Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 8

Larcade Dragneel is one of the Etherias created by the Black Wizard Zeref during his attempts to resurrect his brother Natsu. Larcade can be considered Zeref's most successful creation (after E.N.D.), as he has tremendous power and can be considered the most powerful demon of the Book of Zeref (again after E.N.D.). 

In honor of this, Larcade was given the name of his 'father', Dragneel. (Though it was really just a consolation.) And while the truth is that Zeref himself considered Larcade a failed creation and certainly didn't consider him his son. Zeref did not feel any special affection for him, since Larcade was only a useful tool for him, and Zeref could safely get rid of him at any moment.

But even he had to admit that Larcade stood out among his 'brothers' and had very useful and powerful magic that could help in the fight against Acnologia. In total, Larcade had three special types of magic that were really dangerous for most of the creatures of this world. 

The first, the main Magic of Larcade, was called [Pleasure]. The main power of this Magic was to make his enemies feel "pleasure and pain", affecting only those who experienced the "forbidden" pleasures of life, which made people unable to resist him. 

The victims suffer pleasure so intense that, if experienced long enough, they may die as their souls are extracted from their bodies. In fact, this is a rather terrible death, and few people wish for a detailed one. Through this magic Larcade is able to strike opponents on a massive scale, easily neutralizing even the most powerful wizards and causing serious inconvenience to even the most powerful magician in the world. 

In fact, this is an ideal Magic against a large large number of opponents. With her help, Larcade can be considered a human army. 

The second Magic that Larcade can use is the [Famished Soul]. A magic that allows Larcade to send frightful hunger to his opponents. When this Magic is activated, the one on whom it was used begins to feel a violent desire to eat something. His whole being concentrates on this, as a result of which the very perception begins to change. 

The bewitched person begins to see food instead of those around him, after which he pounces on it with a frenzy, wanting to satisfy his appetite. He completely ceases to worry that the one he attacked may well be his friend, ally, or some other close being. 

This Magic is especially effective against a large number of opponents, since when using it, the opponent will, in fact, destroy himself. 

Last but not least, Larcade's most powerful Magic is [R.I.P.]. When used, the enemies around Larcade have an unbearable urge to close their eyes and fall asleep. Those who succumb to this desire will fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Another large-scale magic, against a large number of enemies. 

In theory, R.I.P.could even work against Acnologia, the strongest dragon in the Fairy Tail world. This is actually surprising, since Acnologia has a huge resistance to Magic. Although it is unknown whether Acnologia would really not be able to resist this Magic and would lose. 

At the very least, Zeref isn't 100% sure it will work, otherwise he would have already used Larcade against Acnologia. And it is because of these three abilities that Zeref appreciates Larcade at least a little and therefore keeps him to himself, allowing him to join the Alvarez Empire and even making him one of the Spriggans. Third, to be precise. 

True, after joining the Empire, Larcade ignores his duties, never participates in the reality of the country and ignores all the calls of his comrades in the organization. He did not even participate in the last attempt to unleash a war with Ishgar. 

The thing is that there is only one person whose orders Larcade listens to, and it is not difficult to guess whose. And until Zeref orders to act, Larcade does not care about anything in this life. Neither his duties, nor the Empire. 

All the time before being summoned by Zeref, Lacrede travels the world, fighting Magical Creatures, Demons and powerful Mages that attract his attention. After joining the Empire, even if he doesn't care about it at all, he stays on Alakitasia to quickly answer the call when Zeref needs it. 

And so, in recent weeks, he has traveled around the Lake District, a picturesque region of the Alvarez Empire, home to mostly aquatic Magical Creatures, which he has been hunting for some time now. 

It was a normal day for Larcade, calmly crossing another lake until he felt a strong magical presence in the sky. At first, he thought it was a Magic Creatures, but upon closer inspection, thanks to his improved demon vision, he saw that it was a human, which flies at high speed thanks to wings made of light. 

Larcade immediately realized that this man is strong, at least in terms of the amount of Magic Power he surpasses the weakest Spriggans. And this means a lot, because all the Spriggans are the strongest people of the Empire. 

And even if Larcade hardly ever visited the capital, he got the latest news quite often. More recently, he contacted August and found out that they recently received a new Spriggan, although Larcade did not really remember who it was about, much less remember the name of the newcomer, he is sure that it was a girl. 

He had never heard of this Mage who clearly uses Light Magic. If this man were in the service of the Empire, Larcade must have heard of him at least once, because such a powerful magician must be known. What does it mean? Means, that it's a alien. A alien is an enemy to play with. 

'I hope no one minds if I play with him.' 

Smiling contentedly, Lacrede accelerated and chased after the flying man. When he was sure that he would hit the enemy, Larcade created a light blade and threw it with great force and speed at the flying guy. 

Unexpectedly, but the man was able to sense the danger and managed to completely evade. 

- Interesting… - Larcade said with a smile, meeting the gaze of the man who was now looking at him. 


Looking at Larcade, Drake saw that he was smiling contentedly and calmly standing on the ground with his hands folded in a gesture of prayer. 

Meeting the demon's gaze, Drake realized that the battle was unavoidable. As human as Larcade seemed, he was a cruel demon who loved to fight and destroy his enemies. That is its essence. 

Luckily, even if Drake didn't want to believe it, ever since he knew that Larcade would be around, he knew there was a huge chance of meeting him, and at that point, a fight was unavoidable. 

And he was right. As a reincarnator in a new world, and essentially the protagonist of his story, he is bound to find adventure on his ass. It's practically a law. And Drake knows this very well. 

Therefore, although he was very reluctant to do so, but in anticipation of this situation, he prepared a battle plan. Still, unlike Larcade, who knows nothing about him, Drake fully knows his enemy. His personality, all his skills, weaknesses and vulnerable points. As they say, know your enemy, know yourself, and victory will be inevitable. 

Seeing that Drake didn't run away from the fight, Larcade smiled even more and sent out more lightsabers. Expecting this, Drake put a shield in front of his body, which not only protected him from the attack, but also redirected the blades to the side. 

Seeing that the attack failed, Larcade did not lose his head and continued to send blades. All blades failed to break through the barrier, and taking advantage of this temporary respite, Drake cast several spells on himself that would undoubtedly help him during this battle.

True, Drake had to pay for this distraction, as while he was not looking, Larcade sent a lightblade in an arc so that it went around Drake's shield, attacking his body in the side. 

Fortunately, Drake noticed this and managed to move the body slightly so that he would not be hurt, but unfortunately, the blade hit the wings, thereby destroying them. 

Due to the abrupt loss of support, Drake lost his shield and began to fall to the ground. An attempt to create new wings was interrupted by Larcade, who created a tentacle from his magic and whipped it down on the falling Drake, thereby giving him acceleration. 


Due to the impact of the tentacle, Drake fell to the ground with terrible force and speed, thereby creating a large cloud of dust. Without protection, even Drake, with his enhanced physical attributes, would have had a hard time with such a fall and could have been seriously injured, but fortunately, during the preparation, he managed to put up a protective cover, which protected him now. 

Seeing that his opponent had finally fallen, Larcade ran towards the landing site. Due to the smoke from the fall, Drake was almost invisible, which he decided to take advantage of. As Larcade approached the crash site and was about to activate his Magic, he had to stop as a stream of white flames flew straight at him. 

At first, he just wanted to brush off some kind of fire, but at the last moment he sensed danger and therefore dodged to the side. But not quite... 

A small amount of fire did land on his hand and caused a reaction. A painful, black burn appeared on his arm. Seeing that the fire had still harmed him, Larcade opened his eyes in shock and said:

- Are you a Demon Slayer? 

No wonder he thought so because this spell was created by Drake with the anti-demonic flame that he created with his magic [Light Écriture: Anti-Demonic Flame Stream]. Even if Larcade was a user of Light Magic and had decent resistance from this element, he was still a demon and Demon Slayer Magic was deadly for him.

Of course, those flames were just an imitation of the actual fire of the Demon Slayer, but it could still damage Larcade. 

Just at that moment, the smoke finally settled and Drake appeared, not looking very well. His clothes were partially torn and covered in dirt, blood was visible in some places, but most importantly, his right arm hung limply and was twisted at the wrong angle. 

It was clear that all the damage from the fall fell on the right hand and now it was useless in battle. But despite the injury Drake stood firmly on his feet and was ready to continue the fight. 

Seeing the condition of his opponent, Larcade only smiled, but also realizing that no one was going to answer his question, he said:

- Are you silent? Well, nothing, you don't have to say anything, it doesn't matter anymore... Pleasure.

Spreading his clasped hands in prayer, Larcade created a ball of light between them, thus activating his first Magic. A rainbow light appeared behind him and Larcade watched with pleasure as his opponent was touched by his magic. 

Drake, who had previously been firmly on his feet, fell to his knees and let out a groan. Then he opened his mouth and eyes wide, and continued to moan in satisfaction. 

Seeing that his enemy was so easily defeated, Larcade was disappointed, but did not show it on his face. It had always been like this, and he was used to it… But still, sometimes he wished the enemy would resist longer.


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