Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 56

- Mira, Drake, hurry up, you're almost late. - Lisanna exclaimed when she saw Mira and me approaching the guild building after a hearty meal.

- Nothing like that, we still have five minutes left. You exaggerate as always. - rolling her eyes, said, hugging my hand, Mira.

- We still need to get a good seat before it's too late, so we really should hurry up. - I said with a smile, trying to support Lisanna, who seemed a little offended by her sister's comment.

- Anyway, Master is waiting for me, so I won't be able to stay with you. I'm sorry. - Mira looked into my eyes. 

- Nothing, I understand. - I said with a smile, and stroking the girl on the head, I asked: - Will we meet after the meeting?

- Mmm, agreed. - blissful from my caresses, Mira said happily and kissing me passionately on the lips, she added: - See you. 

After seeing the leaving girl, who soon disappeared from view, going up to the second floor, I looked at Lisanna, who was still nearby and now looked at me very displeasedly, I would even say angrily.

- What? - I asked innocently, tilting my head. 

- Your tenderness makes me sick. - with a poison unusual for her, said Lisanna. 

- Are you envious? - I asked with a cheeky grin.

- Pf, that would be something to be jealous of. - Lisanna said, raising her chin. 

- Well, for example, that your beloved Natsu would never act like that. - I said, poking at the most painful place of the poor girl, who managed to fall in love with an impenetrable idiot. 

Hearing my joke, Lisanna widened her eyes, after which her cheeks turned pink, and she said displeasedly: - You know, it hurts. I just wanted to joke, and you're mocking me...

- I agree, I went too far, sorry. - I said quickly when I realized that I had gone beyond the joke squabble and offended the girl.

- Eh nothing, it's my own fault. - my future relative said with a sigh, and after that she added: - Although, you could also be more restrained and not flirt with my sister right in front of me. Elfi would have had a heart attack if he saw this... 

- I can't promise anything, it's all your sister's fault. - I said with a grin, and deciding to finish this topic, I asked: - I understand that you have no progress on the personal front? 

Displeasedly twitching her nose, due to the fact that I brought up this topic again, Lisanna sighed and said: - Eh, no, Natsu is still impenetrable. I tried, as you advised, to act more persistently, but nothing happens. He never understood that I want to translate our relationship into a romantic direction. 

After the incident where she almost died, Lisanna seems to have realized that she feels something more than just friendship for Natsu. And for some reason, to talk about it, she came to me. It seemed funny to me, and I decided to help the girl in love, but it turned out to be more difficult than I thought, because...

- Lisanna, understand, Natsu is an idiot. - Putting my hand on the girl's shoulder, I said as seriously as possible, and before she had time to object, I added: - He only has battles and delicious food in his head. With such a person, no hints will help. Until you say honestly what you want, he will never understand. Even Happy is more understanding than Natsu, and he is a cat by the way.

- But… - Lisanna said, already completely red with embarrassment, but I did not allow it.

- No 'buts'. - I said sternly, and then in a softer tone I added: - Tell him. I'm sure he will be happy. Especially if you cook something tasty for him.

Seeing my serious look, Lisanna didn't seem to dare to argue anymore and even gained some determination, but...

- I can't. This is very embarrassing. I just can't go up to him and tell him that I love him. - Lisanna said softly, lowering her head.

- Ugh… - I just took a deep breath. Why is it so difficult with teenagers in love? In vain I agreed to help... 

- Is there really no other way? - Lisanna asked hopefully.

- With someone like Natsu? No. -I said confidently, and then decided to jokingly add: - Although you can do like your sister and get the guy you like drunk and then throw him into bed, ha ha ha… 

Laughing at my own joke, I noticed too late how Lisanna his eyes shone and, figuratively speaking, a light bulb lit up over his head. Shit…

- No no no, Lisanna, don't even think about it. You are too young for this. And if Mira finds out that I gave you this idea, she'll kill me. - actively waving my hands, I quickly said, trying to prevent a catastrophe. 

- What? Don't worry Drake, I didn't even think to do that. - with some strange smile, Lisanna said, and after looking at the guild hall, she added: - Let's go, the meeting will start soon.

As I watched Lisanna enter the building, I already knew it was too late. Damn my long tongue. It remains, I hope that Mira will be indulgent and will not tear anything off for me... 

- At least don't forget to protect yourself... - I said somehow doomedly and followed Lisanna to our table. 

Elfman held a seat for us right in front of the stage, which was specially built for today's event. Today the guild was very crowded, all two hundred and thirty members gathered, not counting Gildarts, who disappeared on a hundred-year mission, and Mystogan, who did not like too much attention. Even Laxus and his gang showed up today, and as always, they were just arrogant. It's clearly time for these people to grow up…

I've never seen many of those present in my life, and I can't say that they deserved attention, because they were mostly mediocre magicians who hardly reached the B-Rank, but they were still members of Fairy Tail and many of them weren't even shown in the manga. It was quite interesting to know that there were so many people in the guild. 

Although, I am not going to communicate with them, because I already have a circle of friends with whom I am quite comfortable. Although, I may have exaggerated a bit about comfort… 

- Hi Elfman, hi Kana, hi Natsu and Happy. - I said as I sat down at the table. 

- Hhhhhello, big brother. - Elfman greeted me with a slight stutter. 

Although lately he has overcome his insecurities and has become the person I saw in the anime, he even leaned into weightlifting and began to swing, but he is a little afraid of me. And it happened because of the case, after Mira and I started dating. 

As we became more confident in our relationship, Mira decided it was time to reveal the truth to her family. The reaction was generally positive, especially from Lisanna, because I made a good impression when I literally saved their lives, but Elfman would not be Elfman if he did not want to check whether I was worthy of being his sister's boyfriend, as the only living relative, male. And it was a complete quote. 

And the only way to test my worthiness was, of course, the battle. Well... I may have overdone it a bit. Of course, I didn't do anything wrong and didn't harm Elfman, at least physically (otherwise Mira would have killed me), but, let's say, the guy had to recover for a long time after I opened a portal to the sky under him… To a height of a kilometer... Several times... 

According to Mira, it was too much, but Elfman instantly considered me worthy and no longer climbed into our relationship. He even started calling me big brother. The only problem is Elfman now sometimes stutters when he sees me and flinches when someone mentions me. Not such a big price, I tell you, and besides, he will soon overcome it. I'm sure. I guess…

- Hey Drake, glad you're back. - said Cana, who I communicate with the most in the guild, after the Strauss family, said with a soft smile. That adventure with the sweepstakes brought us closer and we became real friends.

- Shall we? - asked Natsu unceremoniously, who had been busy stuffing his stomach before.

- Do you want to sleep more? - I asked, holding up a finger with a prepared sleep spell.

- No no no, no thanks. Last time I dreamed of a creepy clown. - Natsu said quickly and returned to his meat, trying not to look at me. 

Unfortunately, as mentioned above, this guy is invincible, and even the fact that I constantly sent him to sleep did not reduce his fighting spirit and desire to fight. And only after Pennywise appeared in his dream, Natsu calmed down, not wanting to see the clown again, who is not afraid of the Dragon Slayer's fire and wants to devour poor Natsu. 

Although it seems that in the two months of my absence, Natsu has forgotten a little and his desire to fight me has begun to return. I think one more Pennywise will be enough to permanently drive this desire away from Natsu. I love my magic. With it help, I can pull off even such a trick.

- Drake, you were on a sea voyage, right? - Happy asked, looking at me with his big eyes.

- Right, Happy. - I said with a smile, already guessing where this little glutton was driving. 

- You didn't happen to have some fish lying around for me, did you? - Happy asked with the most pleading expression he could. 

- Oddly enough, one was lying around. You're in luck, Happy. - I said with a grin, and took out a huge bluefin tuna from my spatial pocket. 

- Hooray! Thanks Drake, you are the best! - Happy exclaimed happily as he pounced on the fish.

- My pleasure. - I said, amused at the behavior of this cat. 

He's lucky I'm a cat person. Just wondering when will my Exceed appear? It's been two months now how I became a Dragon Slayer, it's about time. Although Laxus and Cobra didn't have a cat of their own, that doesn't mean I can't hope to have one. Although, I don't really need it, but then again, I'm a cat person and I don't mind getting a cute talking cat.

- Master is here. - Lisanna said, distracting me from my thoughts. 

Makarov entered the stage, dressed as always in a bright outfit with a cap on his head, followed by the S-Rank mages who were present in the guild now. It was Laxus, with her usual disgruntled face, Mira, who waved at me, showing her kind smile, and Erza... Oh, Erza...

- Drake, why is Erza looking at you like she wants to incinerate you? - Cana asked with a smile.

- I promised I would fight her again after she taught me her magic, but… - I began, trying to ignore Erza, who didn't seem to notice. what was going on around her and looked straight at me with a noticeable trace of rage.

- But in the end, you disappeared without saying anything for a month, and then went on a cruise with Mira for another two months. - obviously having fun from this situation, Kana finished for me. 

- Yeah. - I admitted.

- Has Erza been waiting all this time for you to show up? - Lisanna asked, with obvious concern.

- Judging by the look in her eyes, it does. - I admitted again.

- You're in deep trouble. - showing for a second seriousness not characteristic of him, Natsu said, and then returned to stuffing his stomach again.

- Definitely. - agreed with the opinion of his arc, Elfman.

- Thanks for your support. - I said sarcastically, thinking about whether to run or not to run, because I really forgot about Erza. 

- Always reach out. - my friends said at the same time. 

'I must think of something...' - I thought, trying to think of a way how to pay off Erza so Magnolia doesn't get hurt. Suddenly, the meeting wasn't so important...

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