Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 45

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to - pa*treon.com/nanutov55


Having finished caressing, Mira and I changed into more or less elegant clothes, after which I opened the gates to Magnolia. Mira still needed to pick up a package from the Master, so we needed to visit the guild. At the same time to inform all relatives that we will not be a couple of days. 

After passing through the portal, we were right at the door of the guild. Today there was no one inside, because yesterday there was a notable booze and everyone is sleeping off. By this time hardly anyone came to his senses. 

Once inside, we didn't have to dodge another item for a change. There were only Guild workers in the hall now, who were trying to bring the room into a divine form, after yesterday's devastation.

After greeting them, because there is nothing wrong with simple politeness, we went up to the second floor and went to Makarov's office. After knocking, we did not hear an answer, but expecting such a thing, we went in anyway and found ourselves in a so familiar office, which, as always, was filled with documents from the Magic Council. 

The master still has not departed from yesterday, as he is now corny asleep at his desk. I deliberately slammed the door harder to wake him up. 

And it worked, because the noise woke him up and he jumped up like a young goat, which he immediately regretted.

- Oh oh…. oh my head. - the Master let out a plaintive groan, clutching his head, which was parting after yesterday.

For two months, I got to know the old man well enough and expected this, so I pulled out a bottle of beer from the inventory, which I specially kept for Makarov, when he needs a hangover. 

After such a drinking bout as yesterday, until the Master drinks at least one hundred grams, it is impossible to talk to him. Makarov, like a wild animal, pounced on the beer, with a speed unusual for his return. 

Ten minutes later, and two more bottles of beer, the Master finally came to life and was ready to talk.

- So, Drake, Mira, how can I help you? - the Master asked, sitting down at his desk and pretending that the incident had never happened before.

- Master, I would like to pick up a package for your friend. Today we are going to Crocus and I can carry out your assignment. - Mira said, standing next to me.

- Package? Oh yes, I remember. Completely out of my head ... Now I will bring the package. - Master said and left the room.

- He's like always. - Mira sighed heavily. 

- Well, you can understand him too. He has been leading the guild for 40 years, in which not the most adequate people consist. Almost every day, he has to deal with the mess that his wards have made. Plus, don't forget about the Magic Council, which is constantly putting pressure on the guild, again because of the actions of our guild members. He needs to somehow relieve stress and relax, so he thumps. - I said with a shrug. 

Judging by her wide eyes, Mira obviously didn't think about it that way. In fact, I marvel at Makarov's patience. In his place, I would have given up a long time ago.

- You're right. Now I'm ashamed. - Mira said softly, dropping her head.

 After stroking her head for encouragement, I put on my best smile and said: - Don't worry. If you want to help the Master, just don't give him any trouble. Don't do like Natsu and everything will be fine. 

- Ha ha ha, yeah, you're right. I will try. - Mira laughed, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. 

- Okey then. Now, let's change the subject. What do you think of the Wizard's Magazine proposal? Do you agree or not? - I asked. 

- What about modeling and photo shoots? I already gave up, I'm not interested. - Mira said categorically, which surprised me a lot. I still thought that she would agree, as it was in the canon.

- Why? They offer good money. - I asked with real interest.

- I don't need any money, I'm getting a decent waitressing job, and besides, I'll be able to get back to doing missions soon. And I don't want anyone other than my man to see my body. Even in a bathing suit. - Mira said, stroking my cheek.

- Is that how? I'm pleased. I really didn't want you to agree. But I did not want to impose my opinion on you and left the choice up to you. - I said frankly.

- It was so clear. It is unlikely that at least one real man wants his girlfriend to star in a candid photo shoot for a magazine with a huge circulation. I don't want to spoil our relationship for some money. Everything suits me. - Mira kissed me on the cheek. 

- How understanding you are. Come here, I'll thank you… - I said with a smirk, and lifting the girl by the waist, put her on my knees and began to kiss her neck.

- Kya… ha ha, stop… it tickles me. - Mira shouted happily, melting in my arms. 

Unfortunately, we were not allowed to have mercy for a long time, since the Master came. We managed to clean ourselves up before he arrived, but judging by the amusement in his eyes, he realized that we were doing something obscene.

- Oh, youth… - he drawled softly, but I still heard, after which the old man added: - Here is the parcel. It says where and to whom to deliver, so you'll figure it out. 

- Thank you, Master. Can you tell everyone that we won't be here until Tuesday? - Mira said with an awkward smile, taking a small box in her hands. 

- No problem. Good luck on your journey and have fun there. - Master said with a sly wink, after which he kicked us out of the office. Probably drinking again. 

- Tch, he's too perceptive… - Mira chuckled angrily because of the stupid hints of the Master, turning a little red.

- Come on. Everyone already knows everything. Nothing to be ashamed of. Let's better hurry, otherwise we still have to fly to Crocus. - I said as I walked down the stairs. 

The capital of Fiore is located almost in the very center of the country, which is quite far from the southeast, where Magnolia is located. It's also bad that there is no railway station to Crocus and you have to get on your own, which usually takes a little over two days of travel. 

I have never been to the capital yet, so I will first have to move to the nearest city to Crocus, in which I was, and later fly on my own. This city was Hortensia, it is located three hundred kilometers west of the capital. It is the hometown of the Quatro Cerberus Guild. I was there on assignment two weeks ago. 

Going down to the first floor, I wanted to immediately open the gate, but I was interrupted.

- Drake. - greeted Erza, who was standing at the counter with her hands under her chest. 

- Erza, long time no see. How are you doing? - I said amiably, cursing my luck to myself. 

- Everything is fine. All my Armor is finally out of overhaul and we can fight at full strength again. - Erza declared belligerently. 

Erza was unhappy with the outcome of our battle and since then, every time we see each other, she will forgive the rematch. She didn't seem to understand that I was holding back and not using my full strength. She is sure that next time she will definitely win. 

For her, this is very important and, frankly, she has already got me. Up to this point, I've managed to somehow disown this pleasure, but now that Ezra has her armor back, she's going to be even more insistent. 

Knowing that I couldn't get out, I sighed heavily and said: - All right, I'll fight you again, but on one condition.

- What do you want? - Erza asked with a slight frown. Although, judging by the pink coating on her cheeks, he thought of something vulgar. She clearly needs to stop reading adult books.

- I want you to teach me Requip. - I said.

- My Magic? I don't mind, it's not that hard, I already taught it to Master once. - Erza instantly agreed without even asking questions. 

- Well, that's wonderful. I'll see you Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Guild's backyard. In the meantime, excuse us, it's time, we are in a hurry. - I said as I walked slowly towards the exit. 

- Wait. About the money you gave me to fix my armor. I have almost saved up the whole amount, so I will give it to you soon. - Erza said, a little embarrassed.

- No worth it. It's my fault that your armor broke, so I have to pay. Don't worry, I have enough money and I won't get poorer. I'm sorry, but we're really in a hurry. Good luck. - I said and opened the gate, through which I immediately went with Mira.

- Bye and thank you. - I heard last.

As to why Mira and Erza didn't even greet each other, it's because since Mira changed, she and Erza completely ignore each other. 

They still have this rivalry, but since Mira doesn't want to be the same as before, she doesn't provoke Erza into a fight. And Erza herself does not understand at all how to treat Mira now. All this grew into a mutual disregard. 

Well, it doesn't matter now. After passing through the portal, we ended up in Hortense and therefore I said to the occasion: - Now it remains to fly to Crocus. Do you want to go on your own or do you want me to give you a ride?

- I don't want to fly myself, and besides, I don't have enough Magic Power to fly three hundred kilometers. So carry me my stallion. - Mira said with a smile and jumped to my hands.

- Of course, my lady. - I said humbly, hiding my smile. 

After that, I manifested the wings of Arariel and soared into the air, with my girlfriend in my arms. 

After a couple of minutes of peaceful flight, Mira decided to ask me a question: - Do you like Erza?

She seems to be jealous after all and not too pleased that I made an appointment with her old rival, albeit for a fight.

- Not. She is certainly a beautiful girl, but she is not my type. She has a too heavy character, she is too stiff. And do not forget that she has her own problems. - I said quite honestly, after which I mentally added: 'And even more than you had.'

- Is that how it is? Good answer. - Mira said, trying to suppress a smile. Our further journey passed in comfortable silence.

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