Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 39

After Ur left to meet Grey, I sat down at the bar stool and ordered a hearty dinner from Mira. Again, I couldn't eat properly all day. 

Although Mirajane didn't mind talking, she still left me for a while so I could eat in silence. By the time I finished, the guild fight was over, another draw, and the Master was downstairs. 

However, I was able to catch a glimpse of Laxus as he went down with the Master. Now he is about 21 years old, but he is already quite pumped up. His face was dissatisfied and he immediately left the guild without speaking to anyone. 

Judging by the looks the others gave him, those who were conscious, he is not particularly liked here, even more afraid.

Laxus didn't even spare me a glance. It's clear that no one has polished his face for a long time, it hurts him to be arrogant. But it doesn't concern me, so I just looked at him and that's it.

- Oh Drake, you're back. Whole and unharmed. How was the mission? - asked the Master, who had approached, after ordering a mug of beer. 

- All right, Master. The customer is happy and even gave a bonus. - I said casually. 

- Yes? This is good. Did anything remarkable happen during the mission? - the Master asked with a sly squint. Looks like the Rune Knights have already contacted him. 

- No, nothing special. Saved the ship and all. The only thing is that along the way I met a group of mages who wanted to free one demon, and it just so happened that I managed to stop them and destroy the demon. I'm telling you, nothing special, an ordinary mission. - as if by chance, I said. 

- Sure sure, regular mission. Is it okay that the demon you destroyed was the infamous Deliora? - the Master asked seriously. 


It was the sound of a broken glass being dropped by Mira, who was eavesdropping on our conversation. She must have heard stories about Deliora.

- Well, maybe he once was, but his days of glory are long gone. The seal that had been placed on him gradually drained his life force, and by the time he was released, his strength was barely up to an A-Rank Magical Creature. I'm telling you, nothing special. - still casually, I said, drinking juice.

- That's it, then it's good. - Master said, more relaxed now. 

We sat in silence for a while while Mira cleaned up the pieces of glass. When Mira went to throw away the fragments, and we were convinced that no one else was warming their ears, the Master asked: - And what about the seal? How did you free the demon?

- With a little creative thinking and a lot of magical energy, I was able to pull out his body without damaging the ice. - I said truthfully.

- It's clear. And judging by the fact that you had a woman with you that looked a lot like Gray's description of his teacher, you were also able to cancel Ice Shell and bring her back. - Makarov said, thus showing his remarkable mind and ingenuity. 

As I thought, Gray told the whole story to Makarov, and he was aware of the Ice Coffin and everything else.

- Not exactly, but yes. - I said.

- Only as far as I know, Ice Shell cannot be canceled. I specifically looked for such a method at the request of Gray, but did not find anything. So how did you manage to mark the spell? - the Master asked, with visible interest.

- Honestly, I don't even know how it happened. After I pulled out and killed Deliora, the ice was in turned back into Ur on its own. It's hard to believe, but that's how it was. - I said, trying to be as honest as possible. 

I don't want to tell the whole truth. My intuition says that it is better to blame everything on a miracle, so there will be less trouble. 

Hearing my answer, the Master thought deeply and after a couple of minutes he spoke his hypothesis: - Perhaps Ur was able to unconsciously reverse the process when you pulled the demon out without damaging the ice. Thanks to the absorbed life energy of Deliora, she could succeed, since this was her sincere desire. Magic often responds to desires, and this has never happened before in history. 

He seemed to believe me and even came up with a good excuse himself. 

- Quite possible. Who knows. Although I think it is not so important, the main thing, that Ur is now all right and she has returned. I'm sure Gray will be very happy. - I said with enthusiasm, in order to quickly jump off this topic.

- There you are, no doubt, right. Let's drink. - said the Master and put forward a glass of beer. Using my glass, I clinked glasses with it and drank my drink. 

Mirajane just returned to the counter, and we realized that the time for serious conversations had passed, but in the end Makarov nevertheless said: - Come to me tomorrow and tell the whole story again, I need to write a report for the Magic Council. 

Nodding silently, I continued to drink my drink after Mira poured some more juice. After a while, Lisanna returned. Apparently, she only brought Ur to Gray's house, after which she immediately left, as she did not want to interfere. 

Nothing else interesting happened. Ur never returned, apparently the conversation dragged on. I, sat at the counter for a couple more hours, chatted with several members of the Guild, once again knocked out Natsu, who, after he came to his senses after the last fight, began to pester me, and then went home. Today was a long day. 


The next day I decided to sleep longer and got up only after dinner. Even if I have the endurance of ten people, it does not mean that I do not get tired. And yesterday, I used a lot of Magic Power at once, and although I quickly replenished the reserve, the fatigue remained in my body. 

But now, I am completely rested and ready for a new day. First, as requested, the Master went to him and again told all the events that happened yesterday, for his report. Of course, the whole truth was not there, but it was not necessary. 

Mira was only working in the evening today, so she wasn't there. Like Elfman and Lisanna, who decided to take the day off. Ur and Gray never showed up, perhaps they were sleeping off after a heavy conversation. And Cana went on a mission. 

Since I didn't communicate closely with anyone else, I decided not to sit in the Guild, but to go to the Poseidon Manor and practice magic a little. 

I did not want to take the mission, because I was too lazy, and to be honest, I was afraid of what might happen on the mission. Suddenly another demon appears. There has already been a precedent. 

Before leaving, I remembered that the guild has a library and I can finally access the books on Magic that I need so badly. So I stopped in front of the entrance, turned around and went to the library. Fortunately, I already knew where she was, so I found her without any problems. 

You wouldn't expect this from a Guild like Fairy Tail, but the library here was incredibly large and varied. It occupied the entire back of the building and occupied all the floors at once, plus the basement. And although there were only two wardrobes, placed against two walls, they were huge, from floor to roof, twenty meters high and fifty meters wide. 

There were more than thousands books stored here, and to put it mildly, I was stunned. To get the book from the top shelf, you have to use a very high ladder. 

When I finished admiring the library, which obviously didn't live up to Fairy Tail's reputation, I noticed that someone was in the library. I think this was the only person in the Guild who was interested in this room at all and who came here regularly.

- Drake-san, good afternoon, do you need something? - said a petite blue-haired girl with glasses.

It was Levy McGarden, a member of the Shadow Gear team and Gajeel's future girlfriend. She was known for that she was very well-read and knew a lot thanks to her love of books. 

Levy quite often sat in the library and studied new books in order to gain new knowledge. Although to be honest, I think she was hiding here from her teammates. Droy and Jet, the other two members of Shadow Gear, were big fans of Levy and were literally her support group.

They're kind of nice guys, and I think Levy enjoyed the attention, but sometimes their behavior would go out of control and they would get extremely pushy. 

I've only known them for two days, but I've already seen enough moments for these guys bothered Levy. So it's not surprising that Levi sits here in silence, since this is the only place where she is left alone.

- Levy-san, right? I just wanted to find books on Light Magic. - I said, smiling, going to the table at which the girl was sitting.

- Yes, that's right. But you can just Levy. Why do you need books on the Magic of Light, you are already a kind of Mage of Light, if I remember correctly? - Levy tilted her head. 

- Then you can just Drake and let's not be polite, after all, we are the same age. My magic is a variation, but I want to learn the basics so I can better understand my own magic. - I said. 

- Is that how? This is very commendable, if only we had more people who want to learn. And then, except for me and the Master, practically no one visits the Library. - Levy said dejectedly. 

- Well, that's Fairy Tail. - I said with a shrug.

- It is truth too. You need books on elementary Magic, right? Now I will find everything for you. - Levy said, after which she got up and began to look for the right books. 

She had to jump up the stairs notably, since it seemed that there was no normal filing cabinet here, and all the books were in different places. Ten minutes later, a slightly tired Levi finally came up to me with a stack of five thick books she handed me, saying: - Here, these books will help you understand the basics. When you're done with them, you can come back and I'll give you the next ones. 

Taking the books, I immediately put them in my spatial pocket and said to the girl: - Thanks. I will definitely be back. 

A smile blossomed on the girl's face, after which we said goodbye and I went to my secret base. Now I have something to do.

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