Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 7

The next day, after breakfast, I collected all my things, mostly books and provisions, after which I said goodbye to Laila and left the hotel. Having moved far enough, I entered the alley, after which I cast the already familiar combination of spells on myself and took off into the air, flying away from the city. 

When Alignon completely disappeared from view, I removed the spells of invisibility and conceal presence and magic, since they were superfluous for the time being. The thing is, I couldn't afford to spend Ethernano on such a spell, because I already spend a decent amount of energy on a long flight. After all, I need to constantly maintain the wings, the anti-wind barrier and the GPS spell.

Of course, my reserve allows me to maintain concealment spells as well, but right now it's a waste of energy. And also, to be honest, the constant outflow of Ethernano due to the long support of spells and the inability to completely fill my Container of Ethernano is not the most pleasant feeling. 

It puts a lot of pressure on me and tires me, not only mentally, but also physically, despite my superhuman characteristics. Luckily, I was flying high enough that ordinary people couldn't see me well, and Mages couldn't sense my Magic properly. Rather, they will think that I am just a flying Magical Creature. 

Flying east, I checked the map for the last time. My next destination was one of the largest cities in the Lake District called Atlanta. According to the books, this is a city built on water, like Venice. And although it is far from the nearest city, but I really want to visit it. Plus, if believe the same books, they have excellent fish delicacies. 

And what's the point of traveling and not trying the local cuisine and not seeing the sights. Although I have more of an escape than a trip, but okay. From Alignon to Atlanta, the path in a straight line, through the sky, is about two and a half thousand kilometers. 

And since I don't want to fly twenty hours straight, I'll have to find a place for the pass for tonight. Unfortunately, there is no other settlement along the way, unless make a circle, which I do not really want to, so I will have to spend the night in the field. Not the first time, so no big deal. 

After creating a navigation spell, I returned the map to my bag and accelerated, flying after the arrow. For the next twelve hours, I only flew forward. Like last time, it was boring and tiring, although this time the view was much more varied. 

After flying a total of 1700 kilometers, I decided that enough for today. Having found a good place for the pass from above, I landed on a swampy area. Fortunately, I managed to find a dry piece of land among the swamps, where I created a hut for myself. Since I was sick and tired of eating sandwiches, which I snacked on during the flight, I decided to cook pork skewers, which I bought from Laila before leaving. 

Having eaten my fill, I did not wait for sunset and immediately went to sleep after creating a barrier around the house. Of course, I could teleport back to Alignon, I even have enough Magic Energy to do it, but I wanted to keep the entourage of the trip, so I decided not to do it. 


The next day I woke up quite early, at four o'clock in the morning, and after eating the rest of the fruit, I left the hut to continue my journey. But a surprise awaited me. 

Around my barrier that surrounded the area around my shelter, a dozen huge, ten-meter crocodiles with burning, red eyes gathered. They did not break into the barrier, but simply sat in a semicircle in the water, half submerged, and stared straight at me. 

I have to say, it was creepy. Frankly, I'm surprised I didn't squeal like a girl at the sight of these reptiles. In fact, during my stay in the forest, I found out one of my weaknesses. Or rather, fear. I am very afraid of snakes. Very straight forward. 

Although it's an irrational fear, because I know that they can't do anything to me, and besides, I can easily destroy them with magic, but I'm afraid. Every time, when I met these nasty, slimy creatures in the forest, I first froze, and then ran away, sparkling with my heels. For two weeks in the forest, this happened three times.

It's quite funny, especially when I was so calm, when I moved to this world, or when I planned to kill the strongest Etherias of this world (after E.N.D.). But I just can't help myself. And now, although the crocodile is not a snake, but now, when it is still dark and it is hard to see them, I became notably scared. Although I quickly came to my senses and decided to get out of here.

Perhaps there are snakes somewhere nearby. It was rather reckless of me to spend the night in a swampy area, although in an open area without trees. Having created wings, I rose up and dispelled the barrier. When the barrier disappeared, the crocodiles immediately decided to act and pounced on the place where I had been standing before.

Luckily, I was already safe and they couldn't get me, which is not the case with my poor hut, which was literally torn to pieces. From the looks of it, each of these crocodiles was a B-Rank. There were only twelve of them, and this is quite an impressive force. 

Of course, I could easily kill them all, especially with the variety of my spells. I even have my own version of Avada Kedavra that instantly kills [Light Écriture: Death] spell (nothing fancy). There are circumstances, but these crocodiles will be killed instantly. But why?

It's just an animal that defends its territory. It's my own fault for being here. I'm not a flayer to just kill a living being. Of course, if not for the barrier, they would have been able to attack the hut, and at least hurt me, but that would have been because of my stupidity. So it doesn't matter. 

Last time, looking at the remains of the hut and frolicking crocodiles, I flew on. I have another eight hours of flight ahead of me. Ehhh… 


The Lake District got its name for a reason. In fact, it was a very telling name. A couple of hours ago, I left the previous region, and now there was more water below than dry land. Lakes and rivers were everywhere. 

It is not surprising that people here live on water bodies, they simply have no choice. Very similar to how they live near the Mekong River in my past life. To travel around this region, people here used boats very similar to gondolas. 

In fact, it's just easier and faster, especially when almost all reservoirs were connected by small rivers. The view, of course, was simply magical, especially from above. And I have never regretted that I decided to fly here on the way. 

When Atlanta finally appeared on the horizon, I decided that it is worth going down and arriving in the city, like all people. On the gondola. Finding good reeds in which to hide, I went down and hid in them. Retracting my wings, I cast a conceal magic spell on myself. 

Having plucked the nearest reeds, I transformed them into a gondola, according to the type that the locals use. Sitting in a newly created boat, I broke out of the thickets and swam into the city. In fact, Atlanta is located on the territory of five lakes, which are connected by small rivers. In each of the lakes there are mini-cities in which houses are built on stone piles above the water and instead of streets between houses there are channels through which people swim on gondolas.

The houses themselves and the architecture are almost the same as in Alignon. Everything is like in a well-known part of Venice, but there are five mini-cities on five lakes. The entire area around all the lakes was surrounded by a thirty-meter wall, so that no one can enter the city.

All this was done to make it easier to secure the area, as it would have been more difficult to do it individually. Therefore, in the city itself, outside the walls, there is no outpost or anything like that. Unless there are soldiers who patrol the city.

Since I landed already inside the walls, not far from West Lake, the local authorities will not know that I am in the city. I still listen to my paranoia and decided that it would be more correct than to shine at the official entrance. 

After sailing for five minutes on a gondola, I arrived at the canal leading to the city center. It was quite exciting to swim like that, and for the rest of the day, all I did was swim through the channels of all five lakes. 

When it got dark, I found a hotel, rented almost the same room there as in the previous city, and went to bed. 


During the flight between cities, I had a lot of time to think, so I had one idea on how to use my Magic further. I wanted to imitate Enchantment using my "Light Écriture". 

Enchantment is a magical ability that allows you, using your Magic, to give an object, which enchant, various permanent magical effects. The effects are completely different, from simply increasing the protective properties, to creating various effects on the subject, such as the effect of burning or automatic cleaning. 

Basically, enchantment is used to create various artifacts and magical tools. There is something similar in almost every magical world. Of course, it works differently everywhere, but the principles are similar. 

True, in this world, the enchantment is quite special, because it was thanks to this ability that the Dragon Slayers appeared. But for now, it doesn't matter. I don't know how to use Enchantment. I have nowhere to get the information, so nothing will work in the classical way.

But, if it is logical to speculate, then in recent days, I have only used Enchantment. With the help of my runes, I enchanted my body to invisibility, hiding and so on. And when I thought about it, I got the idea, why not do the same with the items, only with a permanent effect.

It takes a lot of experimentation to discover the full potential of this idea, and right now I'm not up to it, but I won't rest until I at least try. So the next day, after breakfast, I went to the jewelry shop and the Magic Item shop. 

At the jewelry store, I bought various costume jewelry, and at the Magic Items store, I bought empty Lacrimas. Back in the room, I began to experiment. And after a few hours, a rather interesting result was obtained. Thanks to "Transformation" I was able to easily change all the jewelry the way I wanted, and in the end I got one ring. 

First, I created a ring from the best metal available to me now, and then I created one small lacrima the size of a pinky nail. But the truth is, this one was a scaled-down Lacrima. It actual size was the size of a tangerine. With the help of the transformation, I combined all the elementless Lacrima I bought, after which I filled it with my Magical Energy, reduced it and inserted it into the ring. Then the enchantment process began. 

I will not go into details, but in the end I got the classic Dimensional Ring for the worlds of Chinese cultivators. Lacrima acted as a source of energy to maintain a spatial pocket, which I easily created with the help of the "Light Écriture", and so that the Ethernano would not end, and this would not lead to the destruction of the ring, and all its contents, I enchanted the ring to absorb the Ethernano from atmosphere. 

Seriously, with the help of my Magic, it was very easy. First, create the right combination of runes, attach it to an enlarged ring to make it easier to enchant, then redistribute the energy source from my Ether to Ether in Lacrima (to be honest, this generally happened by accident, but so far it works) and you're done. Add all the desired enchantments and the ring is ready. Although it took me more than ten hours and I got only one ring, which took all the resources.

But I'm satisfied. It works just like in the cultivator novels, and I can easily put my things inside the space. The space inside the ring ended up being 80 m². So much due to the fact that Lacrima has a large amount of Ethernano, even if it is reduced. 

Once again, after checking the ring, I put it on the thumb of my left hand, and happy as an elephant, I went to bed. 


The next day, I left the city. All, everything that was possible, I had already looked and tasted (the delicacies were really delicious) in two days, so there was nothing more to do there. 

As usual, after creating wings and a wind barrier, I flew to the next city, following the pointing arrow. Everything was going well until two hours later, I felt my intuition screaming. 

Leaning to the side, I managed to dodge a lightblade that nearly hit me. Looking down, I realized that I had hit. It was necessary to invite trouble like that.

Below, on the ground, stood a young, shapely guy, with blond hair sticking up and a white cross on his forehead.

- F**k… - was all I could say as I saw Larcade Dragneel looking at me with his calm smile while sending out two more light swords.


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