Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 50

After a brief teleportation, I ended up in the underwater base I knew so well. Nothing has changed since the last time, except that a huge gate has appeared that now stands not far from the mansion. 

Going down to the training ground, I took out all the bones of Solaris and put them next to me. Now, it's time to try out my idea. 

Since I don't know what the consequences and side effects might be if I just eat the bones of Solaris, I just need to know all this. The way I came up with is to actually look into the future. My magic is capable of a lot of things, and foreseeing the future, too.

During these two months, I not only studied Light Magic, but also tested the boundaries of Light Ècuripte. As soon as I had an interesting idea on how to use the Light Ècuripte, I immediately tested it. Usually, one idea led to others, and I ended up testing dozens of spells at once.

If before, I usually acted on a whim and didn't always know the result, like with the anti-demonic flame in the battle with Larcade, now I have at least some understanding of my own Magic. 

And yes, I tested the spell that allows me to see into the future. And it worked. Although this is not full clairvoyance and I cannot see the distant future, but still, it works. 

Also, I have to sit still and wait for the vision to end, so it's not a combat option. The effect of this spell can be expressed in the phrase "What if?". Before the spell, I ask myself what will happen if I do this, and the spell shows me the result. 

For example, let's take my current situation. What happens if I eat the bones of Solaris? After casting a spell to get the answer, I had a vision of myself trying to eat the bones. As a result, it turned out that the bones are too strong and my teeth are not able to bite through them. 

It was an expected result, given that the bones themselves practically glow from the Magic Power that overwhelmed them. Imagining that I first used a spell before trying to eat the bones, which strengthened and sharpened my teeth, I used the foresight spell again and soon got the answer. 

Thanks to my enhanced teeth and my special Devil Slayer physique, I could have successfully devoured a few bones, but since I didn't think about it, that I could not eat the huge dragon bones, nothing happened again. 

Leaving the foresight session, I chopped the entire Solaris skeleton into small pieces that would be convenient to eat. Sometimes I am such an idiot. 

Sitting down again, I cast a spell and saw another vision, with these inputs. This time, things were going pretty well until I ate half of the skeleton. Fortunately, all the bones were processed into Ethernano and I was able to accomplish such a feat. As a result, I was overwhelmed by the dragon Ethernano and I literally exploded, unable to cope with such an amount of Magic Power. 

Still, it's good that I have enough brains not to do it right away, but to check what problems may appear. A very terrible death would have awaited me if not for my caution. 

Since, this time, the problem was due to too much Ethernano, I decided, that it is worth emptying my reserve completely. During the Tenrou Island Arc, Natsu was able to absorb the fire of Zancrow, the Fire God Slayer, only after depleting his reserve so that his Dragon Slayer Magic wouldn't interfere with him. 

I guess it's the same principle here, and my Devil Slayer Magic isn't too happy with the Dragon Slayer Magic appearing in my body. Once again, after seeing what would happen if I empty the reserve and eat the skeleton of Solaris, I received a vision that I was not too pleased with. 

This time, I managed to eat the whole skeleton, but in the end, there was too much Ethernano again and I underwent various dragon mutations. I got scales, horns and a tail grew, and so on. 

It was not a pleasant sight, and my mind was also degraded to the level of an animal. The result of all this was that I, foolishly, broke through the barrier over the temple and drowned.

- Haa, this is not what I wanted to see… - I unconsciously muttered aloud, frowning. 

Seeing my own death, even a supposed one, is very unpleasant. This was the outcome I desired, so all I had to do was keep using the foresight spell to find the best way to eat those bones. 

I'm too excited about getting Solar Dragon Slayer Magic and I'm too stubborn to stop. Even if today, I do not find a way to do it, I will continue to search further. 


After 6 hours of constant visions of the future, I finally found the perfect way to eat all the bones of Solaris and not go crazy, explode, and turn into a dragonoid. To be honest, it was very difficult mentally, since I saw my own death hundreds of times.

A few dozen times more, there were options for the future, when I went mad, but still managed to get out of Poseidon Manor and get to the ground, after which I made a real massacre and killed a lot of people. 

As a result, either my acquaintances or other powerful people killed me. A particularly bad option was when Mira personally killed me. It was really painful to watch. 

To be honest, I already regret a hundred times that I even took it on, but I went too far, besides, the reward is worth it. 

The result of my searches was a method in which I should not be greedy and I need to do everything evenly. First, I need to divide the entire skeleton into several parts. 

The best option that I found is to divide the eating of bones into several times. The most balanced and productive option was the division into ten servings.

Whenever I tried to eat everything in one sitting, it ended badly, so I had to do ten sessions. The first session of bone eating will happen today, right now, and the second in three days, so that the Solaris Ethernano that I will receive from the bones stabilizes in my body and in my Ethernano Container. 

As a result, each session will take place after three days, so that there are no side effects and other problems. If my visions are to be believed, and I have no reason not to believe them, it takes only three sessions for me to show signs of Solar Dragon Slayer Magic. 

All previous sessions are needed to start the process of transforming my body so that I can bear the Dragon Magic itself and produce it. The problem is also that I already have the Slayer Magic in my body and I have to work really hard to make sure they don't conflict and destroy my body. 

'Eh… okay, stop dragging, it's time to do it. No wonder I've done so much to come to this point.' - I thought, and mustering all my courage, proceeded to the 'ritual'. 

First of all, I still needed to get rid of all my Magic Power. It was really necessary for my body to absorb the Solaris Ethernano without any problems.

- Light Scripture: Devastation. - I said out loud as I cast a spell on myself that forcibly expelled all of my Magic Power from my Container. 

This time, I was completely empty and it was an even more disgusting feeling than what I experienced when I created my Dimensional Pocket this morning. 

Gathering all the strength that I had left, I hobbled to the first pile of bones and began to eat them. It must be remembered that during his lifetime Solaris was not small, which means that his bones are large. 

In total, the entire dragon skeleton weighed almost 80 tons. I know it's a lot. It also means that I now have to eat 8 tons of bones. It's good that after I swallow the bone, it almost immediately dissolves and becomes Ethernano, which immediately falls into my Container. 

More than four hundred years had passed since the death of the dragon, so there wasn't much Magic Power left in the bones themselves, at least not as much as there was in his flesh when he was alive.

But still, dragon bones are dragon bones, and they have been imbued with the energy of the dragon itself all their lives, so that they retained Magic Power. And considering that there are 80 tons of bones here, there is not enough Ethernano here. 

As a result, after three hours of constant eating, I ate the entire portion of today. It was hard, but I managed. Now, I felt terrible. And although the effects of magical exhaustion passed quickly, but then another problem arose. 

Now I was filled with Etherano, like a balloon that would explode at any moment. It was a disgusting feeling. Also, for some reason, my body temperature rose to 41°C and I developed a fever. 

The problem is that there is nothing I can do as my body needs to digest all the Ethernano on its own. I can't even use magic right now, as I'm wasting my precious Solaris Ethernano, and everything will go down the drain. 

All that remained was to lie on the ground, waiting for all the side effects to pass. Fortunately, I was quite passed out due to moral exhaustion. The whole process will end while I sleep.


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