Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 9

Drake lay on the ground and continued to scream in ecstasy with pleasure. Larcade just watched this and waited for his opponent to completely absorb the pleasure and he would go to another world. 

After a few seconds, Drake stopped making sounds of pleasure, his eyes rolled back completely, and a pink light began to come out of his body. This means that his soul leaves his body, having reached the peak of pleasure. 

Seeing this, Larcade was sure it was over and went over to Drake's dying body to inspect it. It's not every day you meet a Demon Slayer. Though he didn't know it wasn't.

As Larcade was about to kick the body, he felt something and his eyes widened. Crouching down, he jumped away from the invisible attack, which he miraculously felt. 

But he did not manage to dodge completely and a dangerous cut appeared on his back, from which blood gushed. In addition, the whole wound hissed, as if acid had entered there. If Larcade hadn't managed to dodge at the last moment, he would have lost his head. And this is fatal even for a demon.

- Argh… - Larcade let out a pained groan as there was also an anti-demonic element in the attack. 

Jumping far enough away, the demon looked at the place from where it had been attacked. There, as if the invisibility cloak had been removed from him, a grinning Drake appeared. 

He still looked as battered as the Drake on the ground, and his right arm was indeed hanging like a whip. But attached to his left arm was an energy white blade that he had created from his magic. 

He stood confidently, his blade lowered, dripping blood, and stared directly into Larcade's eyes. He was clearly unaffected by pleasure magic. 

When the real Drake appeared, the one lying on the ground dissolved into particles of light. All this time, it was just an illusory copy, and the real Drake was invisible and prepared to attack. Simply put, he just repeated Loki's favorite trick from the Marvel films. 

In the moment after the fall, seeing that he was so well hidden by a veil of smoke, Drake decided to use this opportunity. He instantly created a flood of anti-demonic flames to distract Larcade. Although he didn't know if this flame would work since he had never used it on demons, it was a gamble, but luckily it worked. 

Using cover from smoke and dust, he quickly created an intangible clone to serve as bait for Larcade. And Drake himself used many spells to become invisible and erase his presence and magic. 

Later, he watched the actors perform his illusion and waited for the right moment to attack in order to kill Larcade with one blow. Unfortunately, Larcade sensed it at the last moment. Most likely, this is due to his combat experience, after all, he lived for 400 years. 

As for why Pleasure Magic didn't work on Drake, the fact is that it wasn't supposed to work on him. He has not "tasted the forbidden fruit" and Larcade's magic only works on people who have "tasted the forbidden fruit" i.e. had sex, at least the basic version that Larcade is now using. 

And when Drake could "taste the fruit"? He has been in this world for less than a month, he simply did not have time for this. He hasn't even tried alcohol yet. He doesn't remember his past life. Of course he has the necessary "knowledge", but knowing and trying are two different things. So, he was initially relatively safe. But actually, that's not all. 

The protective cover he created around his body while still in the air not only protected his body from physical damage, but also prevented other people's Magic from entering it. And that's how Larcade's Magic works. It penetrates the enemy's body and influences them, increasing pleasure to a dangerous level. In the end, as long as the magic can't enter your body, you're safe. 

Drake wasn't sure if he could be 100% immune to Pleasure, so he decided to play it safe. As the saying goes, there is never enough protection. But enough explanation. Let's keep watching the fight. 

Seeing the illusory Drake disappear, Larcade's face contorted in anger and he glared at the real Drake with fury.

- Grrr... you bastard, you'll pay for this... - Larcade growled and pulled his weapon from his back. 

Larcade preferred to use as a weapon a huge cross, which he always carried with him on his back. He completed his image. In essence, this cross was a large boomerang that Larcade could throw so that he would always return to him. 

Standing upright, Larcade threw the cross at Drake with all his might. Fully aware of Larcade's weapons, Drake retracted his energy blade and raised his left hand in front of his chest, preparing to catch the flying cross. 

When the cross finally flew, it hit Drake with great force and pushed his body several meters away. Taking the cross on his hand and sliding on the ground from the force of the blow, Drake eventually managed to hold on to the cruciform boomerang and immediately placed it in his Dimensional Ring. 

Depriving your enemy of weapons is a good chance to increase the possibility of victory. Previously, Larcade could have taken the cross back at any moment, and so it was quite useful to deprive him of this opportunity. He definitely won't get it out of the ring. 

When Drake finally stopped, he lowered his hand, which was slightly smoking from the blow, and for the first time since the beginning of the fight, he said something:

- You know, only an idiot will throw away his weapon in battle. 

Larcade, who saw that his beloved cross had disappeared, opened his eyes in shock, and when he heard Drake's words, surprise turned into anger and he angrily shouted: - Oh, you... You are an idiot, now I will show you who the idiot is here. Famished Soul. 

Larcade activated his second Magic. When it happened, around the area, where Drake was located, a glow of energy appeared, indicating that magic was directed at that area. 

The same glow spread to Drake and his smirk disappeared. Then he grabbed his stomach and fell to his knees, bending his body and resting his head on the ground. After that, the sound of a dying whale sounded. It was Drake's stomach growling at the terrible hunger he felt. But despite the hunger, he did not turn into a mindless zombie wanting to devour everything he could, as Larcade expected. 

Drake just sat on the ground and trembled a little, but did not throw himself at the nearest living being, which was Larcade himself. Larcade wanted his opponent to suffer a little longer after he had wounded him. Therefore, he sent a famine on Drake, and wanted him to rush at him. 

Larcade would not let him come and just wait until Drake starved to death. A truly terrible death. But it looks like the demon has underestimated the man, and Drake can contain himself.

- Are you struggling? Anyway... Then you'll just die faster... - said Larcade, approaching the suffering Drake. 

Getting quite close to his opponent, since he was sure that Drake was no longer a fighter, Larcade streaked his hand over Drake's head to end his life. But did he expect everything to be so simple?

Just as Larcade was about to create a blade of light that would kill Drake, Drake suddenly jumped to his feet and, using the newly created anti-demonic blade, cut off Larcade's right arm.

- Aaaarrrggg... - Larcade screamed in pain as he watched his hand fall to the ground. 

But he still had the attention to dodge another blow from Drake's blade, which this time aimed at Larcade's heart. 

It was Drake's performance again. The protective cover managed to protect him, although not immediately. In the first couple of seconds, he still felt hungry, but after he added more Ethernano to the spell, it completely protected him. 

- Youuu…. How dare you…. I will destroy you… R.I.P. - This time, Larcade decided to stop playing and activated his strongest magic.

This time, the magic really worked and completely broke through the protective cover. Drake wanted to sleep like hell, but with the help of his will, he could hold on, although with the last of his strength. 

Seeing that Drake did not sleep, Larcade became even more angry and succumbed to anger, he pounced on him like a wild animal, completely forgetting about Magic. He had long since lost his pious appearance and now looked like a demon. 

Due to the numbness from the spell, Drake didn't have time to react and took the blow at full power right in the face. From the impact, he flew several meters away and fell on his back. The nose was immediately broken. After all, it was the blow of an angry demon. 

Trying to get up, Drake failed. Strength left his body, and his eyes were closed. But he held on. After releasing some of his anger with this blow, Larcade regained his composure a little. 

Seeing that his enemy couldn't get up, Larcade smiled and walked over to him. Though he still kept a cautious mind on the past incident. Approaching Drake's body, Larcade saw that he was still awake, but could no longer move. 

Convinced that this was not another game, Larcade smiled even brighter and leaned over Drake's face, put his foot on his throat to stop Drake's last attempts to get up and said: 

- Lie down. Go to sleep. You don't have to fight anymore... Don't worry, memory of you won't die. I will remember you, because you are the first who gave me so many problems. Last words?

- Hafalatya… - Drake made indistinct sounds, still struggling with sleep.

- Oh, sorry, my leg is right there. Let me take it away. So what did you want to say? - the Etherias asked, removing his foot from Drake's throat. 

- …. - Drake muttered something, but it was so quiet, that even the demon couldn't hear.

- I'm sorry, what? I can not hear you…. - Larcade smiled brightly as he saw the pitiful condition of the man who had forever deprived him of his arm. 

Usually, if you manage to inflict critical damage on Etherias, his body will not die, but turn into many particles of ether, which will go to the laboratory of Tartaros, in which his body will be restored again, and Etherias himself will gain even more power. But not at this time. 

Drake used, though not quite real, but still an anti-demonic element that attacks not only the body, but also the soul of the demon. Even after full recovery, Larcade's back wound and lost arm will remain. It's forever. And that's what angers Larcade the most.

- … - Drake muttered something incoherently. Larcade was already completely tired of this and he wanted to get it over with as soon as possible, so leaning towards Drake's face, he said impatiently: - I'm listening to you, hurry up.

- ….Yappy-ka-ey, motherfucker…

- What? - Larcade asked, not understanding anything, but then he felt something on his chest. 

Looking down, he saw that it was Drake's hand. The right hand, which had seemed incapacitated all this time, now looked completely healthy. All this time, the appearance of the hand was fake. Another illusion. 

From the very beginning, his right arm was perfectly fine. And the illusion was needed to hide the preparation of an extremely powerful spell. In front of Drake's palm was a huge hieroglyph of a spell from his Magic. 

The rune was so overflowing with energy that it glowed like the sun. When Drake put his hand on Larcade's chest, he immediately attached the rune to Larcade's chest, marking the activation of the spell. 

- Light Écriture: Death. - Drake said loudly, mostly for epicness, since the spell has already begun to work. 

Throwing Drake's hand away, Larcade looked down at the rune on his chest and asked fearfully: - What?" What's this? 

He perfectly felt the huge, not so, HUGE amount of Ethernano in this rune, and even he became scared.

- Your death. And yes, E.N.D. cooler than you and Zeref, you didn't give up. - Drake said with the last of his strength. 

Hearing Drake's words, which poked right into his sore spots, Larcade's face contorted in anger and he was about to shout something, but did not have time. The magic worked.

- AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH. - a terrible scream escaped Larcade's mouth. 

It was a death cry. The spell fully worked and began to kill the demon. Normally, this spell would not be very effective against Larcade, as he was much stronger than Drake and had more Ethernano. 

Besides, Larcade has pretty good resistance to Light Magic, which is the basis of all Drake's Magic. But that's usually... when the normal amount of energy is used for the spell. 

But in this rune… in this rune, there were two full reserves of Drake. Where did Drake get so much energy from? And why didn't Larcade notice such a concentration of Ether? I'll explain now. 

One of the spells he had prepared at the very beginning of the duel was "Light Écriture: Accelerated Recovery". It's easy to guess what this spell does. It speeds up the absorption of Ethernano from the atmosphere to fill the Ethernano Container in Drake's body faster. 

A useful spell, especially in combat, but dangerous. It overloads the Container and makes it work in afterburner mode, which is quite painful. Better not to use it often. But the situation demanded it. 

As is clear thanks to this spell, Drake had much more Ethernano than usual. After Drake became invisible and waited for a good opportunity to attack, he had some time. At that moment, he decided that it was worth preparing a backup plan if his attack didn't work. 

In the end, that's what happened. He cast even more concealment spells on his right arm and created the illusion that it was broken. After that, he began to prepare an instant death spell. Luckily, at the last moment, he managed to change the illusory clone's arm before all the smoke disappeared and Larcade noticed nothing. 

For the entire fight, Drake used only 30% of his reserve and most of it was spent on defensive and concealment spells, with the rest going to fuel the invisible spell in his right hand. Eventually, thanks to the afterburner mode, a spell with two reserves was obtained. 

Drake wasn't completely sure about the hiding magic so he created an illusion on his hand. The broken arm was needed to dampen Larcade's vigilance, because he would have been sure that it was useless and there would be no attack from there. In the end, Drake was playing for time as he waited for the spell to have more Ethernano than Larcade had left to make sure it would kill him for sure. 

Luckily, Larcade spent quite a bit of Ethernano. Everything was going according to plan, until suddenly Larcade's last Magic broke through his protective veil. Drake did not expect this and he really almost lost. He underestimated R.I.P. The last moments of the battle were not a game.

But again, enough explanation. Let's go back to Larcade's death. 

- AAAARRGHGHH. - Larcade yelled one last time and fell like a puppet, which the threads were cut.

It was death. Not instant of course, but fast and painful. And it was completely real death. At that moment, the Book of Larcade that Zeref had created, which was literally Larcade's life, was destroyed.

To finally kill Etherias, you need to destroy his Book, and this spell did just that. Through the connection between Larcade and the Book, the spell got to the Book and destroyed it. Therefore, death was not instantaneous. This took time. 

Now, even Zeref can't bring Larcade back. Even if he is its creator, such is the law, when the Book is destroyed, it is the end of Etherias. 

When Larcade finally died, his Magic dissipated and Drake finally stopped wanting to sleep. 

- Uuuff… Finally… It was hard. - said Drake, who was now in perfect order, standing up abruptly. Except the nose was broken. 

- Well, what to do now? - Drake asked himself, looking at Larcade's corpse, which had not disappeared.


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