Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 6

My room was paid for one more day, so I decided to stay in the city until tomorrow. Today I decided to take some rest and just relax while walking around the city. Still, this is a new world for me, and I have not seen almost anything yet. 

For the past two weeks I have been doing nothing but magic and hunting, and when I arrived in the city, I first of all tried to find information, and even yesterday I did nothing but read all day yesterday. So today is my day off. 

After breakfast, I went out into the city and walked in a random direction, hoping to find something interesting. The city, of course, was quite small, especially by the standards of my past world, but even here there was something to see.

I was especially fascinated by the local architecture, walking around I felt like I was somewhere in Croatia in the old town, only all the buildings looked new, and everywhere you could see the Magic Tools used by the locals. Somehow I got to the main street, which looked very typical of a fantasy world. 

Everywhere there were stalls that tried different goodies, like kebabs or apples in caramel. By the way, they are both delicious. The street itself led to the city center, right to a very beautiful fountain with Water Lacrimaa. Since it was especially warm today, despite the beginning of spring, children splashed in the fountain, and their parents watched with smiles. 

Pretty nice picture, and you can not say that this is a world that is in danger of destruction because of the insane four-hundred-year-old dragon. And that a handful of not very prudent children who rely on the power of friendship are destined to save this world. Well, at least it's not Fiore, where all the ass happens, so it's relatively safe here. 

When I finally stopped thinking about the fate of this world, I bought another chicken skewers and moved on. Walking around the fountain, I noticed a huge stand, on which was a drawing of a familiar face. As I got closer, as expected, I saw a wanted poster with Naruto's face on it. It said they were looking for an unknown Mage, presumably a deserter. 

Something like this I expected. They still think that this person is in the city and sooner or later the residents will notice him. It is unlikely that they will even think that it was not a real appearance, or that he will simply fly away. A

According to my knowledge of manga and anime, flying is a pretty rare skill among Mages, and in this city there are not even any magical devices for monitoring the air territory, otherwise they would have noticed me on the approach. It is possible that this is only in the capital. If there is at all. 

It is a pity that the hopes of the local soldiers will inevitably be destroyed, and this blue-eyed blond will never appear in this world again. I took one last look at the poster and moved on. 

Until lunch, I continued to explore the city until I decided to return and have lunch at the hotel. It was too hot outside after lunch, and although I can cool off with magic, I decided not to risk it again. So I went back to my room to escape the heat. 

While walking, I found another bookstore and bought a couple of new books about Magical Creatures and races living in this world. So, back in the room, I began to read the book and when I got to the description of the Machines, races of intelligent beings similar to Androids, I came up with an idea. 

I want to infiltrate the headquarters of the local army. There is no particularly important reason for this, but I want to get the latest news that local law enforcement may have. Perhaps I will find out the situation in the capital or in Ishgar. You can do without it, but the information is never superfluous. 

Although it is unlikely that there will be something worthwhile in this outback, but to be honest, I just got bored from idleness, so I want to find adventure on my ass. Putting the book aside, I got out of bed and began to cast spells of concealment, invisibility, and finally wings on myself. 

Opening the window, I jumped out and flew towards the headquarters. Which, according to people's conversations, is located right inside the walls protecting the city. The peculiarity of this city is that, there is no mayor or governor here, and all power is in the hands of the army commander, whom I have already seen in Zagan's store. It is all the more surprising that the commander himself visited some store of Magic Items. Apparently they are friends or something. 

Arriving at the walls of the city, I landed and began to look for an entrance to the interior. Following one of the soldiers, I went inside, after which I used a search spell to find the commander's office.

Following the pointing arrow, I went downstairs, and wandered along the corridors for a while until I got to the right place. If not for the spell, I would definitely be lost here. It would be very embarrassing. 

Becoming intangible, I went through the door and, fortunately, no one was inside. Apparently, the Commander went about his business. After checking the office with another spell, for the presence of Magic Items, who can detect me or write me down, and, finding nothing of the kind, I began to rummage through the documents on Konrad's desk.

As I thought, there was nothing significant here, but at least now I know the exact number of Spriggans. At the moment there are only eight of them. The remaining four will join the Empire in the next ten years. 

Also, fortunately, I learned that Zeref had already left the country after he reined in his subordinates, who staged a war with Ishgar without his knowledge. To be honest, it made me feel better, I don't want to be with him even on the same continent. 

Finally, I learned two more useful news. One is good, the other is bad. Let's start with the bad. One of the Spriggans, Larcade Dragneel, was recently seen traveling around the Lake District, a neighboring region. 

Recently, he destroyed a group of S-Rank Magic Creatures causing trouble in that region. The trouble is that the next city I'm going to visit is in this region. And given my identity as a reincarnator, I'm pretty sure that when I get to that city, Larcade will be there or somewhere nearby. It simply cannot be otherwise. And now the question is, what should I do? Change plans or not? 

Of course, there is a possibility that he will not be there, and even if he is, I can safely hide from him. And what does he have to do with me? He doesn't even know I exist. We probably won't even cross paths. As one of the Spriggans, he has great authority in the Empire, he is practically a local nobleman and it is unlikely that he will just walk around the city. We just have nowhere to meet. 

But on the other hand, this is a good opportunity. Now he's all alone without support, and with the right preparation, I can destroy it. Of course, Larcade is undoubtedly strong, very strong, but now that I am a virgin and his magic is weaker on me, I have the opportunity to get rid of him with my strongest form and surprise attack. 

And although I have no personal grudge against Lacrede, he is a rather dangerous person and it is better to get rid of him. Well, I just personally don't like him, although shouldn't judge people by the manga, but I already have a strong opinion about him. In addition, he is Etherias, that is, the Demon, who knows how many horrors he has done in his life. 

And frankly, he has a rather miserable fate and it would be better if he died at my hands than at the hands of his father, who does not put him in anything, as it was in the canon. But... 

No, that's a bad idea. Too presumptuous. Larcade is over 400 years old and all of his magic is incredibly dangerous, even to Acnologia, and I've only been using my Magic for two weeks, I just don't stand a chance. 

Apparently, easily defeating an S-rank monster turned my head, and I became overconfident. I can not do it this way. This always ends badly. I need to take control of myrself and think rationally. But still, I won't run away like a coward. I will stick to the original plan and see what fate has in store for me. But I certainly won't look for battles myself.

So, let's move on. The good news is that near the city, they discovered the hideout of a gangster group that has been wreaking havoc in this region for the past year. Of course, in the Empire, they are afraid of August and few people risk engaging in crime for fear of his reaction, but there are enough idiots everywhere. 

Especially in a wilderness like this, far from the capital, security is much weaker, and it is unlikely that August will actually come here to take care of a bunch of weaklings. For this, the soldiers are enough. 

More recently, Konrad's men have discovered that the base of this group is not far from here, in the Great Central Forest, about fifty kilometers from here. The exact location is still unknown, but it has already been decided that a raid on this base will begin in two days. 

Most likely, Konrad and his people will calmly destroy the bandits. Despite the fact that there are about three hundred people, but they are all so simple people, except for their boss, who is one of the fugitive C-Rank Mage. They were only able to last this long because their boss was a really smart guy and knew when to act and when to run. 

Plus, he had Illusion Magic, which helped with their attacks on caravans and covered their tracks well. But in two days, it will all be over for them, that's for sure. The boys ran away. 

Why am I leading this. I don't care much about these bandits, but what attracted me was their catch. They were engaged in robbery throughout the region for more than six months and should have accumulated a good fortune. Which is exactly what interests me. 

Initially, I thought I could make money by selling parts of Magical Creatures, but as it turns out, this is not a viable option if I don't want to attract attention. And though I have about two million more I don't mind getting more. After all, when I arrive in Fiore, I will need to buy a house, and other expenses will need money. 

In general, I think there is nothing wrong with protecting bandits. It is unlikely that the loot would be returned to the owners. Most likely, everything would simply be confiscated for the benefit of the Empire. And so, visiting this city will not be meaningless. As a result, as it turned out not in vain, I got here. 

At the very least, I know to be on my guard in the next city, and also got a chance to get rich. Having put the office in order, as if I were not here, I got out of the headquarters and flew out of town, to the forest. 

Once at the familiar forest, I tried on another search spell, this time I was looking for a bandit lair. As usual, an arrow appeared, and I flew after it. *t led me deep into the forest, in which I discovered a real city in the trees. As if it was not a bandit camp, but an elven village. The view was, of course, wonderful, but it was spoiled by the bandits who were the inhabitants of this place. 

Now they were gathered on an open platform, at a height of twenty meters, and drinking alcohol, apparently celebrating another robbery. I didn't care much, so I just went to their warehouse. Finding him with a spell was not difficult. 

Their treasury was in one of the tree houses and was guarded by two bandits in tattered gear. When I got inside, I saw a small mountain of gold and many ornaments. It didn't bother me because I couldn't sell it. What worried me was cash. And here it was too. In total, somewhere around 15-20 million, if I'm not mistaken. 

This is not small money, and I think it will be enough for me for a while. Taking the money, I created an illusory copy, so as not to alert the bandits. I don't want them to realize that something is wrong and run away before the soldiers arrive, it would be better if they were buried here. After leaving the bandit village, I returned to the inn and continued reading. Tomorrow I will leave Alignon and go to the next city.


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