Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 37

We sank fairly quickly, without any delay, and Isvana's mages didn't show any displeasure. They even listened to me and dragged all the boxes onto the ship themselves. Although it was more of a joke, I don't mind that they are so submissive. 

By this point, they all managed to recover and were already completely normal. Not counting Lyon, who is still out after Ur's thrashing, well, plus a broken nose. He's being looked after by Sherry and the others now, so he'll have to finish his drama soon.

- Everyone gathered? Can we leave? - I asked everyone when they finally settled on the deck. 

- Yes, sir. - Sherry said for all the mages of Isvana. 

- I checked everything and everything is in place, so we can go. - said Rosa, adjusting her glasses like a professional secretary.

- Come on, hurry up, I want to take a bath. - said Ur, in her repertoire.

- I don't think you should do this, but okay. Hold on to something, it will shake. - I told everyone and turned into an angel.

- Oh, you look very good. - Ur praised my transformation. 

First, I had to take the ship out to sea, which I immediately did. Having developed wings, I took off into the air and flew to the back of the ship, where I began to push the ship itself into the water. 

Despite the impressive size of the ship, my physical strength, moreover, notably enhanced by the transformation, was quite enough, to push the ship across the sand to the sea. 

When the ship was fully afloat and the keel no longer touched the bottom, I stopped pushing it and turned to the next task. Despite the fact that I knew quite well how to manage such a vessel, I still decided to do without a sea trip. 

In addition, there are not enough people for such a hulk, and managing everything with the help of magic will quickly get boring. To drag the ship itself for several hours with all these people, as I did before, I also do not want to. 

So, I decided to try using a new spell that will help with the mass movement to Hargeon. I've never used this before, but given the nature of my magic, there shouldn't be any problems. Flying up to the bow of the ship, which was already floating on the waves, I used my magic. 

- 'Light Ècuripte: Big Gates'. - I said out loud for effect, I do have an audience. 

In front of the ship, right in the middle of the water, a rectangle resembling a door appeared. In fact, it was a portal that connected space at two points and passing through it, you can move hundreds of kilometers almost instantly. 

The advantage of this method is that, unlike my teleportation, I can move people and a large amount of cargo with me. The downside is the unsuitability of this spell for combat. 

When the gates appeared, one could perfectly see the landscape of Hargeon through them. And that means everything worked out. 

- Whoa… - came from the ship. Even for Mages, it was an impressive sight, especially one so weak. 

Since I wanted to finish this adventure as soon as possible, I immediately created a rope of light and tied it to the bow figure of the ship, after which I pulled the rope, and the ship itself, towards the portal. 

The transition must be said was strange. It feels like I plunged into the water, but instead of the expected diving into the depths, I went out into the fresh air already at Hargeon. 

Finally convinced that everything was fine, I pulled the rope and led the ship through the portal. Well, the completion was the mooring of the ship to the pier and dropping the anchor. Finally, my first mission is officially over. 

When I finished with the ship, I went down to the deck and canceled the transformation. A very pleased Miss Pines immediately approached me and said:

- Thank you very much, Nathaniel-san. You did a great job with the mission and get a bonus. I will also be sure to contact your Guild Master and tell him about your progress. 

- Thanks, Miss Pines. If you need such services again, be sure to contact me, I will make you a discount. - I said with a smile. 

- Of course, I will be glad to work with you again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to contact our company people to unload the goods. I also need to bring your reward, do you mind waiting a bit? - Rosa said hastily. 

- Don't worry, you can mind your own business, I'll wait. But could you do me a favor? We need to call the Rune Knights to tie these guys up. - I said. 

- Sure, no problem. I will ask my assistant to explain the whole situation and lead the knights to the ship. Thanks again. - finally said Rosa, after which she left on business. 

After seeing her off, I turned around and immediately saw Ur, who was already standing next to me and staring at me intently. 

And when did she do it?

- Well, what are your future plans? - I asked, unable to bear this strange look.

- Most likely going to the Headquarters of the Magic Council, in Era, with Lyon, to see how the trial goes. And then I'll find Grey, my second student. He should know that his teacher is back. - Ur said, thus giving me a good opportunity.

- Gray? Gray Fullbuster, ice mage and exhibitionist, by any chance? - I asked in surprise. Still, I'm a good actor. 

Hearing my question, Ur looked at me in surprise and asked: - Yes, that's right, it's definitely about him. Do you know him? 

I nodded and said: - I met him yesterday. He is also a member of Fairy Tail.

- So he's in Magnolia now? - Ur asked, thinking for a moment.

- When I left today, they told me that he left on a mission, but he should have returned by now, so yes, he is there now.

- Okay, then plans change. Are you going back to Magnolia? Will you take me with you? I have to meet Grey. - said Ur.

- I don't mind, besides, I still have to remake your pendant. But what about Lyon? Will you leave him? - I asked.

- It will take time to transfer him to Era, plus paperwork, so I still have a couple of days, and then Gray and I will go to trial. - Ur said thoughtfully.

- Excellent. - I said, and noticed that a group of Rune Knights in their strange form, in which they looked more like a priest than knights, approached the ship.

- I will divorce this. - Ur said and went to talk to the captain of the Knights. She needed to explain the whole situation. Luckily, I don't have to do this. 

When Ur left, Lyon, who was already more or less normal, went in my direction. Behind him were Sherry, Toby and Yuka. 

Coming up to me, he looked at me seriously, then bowed his head and said: - Thank you for stopping me. I completely lost myself and forgot what was important to me. If not for you, I do not know what horrors I would have done.

I was a little surprised, but still expected something like this. That's what life-giving thrashing does to people.

- Please, I enjoyed beating you up. If so, please get in touch. - I said with a pleased smile that made Lyon flinch. 

Well, finally some kind of reaction. Otherwise, I thought that Ur's punishment knocked everything out of his head. Eh… I still have some sadistic tendencies. 

- Okay, I'm kidding. I hope you're not going to do any more stupid things? And you're not going to run away from trial? - I asked.

- No, I will accept my punishment and take all the blame so that the guys do not suffer. - Lyon said seriously. And he's not that bad. Who would have thought.

- Don't, Lyon-sama, we are also to blame for this. - Sherry said crying. 

After that, a whole cascade of waterfalls began, as the rest of Isvana's mages also began to sob. Fortunately, this spectacle did not torment me for a long time, and soon Ur came up, along with the Knights. 

The whole gang of Lyon, and himself, were quickly tied up and began to be taken away from the port.

- Thank you for killing Deliora and avenging our loved ones. - shouted one of Isvana's mages, after which the others shouted the same. 

- Please. - I just said, but they all heard me and continued to sob. 

The Captain of the Knights approached me and thanked me for settling the matter with Deliora, and said that I might even receive some reward when the trial was over. After saying that, he left, along with the rest of the Rune Knights and Lyon's group.

- I'll go with them, I want to make sure everything's all right. Meet me here in an hour? - Ur asked. 

- Okay. - I said, after which Ur went towards the local prison, where Lyon had been taken so far. 

For a while, I was left alone, but fortunately, there were food stalls on the waterfront, so I had something to do. I thought about calling Master to tell everything, but since I'll be in Magnolia soon, decided it could wait. In addition, the captain of rune knights said that he would contact the Master and tell the whole story. 

After 10 minutes, Rosa returned along with a dozen men who immediately began to unload the ship. 

Rosa came up to me and said: - Thank you for waiting. Here is your reward. 

She handed me a thick envelope with precious ones. If I'm not mistaken, there were more than a million. 

- Not too much? In addition, you said that your company has financial problems... 

- Do not worry, you fully deserve this money. They were just set aside to pay for the mission. - Rosa said quickly. 

- That's how, this is good. By the way, Miss Pines, I have a suggestion for you...

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