Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 5

As I was flying over the city in search of a decent hotel, I saw a trio of soldiers walking through the streets. I wouldn't have noticed it if they weren't moving towards Zagan's store. 

My intuition told me that this was not an accident and that I should follow the soldiers. As I thought, they were heading straight for Zagan, because when they arrived at his store, the owner himself came out and beckoned them inside. 

Confident that I should know what they were talking about, I decided to sneak inside and eavesdrop on them. So after checking that the concealment and invisibility spells were working, I descended to the ground, spread my wings, and used an intangibility spell to get through the door, just in time to hear the entire conversation.

- Well, why did you call, Zagan? - asked the main soldier, most likely the commander, a two-meter forty-year-old man in armor.

- This is about my last client, Konrad. He was a Mage and quite strong, at least an A-Rank. - Zagan said with a nasty grin.

- Are you sure? - Commander Konrad asked seriously. 

- Yes, although he didn't use Magic and kept his reserve well hidden, I could sense that he was definitely a strong Mage. 

- Why did he come to your shop?

- Sell S-Rank Creatures Lacrima. - said the greedy merchant. 

- What? S-Rank? Where does he get such a Lacrima from? - Konrad asked shocked.

- He said, that he inherited it from the father of a soldier, but this is hardly true. Rather, he himself killed the Creature and decided to sell it. 

- Then he must be really strong. Are you sure he's not in the military? - Konrad asked thoughtfully. 

- Yes. He doesn't look like a soldier. And I know all your people in the city. - Zagan said in a confident tone.

- Then he's either a deserter or a fugitive. It is imperative to find him, if in the capital they find out that we have a strong Mage running around freely, we will definitely have problems. So what did he look like? - Konrad said with deadly seriousness. 

- He looks about twenty-five years old, blond hair, blue eyes.... 

I didn't listen anymore. Still, it's good that I listened to my paranoia and disguised myself. Now, most likely throughout the city, be looking for a person with Naruto's face. 

After talking a little more with Zagan, Konrad and his people, who were silent all the time, left the store. Finally, I heard something interesting. 

Earlier, I heard from gossip that almost all Mages of the continent serve in the army, but it turned out that not practically, but absolutely all Mages should serve in the army, even the weakest D-Rank. This is the law. 

So, any Mage who does not serve in the army is considered a deserter and will either be imprisoned or rather forced to serve in the hottest spots. If you have a question, what about visiting Mages from other countries, then they practically do not happen in the country. 

Alien Mages are practically not allowed into the country, and if they are allowed, they are either recruited into the army, or they simply cannot go further than the capital. Many of them are even kidnapped and forced to serve by force.

And all the Mages that don't want to serve in the army, fleeing the Empire to other countries. If I'm not mistaken, Alzack Connel and Bisca Mulan of Fairy Tail are just such fugitives who escaped from Alvarez, and now they live in Fiore. 

Not everything is as good in Wonderland as it seems. Still, it's a good thing I didn't enter the city through the main entrance. There, they would definitely feel my magic, and confusion would begin. 

I would have fled, but most likely they would have searched for me all over the country, and after a while, perhaps the Spriggan would have been sent for me. I don't need this.

At least now I know that I need to hide my Magic. There will be too much trouble if they find out about me, and I don't need this either. I'd rather hide. 

Moreover, with just one spell, I can hide my Magic and safely travel around the country without fear of being discovered. That's exactly what I'm going to do. 

After leaving the store and going into a familiar alleyway, I cast 'Light Scripture: Concealing Magic' on myself, and now there is an invisible film around my body that will not allow other people, at least those who are weaker than me, to feel my Magic Power.

After canceling all other spells, I again moved in search of the hotel, this time already visible, but for everyone else I was just another passerby. 

The city was big enough that I could get lost in it. Along the way, I discovered another place that I should visit. Namely, a hairdresser. 

I like my long hair, but it is not very comfortable with them, and they stand out. Plus, they really do need to be fixed. When I entered the hairdresser's, I was greeted by a nice old lady who gladly cut my hair for only 3,000 units of local currency. 

And she did really well. If before my hair was like Madara's, just as lush, but longer and softer, now the old woman trimmed her hair on her head, cut her bangs, removed a little on the sides, and also made a long tail to her ass, which she tied with a rope. Now, my hair is similar to Sinbad from Magi, except that my hair is blue.

In general, I was pleased with the result, I was satisfied, and most importantly, it went very well for me. Thanking the old lady and handing her the money, I also asked her about the best hotel in the city. 

She showed me the way, so after thanking her, I left following her directions. A few minutes later, I arrived at a three-story hotel with the interesting name "Sleeping Demon". 

When I went inside, I was greeted by a plump woman in her thirties with green hair standing behind the counter. 

Seeing that I went inside, she gave me a real smile, unlike Zagan, and said: - Welcome to the Sleeping Demon, do you need a room?

- Hello, yes, your best room, for three days, please. - I said with a sweet smile.

- Okay, our suite is just free. It's 60 000. Meals included. Here is the key. - the woman said. 

Having obtained the necessary amount, I took the key with the number ten and handed over the money.

- My name is Laila, I am the owner of this hotel, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, dear customer. - after counting the money, Laila said with a dazzling smile.

- Nice to meet you, my name is Drake, thank you for your hospitality.

- Okay, Drake, let's go, I'll take you to your room. - Laila said as she stepped out from behind the bar. 

Following the hostess, we went up to the third floor. And it looks like that the whole floor is my suite. Opening the room, Laila let me inside, and I saw the interior of the room. 

I must say, everything looked very homely. Inside there was a huge window with a good view, a large bed, a wardrobe and a desk. The room also had a full bathroom. Something like Lucy's apartment in Magnolia. Better than my hut for sure. 

- Here's your room. Dinner will be in 30 minutes. You can eat downstairs or order food here. What would you prefer? - Laila said when she saw that I looked around the room and was pleased.

- I'll eat here. - I answered shortly.

- Okay, then I'll bring everything. Make yourself comfortable. - said the hostess in the end, after which she left the room closing the door behind her. 

Left alone, I immediately jumped onto the bed and sighed in relief. 

'Today was a very tiring day, and I don't want to do anything else today. I never thought that my excessive paranoia would save me from so much trouble. Tomorrow I'll start looking for more information and a map, and decide where to go next.' - I thought as I looked up at the ceiling.

When supper arrived, I ate and then took a bath for the first time in two weeks. Previously, I always cleansed my body with a spell. It's convenient, but it never compares to a full bath. When I finished washing, I immediately fell asleep. 


The next day, after breakfast, I went out into the city and went to the bookstore that Laila had advised me. It turned out to be really great and contained a lot of useful books. 

I bought several atlases, books on the history of the world and the country, as well as everything that seemed interesting to me. I did not even look for books on Magic, because I am sure that the Empire controls all knowledge of Magic so that no one can become a Mage outside the army.

After, I immediately returned to the room and began to study the purchased books. I did this until the evening. Eventually, I learned quite a lot of interesting things and at least got a little common sense of this world. 

Also studied the laws of the country, so as not to screw up like yesterday. Of course, the books were full of propaganda, but this is not surprising. In this country, Zeref is immensely respected, in principle, they can be understood, because before on the continent life was not very good. 

The entire continent was fragmented and wars constantly broke out between local countries. The rulers cared little about the common people, they were more concerned about their own well-being and wealth. And ordinary people suffered from the attacks of Magical Creatures and bandits. 

When Zeref conquered the continent, he restored at least some order and founded an army that protects all the cities and villages. And thanks to August, who is feared and respected throughout the Empire, few people have the courage to engage in crime. 

So that, Zeref did a good deed, there's no denying it, though he did it all for selfish reasons. Of course, not everything is so wonderful, and there are enough problems, but it's already better than it was, that's for sure. 

Having finished reading books, I took up atlases and began to study the map of this world. Although I had already seen it before, on the Internet, but here it was much more detailed, which is not surprising. To leave the country, I need to get to the capital, Vistarion, which is located in the very southeast of the continent near the sea. 

There I will need to either find a ship to Ishgar, or start flying on my own. Although it is unlikely that I will find a ship to Fiore, because just three months ago, in January of this year, the Empire tried to invade Ishgar, but this attempt was unsuccessful. 

The Magic Council of Ishgar drove off Alvarez's army with the help of Etherion, as well as the threat to use the Faces. The common people don't know why this attempt at war was necessary, but I do know that it was necessary to get Fairy Heart from Fairy Tail for Zeref. 

As far as I remember, it was the initiative of some Spriggans, inconsistent with Zeref, and she herself stopped this war. Now the relations between the countries of Ishgar and the Empire of Alvarez are very tense, most likely, they will soon break off any diplomatic relations. 

So, it is unlikely that even one ship will take me to Fiore. I have to fly yourself. And when I get to Fiore, it's better for no one to know that I'm from Alvarez, it's just more trouble. 

Having decided this, I began to prepare a route to Vistarion. From Alignon to the capital, a little more than six thousand kilometers, if I fly straight, almost three times more than I flew from the forest to this city. This means that I will need to choose a parking spot. 

Luckily, there are two cities along the way that I don't mind visiting. According to the books, these are quite unique cities and I have nowhere to rush, so I can enjoy the journey. 

After plotting the route, I saw that it was already dark, so after shrinking all the books, I put them in my bag and went to bed.


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