that it was time for them to leave. 

- Necessarily. In a couple of days I will have free time, so I will definitely come to you. - I said, since I really didn't mind a little party. 

- We will wait. Thanks again. - the demons said at last, going back to the jungle. By the way, why didn't they use their wings? Probably not to scare people. Although who will understand them.

- They're gone? - Rosa asked as she approached. She was clearly wary of demons, but that's not surprising, She is still a normal person and not used to it. 

- Yes. Don't worry, they are good peop... demons. Do not treat them with prejudice and be afraid of them, they are the same as people. There are good ones and bad ones. - I said, returning to the ship, it's time to fix it. 

Rosa did not answer me, as she was thinking about something, but I finally got down to the main thing. 

There was a huge hole in the sidewall of the ship, it was in this place that the ship was planted on the rocks. Of course, this hole needs to be patched up so that the ship can sail again. Without magic, this would take a long time, especially since we do not have the necessary tools, but I do not need to worry about it. 

After carefully inspecting the hole, I used a cutting spell to slightly trim the devereaux at the chipped point, after which I turned the nearby sand into suitable pieces of wood. All I had to do so it is to put the boards in the right places and glue them tightly with a spell like Epoxymis from Harry Potter. 

All in all, it took me fifteen minutes and now the ship was ready to sail. Just as I finished, Ur returned, along with Lyon. He was still alive, and even conscious, but how lifeless his eyes were shows how heavy the punishment he had to go through. 

As soon as they left the jungle, Ur immediately noticed me and walked in my direction. Judging by her appearance, now she was as satisfied and relaxed as possible. She seemed to have not only unleashed all her anger on Lyon, but also stress, which she should have had plenty of, given that she had been a block of ice for eight years.

- Well, did you have a heart-to-heart talk with a student? - I asked with a laugh.

- Oh yeah. He realized the error of his actions and offered a sincere apology. - said satisfied Ur, with a smile, like a cat that has eaten too much sour cream.

- Yeah, I see… - I said, looking at Lyon, who looked like he had just returned from the war and had PTSD. 

Now he was surrounded by his accomplices, who had more or less come to their senses, and tried to bring him to his senses. Which they didn't do well, considering he just stood there and stared up at the sky with pain in his eyes.

He didn't even look at me, as if it wasn't me who destroyed him mentally two hours ago. I'm even a little offended, as if I'm an empty place for him. And I tried so hard to humiliate him and beat him up, I even broke his nose. I hoped that he would at least be wary of me, and he ignores me. Well, not a bastard, huh? I will never do anything for him again. 

- I see you've already fixed the ship. So are we leaving soon? - Ur asked, distracting me from the comedy with Leon and his minions.

- Yes. It remains only to load the goods and we can go to sea. Then I'll just move the ship to Hargeon, because I don't want to waste time sailing, and it's already too late. There, I will finally complete my task and we can hand over Lyon and the rest of the Rune Knights. You don't mind? - I asked, looking at Ur's reaction when I mentioned Lyon's arrest. 

- Not. He must be punished for his crimes. I won't let him escape unpunished. - Ur said firmly, without a shadow of a doubt.

- You say that knowing that their punishment won't be so severe, right? - I asked with a smile.

Judging by the fact that Ur's eyebrow twitched a little, I was right. In fact, Lyon and the others didn't have time to do any really serious deed, they didn't kill anyone or anything like that, and only the local demons were injured, which the Magic Council doesn't care much about. 

The maximum that can be presented to them is the abduction of Deliora's body and an attempt to free him. But that's just an attempt. They didn't succeed, so they won't be punished too harshly. Besides, they had a motive, they wanted to kill Deliora and avenge its destruction, and not use it for evil purposes, like dark mages, so that's at least lighter punishment. 

I think at most they will be soldered a huge fine and obligated to join some guild so that they can be looked after so that they do not try to do another stupid thing. 

Given that Yuka and Toby in the past have been members of Lamia Scale Guild, Ooba Babaasama, the Master of the Lamia Scale, would most likely have to take responsibility for them all, since this is also in some way her fault, because she didn't look after her 'childrens'.

- Um… It doesn't matter. Can we swim? - Ur asked, quickly changing the subject.

- Okay. Ms. Pines, is everything all right, is there anything else left? Can we swim? - I asked Rosa, who was now checking the goods that I got from the bottom of the sea. 

- Yes. It remains only to return the boxes to the hold. - Rosa replied, looking in my direction.

- Okey. HEY, WE'RE GOING OUT. Everyone get on the ship. And don't forget to grab the crates. - I said loud enough for Isvana's mages to hear me.


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