Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 55

Yesterday's party lasted until two in the morning. Again there was a sea of ​​alcohol, and I again woke up in bed with a girl, not remembering how yesterday ended. Fortunately, it was my girlfriend, and there were no unforeseen excesses. 

Yesterday, the Master said that today there will be a general meeting in the guild, and he will make an important announcement, so it is necessary for all the members of the guild to gather. Considering what time of the year it is, I can assume that this is somehow related to the long-awaited S-Class Mage Exam.

Well, Mira's words that the exam will take place soon also reinforce my confidence in the correctness of this conclusion. In fact, over the past couple of weeks, she and Master had been on the lacrima frequently to discuss exam preparation. 

As the senior mage of our guild, Mira has her own duties during the exam, so there is no way we can miss the meeting. But given yesterday's booze, no one's going to wake up until at least two o'clock in the afternoon, so the meeting is scheduled for four in the evening, and we still have a lot of time. 

I myself, despite the amount of alcohol I had drunk, woke up at ten in the morning and, correcting my grave condition with spells, just in case, left a note for Mira, who would not be able to recover from a hangover so quickly and was unlikely to wake up before my return, went to the place where I've been spending every morning of mine for the last months. 

Namely, at a height of five thousand meters above sea level, where I have access to direct sunlight, which I absorb with my body. By meditating for at least an hour a day, in this way, I get a slight, but strengthening, which improves all aspects of my body, including physical and magical. 

This is far from the level of the notorious Kryptonians, but thanks to the power of the Solar Dragon Slayer, I become stronger every second just by being under the rays of the sun, and in fact doing nothing. 

Of course, the result is not particularly impressive, because in a day I become only 0.01% stronger at best, but considering that with regular training for several hours I will not be able to achieve even such an increase, then I have nothing to complain about. 

In addition, unlike the same Solar Dragons, I do not lose the accumulated strength with the sunset, my amplification is constant and over time I will gain tremendous power, in fact, paying only with time and my expectation. 

I told you, the merging of the Light Devil Slayer Magic and the Sun Dragon King Slayer Magic would bring unexpected results. For more, I did not dare to count. 

And the best thing is that over time my body will adapt to the absorption of the solar ethernano and gradually begin to absorb more and more, which will bring me more and more amplification. True, this will take more than a dozen years, but I think I will find a way to speed up this process, somehow. 

Or I'll just wait, because already from this effect alone, my life expectancy increases in a geometric procession.

In order to maximize the absorption effect, I did some experiments and came to the conclusion that that it is best for me to do this at the highest possible altitude, closer to noon, when the sun is at its zenith. 

Moreover, meditation helps to speed up absorption a little, so the effect is higher. Although, of course, it was not without difficulties. Too much absorbed ether can negatively affect me, and if I overdo it, I can literally explode. 

Well, or enter the state of Dragon Force. I'm not 100% sure of the result. Here rather, as luck would have it. And frankly, I'm not eager to see what comes of it. 

While I'm on the ground and the sun's rays are fed, let's say, in a passive mode, then nothing threatens me and there are no problems, but therefore the amplification effect is less. And when I rise into the air and, like Icarus, fly towards the sun, the effect becomes stronger, but also more dangerous for me. 

So that, I had to find a compromise. As a result, I determined that it is best for me to engage in active absorption of solar ethernano for no more than two hours a day, at a height of four thousand meters, and the rest of the time to be closer to the earth.

And despite the fact that thanks to my basic magic, I can even go up into outer space and survive it without any problems, albeit for a short time, it's not worth doing this, again, if I don't want to explode. 

At least gradually the capacity of my body is getting bigger, and in two months the safe altitude has increased by a kilometer. 

Progress is visible to the naked eye, so I do not shirk and always try to find time to fly in the sky and bask in the sun. Luckily, as a Solar Dragon Slayer, I'm protected from my element, so I don't have to worry about getting sunburn and a nasty tan, which, would surely ruin my delicate skin. 

Feeling that I was filled with Etherano and should stop for today, I canceled the levitation spell that allowed me to hover at such a height and let gravity do its job. 

Without worrying that I was in free fall, and the ground was approaching faster and faster, I dodged the flying magical creature, which clearly wanted to bite me, and continued my fall until I noticed the outline of Magnolia. 

When only a couple of hundred meters remained to the ground, I called on the wings of Arariel, which stopped my fall, and I glide the rest of the way over the water surface, landing softly in front of my house. 

It was still the same two-story house on the banks of the Scirriola that I had rented on my arrival in the city a few months ago. 

Eventually, I settled down here and didn't want to move anywhere, so I just bought it for 4 million precious, and now this house is really mine. In the end, Mira moved here permanently, and she also really liked living here, especially since her old house is very close and Elfman and Lisanna can easily come to visit. We don't need more than the two of us. 

Entering the house, I immediately went to the bedroom to check on my girlfriend and saw a picture of how naked Mira was sleeping, hugging my pillow, which was already covered in saliva. 

And despite the fact that Mirajane now had a crow's nest on her head, no makeup on her face, and she didn't smell like a rainbow, it was the cutest sight I've ever seen in my life. 

And it makes me fall in love with this girl even more. It is rightly said that love makes people stupid, but not that I was against it. From the day our relationship began, I thank God every day that this happened. 

And now, I have much more reasons to live in this world, which I am also glad about. Still, without Mira, my life was pretty empty and my only passion was magic, which is pretty sad. But fortunately, this is no longer the case, and for that I am also very grateful. And every day I try to show this to my beloved girl, who still has to get up.

- Mira, wake up. - I said softly, walking over to the bed and stroking the girl's head. 

- Uuumm… - Mira muttered displeasedly, turning away, clearly not intending to open her eyes.

- Please, Mira, it's almost one in the afternoon. If we want to have lunch together, you'll have to get up now to clean yourself up. - I said in a soft voice. 

- …Good. - the awakened girl said with displeasure and tried to open her eyes, but in the end she only closed them tighter and hissed with pain: - My head ... 

- It should become easier this way. - I said and created a dozen spells that were supposed to remove all the consequences of last night. I use this combo all the time and it has never let me down.

- Uuff, how good… & Mira said with relief, finally opening her red eyes, forgetting to add: - I love your magic… And I envy…

- Ha ha ha, thank you. Clean yourself up, I'll make you coffee. - kissing the girl on the forehead, I said with a laugh and went to the kitchen.

- Add that honey we got from Callum. It goes very well with coffee. - Mira finally yelled.

- Necessarily. - I shouted and went to fulfill the wish of my lady. 

Half an hour later, refreshed, Mira came down from the second floor, drying her wet hair, and a cup of fresh coffee was already waiting for her, the beans of which I found in the market in one of the cities we visited during our cruise, as well as honey from the pollen of a magical flower, which not only very tasty, but also helps to restore strength, no worse than my spells.

- Ah, life is good… - Mira said happily, having emptied the whole cup in one fell swoop.

- I'm glad you liked it. - I said with a smile, kissing the girl on the cheek and adding more coffee to her cup.

- Do you have any plans today? - Mira asked as she sat down at the kitchen table, sipping her drink more calmly.

- Apart from the guild meeting, nothing else. Today I was supposed to meet with Rosa on a case, but ended up rescheduling it for another day. - I said.

- Mmm, I see ... - Mira said with a strange intonation in her voice and returned to her drink. 

It's jealousy in her. I introduced Mira to Rosa, and let's just say they didn't get along very well. As a result, Mira gets jealous when I spend time with my new financial manager. Yes, Rosa agreed to my proposal and we are already working together, but more on that another time.

- Okay, time for lunch. Finish your coffee, get dressed, and let's go to the cafe, have lunch. - I said as I finished my coffee.

- Okey. Thanks for the coffee, love you. - Having finished her drink, Mira said and ran upstairs.

- And I you. - I said with a smile, shaking my head and washing the dishes. Still, life is really good.

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