Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 46

After an hour of slow flight so that Mira and I could enjoy the beautiful view, we finally flew to the capital of Fiore. Crocus is located in a wide valley surrounded by rocky mountains of low height, as well as small hilly slopes and a small river. Forests on both sides occupy the western part of the valley. 

Being the capital of the Kingdom, Crocus is the largest city in the country, with a huge number of buildings in a circular formation. On the right side of the city, on the edge are small rocks.

The most characteristic feature of the city, giving it the nickname "Flower Blooming Capital" is a huge number of flowers that adorn the streets, flower beds, garlands, being the most famous souvenir of the city. 

The buildings are built with light-colored facades and towers with extremely gabled, red-colored tiled roofs, protruding upwards. On all sides there are stone streets, some of which are basic, while others are more elaborate, consisting of very large circular mosaics made up of wide, flat stones that bear floral and nature motifs or chess patterns. 

In the central part of the city there is a large, round lake. At its center stands Mercurius, the palace of the royal family of Fiore. To be honest, I liked Vistarion more. And although their architecture is almost identical, the capital of Alvarez is more structured, unlike the chaotic Crocus, which makes Vistarion more attractive. 

Also, don't forget that the capital city of the Zeref's Empire doesn't have all that cacophony of floral scents, which really irritates my sensitive Devil Slayer nose. I can't imagine how terrible it is to be a person with a pollen allergy and live here. 

Even on approaching the city, I felt all these smells and I had to apply an air filtration spell to myself, since I could not control the sensitivity of my sense of smell and immediately began to sneeze. It usually takes time to adapt in a situation like this, but I didn't want to waste my time with Mira alone, so I just used Magic. 

Finally, I will say that I liked the Mercurius Palace more. It's more fabulous, isn't it? Whereas, Zeref's palace is more severe and militarized.

Having finished admiring the city from a bird's eye view, I landed right on the central square and lowered my girlfriend to the ground. 

- Thanks. You are a great vehicle. - Mira said with a smirk, after which she kissed me on the cheek.

- You're welcome. - I said, gladly accepting my thanks.

- So, first I'll go deliver my package while you mind your own business, after which we meet and go on a date. Right? - Mira asked to confirm our plan.

- Absolutely right. So where do you need to go? - I asked. Still, I wonder for whom the Master sent one of the most trusted members of the Guild as a messenger. 

Having looked at the package, Mira read the necessary information and said with considerable surprise: - I need to go in the direction of the royal palace. There is an elite area and it is there that Draculos Giberion lives, to whom this package is intended.

- One of Four Gods of Ishgar? The one who is the Second, right? - I asked as I remembered who it was.

- Yes, that's him. I wonder why the Master would send a package to the God of Ishgar? And what is there? - Mira asked curiously, examining the box.

- I don't know, but they are both Wizard Saints, who knows what they have in common. It doesn't concern us. - I said with a shrug. 

- You're right. Okay, I'll meet you here in 3 hours, okay? - Mira agreed with my words, after which she asked a question. 

- Of course. Good luck. - I said and kissed her on the cheek. 

After receiving a kiss in return, we parted ways. Now that I was alone, you can do your own, not entirely law-abiding business. 

Ever since I received the Sagittarius key, I have been haunted by the Eclipse Gate and the possibility that someone will use it. I'm quite satisfied with my current life, even with all the threats that are literally waiting for me outside the threshold. But the fact is that all these threats are well known to me. 

And with the Gates, there is an element of surprise and it is not clear what can happen. It's too dangerous, and since I'm paranoid, I'm not going to leave everything to its fate. For my peace of mind, I still decided to take the Eclipse Gate and make sure that no one uses it. 

Actually this is what I decided to do now. How lucky it was that Mira needed to visit the capital. And then with all my affairs, I could not make time for a trip here at all. 

After creating wings, I flew into the air and cast a combination of concealment spells on myself. I don't want anyone to see what I'm doing. 

The Eclipse Gate is under Crocus, in a network of underground caverns, and somehow, I need to get there. Fortunately, I have a search spell and can easily find out the exact location of the Gate. 

Deciding not to waste time looking for the entrance to the dungeon, I made my body intangible and plunged underground following the index arrow. The place I needed was to the west of the Mercury Palace, right under the western mountain. This is where the Grand Magic Games Arena will be built in the future. 

Finally falling through the entire thickness of the earth, I ended up in a rather large cave, which could be called the Dragon Graveyard, since there were many bones scattered here, which, as it is understood, belonged to dragons.

I completely forgot that there are dragon bones here and this is a joint on my part. It is necessary to take away all these dragon remains. After all, dragon bones are dragon bones and they can definitely come in handy. 

In any fantasy world where dragons exist, the bodies of these magical lizards are of great use and value. This is a very precious and rare resource. It is rather strange that all these bones have been lying around here for four centuries now and no one cares about them. 

I don't know how I'll use these bones, but I'm sure I'll find a use for them. Among all this pile of bones, there should also be a complete skeleton of a Jade Dragon named Zirconis, a lover of human and cats. 

One day, in this cave, his spirit will call on Wendy Marvel, and he told information important for the plot. Out of curiosity, I found his skeleton using a spell, and when I looked at his bones, I had a brilliant idea. 

As far as I remember, in the continuation of the manga, a group of Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers appeared. If the first generation was taught directly by the Dragons themselves, the second received magic through the implantation of Lacrima, the third was a combination of previous methods, and the fourth generation was called artificial automatons, in fact golems created from Dragon Lacrima, then the fifth generation received its power by devouring the bodies of dragons. 

As you might guess, I want to eat dragon bones and become a Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer. Although this is a very serious decision, as many problems and disadvantages can arise. Dragon Slayer Magic is generally very capricious and there are many nuances with it. Also, there is no guarantee that it will work. 

To be honest, I'm just fired up with this idea. Initially, I wanted to find the Dragon Lacrima of the element I liked, but if I eat the dragon skeleton, it will obviously give me much more strength and advantages. 

Although there are many unknowns in this method. Luckily I have one idea how to check the safety and suitability of this method. But first, I need to find dragon bones with an element that I like. 

Jade Dragon doesn't interest me at all since his Jade Dragon Slayer Magic doesn't suit me. In addition, Zirconis, when he appeared in this time, passing through the Eclipse Gate (a bell that my idea to take the Eclipse Gate is a good idea) he used only one spell and this spell only destroyed the clothes on the girls.

I'm sure that the same Issei Hyoudou would be delighted with this magic, and he would get along well with Zirconis, but I do not need such magic. 

Also, I decided that there was no point in eating just a couple of dragon bones, so I started looking for a complete or almost complete dragon skeleton. 

Fortunately, I had my magic, otherwise I would not have been able to find out which dragon these bones belonged to and what element he used. As I said, I don't need the Jade Dragon, so I went to the next skeleton that lay nearby.

- 'Light Ècuripte: Status'. - I created a spell and threw it into a pile of bones. 

The bones themselves shone slightly, after which a holographic rectangular plate formed from the light in front of them, on which all the basic information about this dragon was written. His name, element, how he died, and the number of bones that have been preserved.

In this case, it was a Diamond Dragon, named Diamante. He died at the hands of one of the Dragon Slayers, with 70% of his bones remaining.

- So, Diamond Dragon Slayer Magic, huh? Well, that's good, but I'll look for more. - I thought aloud. 

The only problem is that the dragons that are buried in this graveyard are completely ordinary, lesser dragons whose strength is far from that of the Dragon Kings. So, the power that I will receive from them will clearly be less than the power that the Five Dragon Slayers from the past received, who were trained by the real Dragon Kings. 

This is of course frustrating, but it consoles me that the Dragon Lacrima of the same Laxus or Eric, it is unlikely that they belonged to high-level dragons. I certainly have the Sea Dragon King's Lacrima, but I don't want to use it at all. 

And here, I can find the perfect mountain of bones for me. Plus I think that if I ate a whole dragon skeleton, it would give me more strength than a lacrima implant. 

Anyway, I'm unlikely to be able to find a living dragon that will volunteer to train me, so these are the only two options I have. And I like the bone version better, so I continued my search. 

Next was the Stone Dragon, no, it's worse than Diamond, then there was Iron, also no, then Lava Dragon, too easy, the next was Snow, sucks, and then... 

In general, I did not lose enthusiasm and continued to look for the perfect pile of bones.


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