Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 38

So, I offered Rosa to be my financial manager and secretary. She is an intelligent manager and she can take control of my wealth and increase it so that it does not lie dead weight in my inventory. 

I told her that I had inherited an impressive mountain of treasures and I would like to use it. And for this, I need the right person, whom I can trust and who can cope with this task. And despite the fact that we have only known each other for a day, I am sure that Rosa is just the right person.

Upon hearing my proposal, Rosa was at least flattered, and at the most seriously thought about it. It was obvious that she didn't mind working for me, but apparently she was still attached to the Heartfilia Company. 

No wonder, because if I'm not mistaken, she literally single-handedly raised a branch in Clover. But my offer was too good, especially given the deplorable state of the company itself. As a result, she promised to think and contact me in a few days to announce her answer. 

I wasn't too upset when I heard Rosa's words, as I suspected that she would answer in this way. After all, she is too responsible to simply abandon her subordinates in a difficult time. 

This is undoubtedly also a plus of her character. In fact, nothing bad will happen even if she refuses to start working for me now, since I knew that in two years Jude Heartfilia will go bankrupt, which means that the Heartfilia Company will no longer exist and Rosa will be free.

I can wait two years, but I'm not in a hurry. I just don't want money lying around, they don't like that. And I'm too lazy to do it myself. So in the end, I agreed to wait for her response and gave her my Communications Lacrima data so she could contact me. 

After that, Rosa finally left the port, along with all the cargo. She still had to transport the actual goods to Clover, so she had a lot to do. 

In the end, I was left alone and continued to wait for Ur, who was delayed. She returned to the sunset, which I watched on the pier. The atmosphere was relaxing, so I figured it was a good moment for a problematic conversation. 

Sitting next to me, Ur said: - Sorry for the delay. I had to tell the whole story again for the report. 

- Nothing, I had something to do. - I said, pointing to a pile of snack wrappers.

- I see… - Ur said with a smile and looked at the setting sun. 

It was a great view. We paused to enjoy the moment. After the star had completely disappeared below the horizon, I decided to speak up. 

- How do you feel?

Looking at me in surprise, not expecting such a question, she thought for a second, after which she said quietly: - Strange. I still can't believe that this is actually happening. I'm afraid this will turn out to be an illusion. 

- Well, there is nothing surprising. I'm surprised that my idea worked. It is better to think that it was a miracle (or the author's arbitrariness). In time, everything will be fine. - I said reassuringly. 

- Yes, I think you're right. All I need is time. - Ur muttered softly. looking somewhere in the distance. 

After sitting for a few minutes in silence, I decided to move on to the main thing.

- Hey, you said your last surname was Milkovich, right? - I asked casually.

- Yes, but what is it? - Ur looked at me strangely, because of this unexpected change of topic.

- Don't you have a relative named Ultear? - I asked. 

Ur frowned and looked a little angry, but she answered anyway: - Yes. That was my daughter's name, but she died many years ago. 

Using all my acting skills, I looked at her in surprise and asked: - Yes? Then who is it? 

After that, I took out the Wizard Magazine from the spatial storage and showed her a photo of 23-year-old Ultear, who was very similar to Ur herself. I never thought this magazine would be so useful. 

Seeing the photo of her adult daughter, Ur burst into tears as she took the magazine from my hands. It seems, she recognized Urtear without any problem. I assume that this is maternal instinct.

- My girl… - the woman drawled through her sobs, still sobbing. It turns out that despite her unusual condition, she can still cry.

In an attempt to console her, I stroked her back, which didn't help much, but still. I certainly expected such a reaction, but listening to the sobs of a woman was an unpleasant experience. Fortunately, after a couple of minutes, she began to calm down. 

- I don't understand... This is definitely my daughter, but how can this be? I was sure she was dead… - Ur said in a stunned voice.

- I don't know, but I think you can only learn the truth from her. You need to meet her. - I gave my advice.

- Exactly. I urgently need to the Headquarters of the Magic Council. - Ur said with determination, jumping up from the bench and going in a random direction. 

- Stop. Do not rush. You don't even know where she is now. She may be in a completely different city. Besides, how do you get there? You don't have money for the train, and I've never been there, so I can't move you. Don't go there in the middle of the night. - I said, convincing arguments, grabbing her hand. 

- But, this is my daughter. I must see her. - Ur shouted.

- I know. I understand that this is important to you. But don't go crazy. You wanted to meet Grey. Let's go back to Magnolia, you'll talk to him, and tomorrow you'll go to Era. I'm sure nothing will happen in a day. Besides, there's a good chance she'll be present at Lyon's trial, and that's where you'll meet her. - I said convincingly. 

After hearing my reasoning, Ur thought for a bit, constantly frowning, but after a few seconds, she sighed and nodded. - You're right. Rushing now will only hurt.

- Well, that's good. Let's go we have to go to Magnolia. - I said and created the gate. 

Nodding resignedly, Ur went through the portal first, and I followed her. We immediately found ourselves next to the Guild building. 

Since it was already evening, everyone had to gather there for another drinking party. And I was not mistaken, because even from the street, the sounds of fun were perfectly audible.

- Let's go. - I said and went to the door of the Guild. Ur followed me. 

Pulling the handle, I stopped for a moment and said: - Be careful, you never know what happens.

Ur looked at me strangely, but still nodded. Making sure that she understood me, I opened the door and I immediately had to bend down, as someone's carcass flew at me. It looks like it was Natsu. 

Luckily, Ur still had time to react and successfully evaded as well. As I expected, there was another fight going on in the guild hall. Ignoring it, I led Ur to the counter, diligently bypassing the scuffle. In which, oddly enough, Fullbuster was not visible. 

Although Ur was surprised by what was happening, she was now more worried about meeting Gray, so she just followed me. Mirajane was still working behind the counter. 

Noticing me, she smiled sweetly and happily said: - Drake, you're back. How was the mission? 

- Excellent. Earned a million precious. Listen, do you know where Gray is? - I answered, after which I immediately asked about the main thing, since Ur was impatient behind me.

- Congratulations. As for Grey, he's at home recovering from an injury he got on his last mission. - Mira said, thinking a little.

- Is that how? He is alright? - I asked. 

- Nothing serious, just a broken leg. So why do you need Grey? - the girl inquired.

- Someone wants to meet him. You won't tell where does he live? - I said and pointed to Ur, behind me.

- I'm sorry, but I don't know exactly where his house is. You need to ask one of his friends. - Mira said.

- Are you looking for Grey? I know where he lives. I can carry out. - chirped Lisanna, suddenly jumping up.

- Yes. This is Ur, Gray's magic teacher. I met her on a mission. She would like to see a student. - I said, imagining Ur. 

- Hi. - Ur said with a slight wave of her hand.

- Oh, so you are the same Ur, Gray told a little about you. Come, I will accompany you, he will be very glad to meet you. - Lisanna said with a bright smile. 

Judging by her reaction, Gray never told his whole story and what happened to Ur. Well, no wonder, here everyone keeps their secrets of the past. 

- Thanks a lot. - Ur said to Lisanna. 

- No problem, I'm happy to help. - the younger Strauss said good-naturedly.

- Should I go with you or can you handle it on your own? - I asked Ur.

- It's okay, you've already done so much for me today. You should rest. Thanks for everything, again. - Ur said and hugged me. 

Taking a hug I took the opportunity and whispered in her ear: 'Please don't tell anyone that I returned your body. If anyone finds out about this, it will be a problem.' 

Ur didn't answer me, but after the hug, she gave me a confiding smile before leaving the guild with Lisanna.

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