Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 51

The digestion of Solaris bones was worse than I thought. Thanks to the foresight spell, I saw that I would be bad, but seeing and feeling are completely different things. 

The next time I woke up, I still felt disgusting and the fever didn't go away. I barely had the strength to get to my feet and hobble to the Manor. It's good that I did make the stairs in the training ground, otherwise now that I can't use magic, I would be stuck in this hole. 

In two months, I completely equipped the mansion, so that can now live in it freely. So, going into the nearest bedroom, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep again.


I came to my senses only after 30 hours. I never thought it would be so terrible. And although, most of the time I slept, it was a very restless and disturbing dream, in the end, I did not rest.

I have less than 36 hours until my next bone-eating session, and if this trend continues, I will be incapacitated for a day and a half each time. 

And I don't think I'll want to do anything for the other day and a half, so I need to take a month off until it's over. 

After a few more hours of sleep, I cleaned myself up, I especially needed a bathroom, because I smelled just disgusting, and then teleported to Magnolia.

I was gone for almost two days and since I didn't take the quest, Mira must be worried about my sudden disappearance. As far as I remember, she has an evening shift today, so she should be at home. So that's where I moved to. 

My instincts did not fail me, and as soon as I was in the living room of my house, a blond spot crashed into me.

- Where have you been for two days? - asked Mira, who was on the verge of tears, hugging me.

- Sorry, I was training magic and got completely lost in time. I didn't mean to scare you. - I said apologetically, stroking my girlfriend's head. 

- Couldn't it be possible to tell me that you won't be around for a while? Or call Lacrima? I've been worried. I already thought that something happened to you and you were injured or worse, died. I couldn't take it if something happened to you. - Mirajane said softly, not holding back her tears anymore. 

- I'm so sorry. This will not happen again. I didn't think about your feelings and this is what happened. Now, I will always warn you if I have some business and disappear for a few days. Sorry again, I love you. - I said in a soft tone, and kissed Mira on the top of her head. 

Upon hearing my last words, Mira froze and raised her head, looking at me in shock. 

- Truth? Do you love me? - Mira asked, wiping her tears. 

- Yes. I love. - I honestly admitted. 

Before, we never seriously talked about our relationship, because we were already good together. We didn't even admit to each other how we felt. But I think that this cannot continue, and since such a situation has already arisen, this is a good chance to discuss and resolve everything. 

Mira was obviously surprised by my sudden confession, but she calmed down very quickly. Looking into my eyes, apparently trying to understand whether I was lying or not, Mira was silent for a few seconds, after which she said quietly: - I love you too. 

Her ears turned bright red and she hid her face in my chest, but I could feel the happiness emanating from her. Although I knew that we really loved each other, it was damn good to say it out loud and then hear it. 

Having hugged Mira tighter, we continued to stand in comfortable silence, in the middle of the living room. 


Of course, all this turned into passionate sex so that we could show our love to each other, not only in words, but also in deed. 

After a few hours of debauchery, we lay naked in my bed, embracing.

- Don't you have to go to your shift at the Guild? - I asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

- Mm? No. The Master removed the punishment, as promised. Now, I can go on missions again. However, for one more month, I'm forbidden to accept an S-rank quest. Master wants me to get into a groove first and warm up, so to speak. After all, I really haven't fought in a long time. - Mira said, stroking my chest. 

- It's clear. To be honest, I completely forgot about it, sorry. - I confessed. With these bones, I really forgot about everything that is possible.

- Nothing, I know you too well to be angry. You must have made some progress in magic and plunged headlong into it, haven't you? - Mira asked, pinching me in a threatening tone.

- Something like that. - I said, humbly accepting the punishment.

- Eh, I thought so. You are as always. But this time, you've been gone for too long and I'm really starting to get worried. After meeting Erza, you just disappeared and no one knew where you were. - Mira said with a frown. 

- I can only, once again, apologize and will definitely try to atone for my guilt. Do you want to go on a sea voyage on my ship? - Quickly orienting myself, I said.

- Do you have a ship? - Mira asked. 

- Yes, I recently bought it. I thought if we did a little cruise, just the two of us, it would be very romantic. - I said. 

- Mm, that sounds good. I agree. - Mira nodded, nodding 

- So it's decided. In a month, we'll go on a cruise. - With a smile, I said. 

- Month? Why in a month? - the girl asked, frowning.

- Like you said, I really have progress in magic and in the next month, I will be busy. - I said honestly.

- Are you going to disappear again? - Mira asked with a frown, pinching me again.

- I will appear every two days, so you will not have time to get bored. During this time, you can also go on several missions. - trying to calm the girl, I said.

- Okay, I know how important this is to you, so I'll let you go, but don't make me worry anymore. - Mira looked into my eyes.

- Thanks, you are the best. Love you. - kissing the girl on the forehead, I said.

- Yes, I am, and remember that. - Mira said with a smile and clung to me tighter. 

- Of course. - I said and hugged her too.


It's been a couple of days since my third bone-eating session. Tomorrow will be the fourth session. As I said before, the results appear only after the third session, and well, it happened. 

After the second time there was no change, except that I got worse. The body temperature reached an abnormal 43°C, the fever increased, and so on. After the third time, everything was the same and again worse than before, but I can only endure and wait for everything to end. 

All these side effects are due to the fact that my body changes under the influence of Dragon Magic. And even if I'm already a Devil Slayer, it's not the same as Dragon Slayer, so my body needs to adapt, which is annoying but necessary. 

Yesterday, when I came to my senses from the side effects, I noticed that I became stronger physically. Again. 

Thanks to the status spell, I know that the strength of my body matches the strength of thirteen grown men. That is, I am exactly thirteen times stronger than an adult. 

It seems like a lot, but it's far from a record in this world, so I'm not delusional. In fact, in the same "One Piece" world, using the physical strength measurement system called "Doriki", my strength is about 130 units. 

Again, this seems like a lot, but even the weakest member of CP9, Kalifa, had 630 units. It turns out that I'm almost 5 times weaker than her. The worlds are certainly different, but still. 

But, I'm happy with that that I didn't have to do anything to get that kind of power. Just accept and digest the new Magic. Such a good bonus. 

Also, once again, my senses of perception were heightened. This time, it was a much more serious increase, after all, I get the feelings of the Dragon, which are much stronger than the feelings of the Devil.

Hearing has increased so much that I can now hear the heartbeat of a person standing next to me. It takes a little more getting used to and I can tell when a person is lying, just like Daredevil. 

I think I'm still far from the level of Cobra, who practically reads minds thanks to his super hearing, but what are my years. Moreover, there are still 7 sessions left, and only then will I get all the power from the bones of Solaris. 

Vision was again enhanced several times, but I do not see much difference. I've seen it well before, but now it's even better. That's all the difference I noticed. 

My sense of smell has also become supernaturally strong and I can already, like a dog, track people by smell. But harsh and disgusting smells are now my weak point. 

But, this is more and more secondary. Most importantly, it's the feeling I get when I'm in the sunshine. I still cannot eat the light of the sun, but already now, I feel that my body is filled with energy and I feel incredible vigor and strength. 

Actually, that's exactly what I was hoping for. I hoped that my body would be able to passively absorb the light of the sun and, at least a little, enhance my body. 

Of course, it is clear where the legs of this idea grow from. Since Superman gains such insane power by absorbing the light of the yellow sun, why not replicate the same effect with magic that also absorbs starlight. 

Although the idea seems crazy, the worlds, again, are different and the laws in them work differently, but I have evidence that this can work. When I searched the guild library for information about Sun Magic, I found a description of Solar Dragons. 

And, as it is not difficult to guess, they were capable of the same as the Kryptonians, under the light of our star. They also strengthened their body by absorbing the light of the sun. Of course, everything is not so rosy. 

If the Solar Dragons could gain the same power as Superman, they would not become extinct. There was a certain threshold for how much Solar Ethernano a dragon could absorb. 

And if there is too much of it, then the dragon could literally burn out from its own magic, even despite its natural resistance. Also, such a dragon could not retain much Ethernano of the sun, and when sunset came, all the added power was gone. 

It's sad, but I was more interested in the passive effect. The longer the dragon lived, the more his body passively absorbed sunlight and the stronger he became. And already now, I feel some effect. 

Although, until now, I can't use Solar Dragon Slayer Magic. I already feel how a new type of magic is born in my Ethernano Container, but for now, it's just crumbs and it remains only to wait until I finish all the bones. 

Actually, I'm now more interested in how Light Devil Slayer Magic and Solar Dragon Slayer Magic will be combined. I feel like I'm in for a surprise in this regard.


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