Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 58

- Erza, control yourself. - quickly getting up from my chair, I said, slowly moving away from the girl heading towards me, whom I really really pissed off.

- Control myself? What are you talking about? I'm peace of mind. I just want to talk to you. - Erza said with a smile, which was hard to believe, given her slightly wild eyes and the fact that she was cracking her fists, clearly preparing to be beaten.

- Before you act rashly and give in to your anger, you should look behind you. - I said quickly when I had nowhere else to go as I hit the wall.

- Do you think I'm completely stupid? Only an idiot would fall for such a stupid trick. - Erza said instantly, not even going to listen to my advice, and continued to walk towards me threateningly.

- Um, Erza, I really think you should turn around and look at this. - I heard the surprised voice of Mira, who continued to stand on the stage and clearly was not going to save me. 

- Eh, if this is something stupid, you will pay… - Ezra said to me irritably, and then, looking at the front door, she was instantly speechless. 

- Phuh, just in time… - I said, relieved to see that the delivery had arrived at just the right time. 

While the Master was making his speech, and I was thinking about my own, an idea came to my mind how to pay off Erza so that I would not have to fight with her. And for this, I used her most famous weakness, in the form of strawberry cakes. 

Yes, I understand, that it makes no sense for me to do this, because in fact, I can just beat her, but I also understand that the consequences of this will give me a headache for a long time. 

Knowing her character perfectly, I know that if I win the fight against Erza, she will never leave me behind, and will constantly demand revenge. If she is now so stubborn after the usual draw, then it's scary to imagine what awaits me if I win. 

And I can't help but win, firstly, because I don't want to endure beatings for no reason, and secondly, Erza is not a fool and will understand that I succumbed, which will anger her even more. 

For the same reason, everything will lead to a draw, it will no longer work out. And besides, I'm really guilty before her. First I destroyed most of her weapons and old armor, then I lied that I was tired and ran away, while winning a lot of money on the bet, and then I lured out the secret of her magic altogether and disappeared for several months without fulfilling his promise. This is not good. 

Erza is not a bad girl, she just has a complex character, which is not surprising given her past. And although, frankly, I don't really like her and even infuriates me at times, especially her arrogant and stubborn attitude, this is not a reason to do this to her and I'm a little ashamed, so I decided to atone for the full guilt.

- What… what….what is this? - Erza asked, trembling with excitement, pointing at the wagon that was dragged by the Light Clones that I sent on a mission while no one was looking.

- This is my gift to you. I'm sorry that it happened and that I left without saying anything, because of which you had to wait for me to return. I hope this cake will be enough to redeem myself. - I approached the girl and said pointing to a giant strawberry cake that weighed at least a ton and consisted of five large cakes that occupied the entire area of wagon. 

- It's all for me? - Erza asked breathlessly, already drooling over the cake. 

- Yes. Just do not eat everything at once, otherwise one place will stick together. - I said with a smirk as I dispelled the clones who had successfully completed their task. Only now I'm wondering where they got such a big cake, in just twenty minutes, certainly not cooked, given my culinary skills, but it doesn't matter now. 

- I do not promise anything. - Erza said greedily, barely holding back the urge to pounce on the cake. At least she had the decency to finally add: - You are forgiven. But, I'm still waiting for the promised rematch, because I taught you my magic.

- Oh, okay, whatever you say. But let's put it aside for a while after the exam… But you don't listen anymore anyway… - I said with a sigh, noticing too late that Erza had already disappeared and was now sitting in the wagon, devouring cake like an animal.

- And you never gave me a cake. - Mira said with noticeable jealousy, on whose face one could also see disappointment that no fight had happened. 

At times, she can be quite bloodthirsty, although I knew she would intervene if things got dangerous. I think we both have such hidden character traits, because I myself am sometimes a little cruel and bloodthirsty, within reasonable limits, of course, so Mira and I can really be called an ideal couple. Eh, love is beautiful…

- Despite what I said, it's more of a bribe than a gift. But if you want something sweet, I don't mind buying you something. - I said, grimacing slightly at the sight of Erza, who seemed to have completely lost any prudence and completely surrendered to gluttony.

- No thanks. I don't like sweets, they have a bad effect on the figure. And I don't want to become like that… - Mira said with noticeable disgust, pointing at Erza, who was covered in cream.

- Well, the figure is the last thing you need to worry about considering your strength, but about the last one, yes, you are right.I hope she doesn't get diabetes. And she won't die from a sugar overdose. - I said, frowning a little. Something I did not think about her health... 

- Nothing will happen to her. Even if it does, it's not such a big loss. - The girl waved her hand dismissively.

'Somehow this is too much...' - I thought to myself, but remembering what kind of world it is, I decided that nothing bad should happen. 

As a last resort, I can always heal Erza, so I don't have to worry. Moreover, only a suicide would prevent Erza from eating this cake… 

- Come on, get out of here before she forgets about us. - I said and taking my girlfriend by the hand, I went to the back door so as not to distract the wild animal.

- So, what task did you get? - Mira asked as we left the guild building and headed towards our house. 

- I haven't looked yet. Completely forgot about it. - I said honestly, even forgetting that I had been holding the envelope with the mission all this time.

- So what are you waiting for? Open up. - the girl said impatiently, even jumping a little. 

- Now. Just put your hand down. - I said, and when Mira did what I asked, I finally opened the envelope and took out the sheet and read the contents.

- Well? What did you get? - the girl asked curiously, trying to look at the sheet.

- Do not you know? - I asked folding the paper and returning it to the envelope. 

- No, the Master personally selected tasks for everyone. Although, it was my idea to hold such an event this year. And I offered to give the task to everyone at once, and not just the candidate for the exam, so that it would be more fair. At the same time, this helped to improve the statistics of the guild. - Mira said a little smugly.

- Is that how? But haven't we heard about something similar, it seems in Midi Country? - I asked with a grin, and judging by the averted eyes, I hit the mark.

- Well, I may have used it as inspiration, but I made a lot of adjustments, so basically, this is my original idea. And in general, stop distracting me, tell me what task you got? - Mira muttered quickly, and to change the subject, she asked a question.

- As you say. - deciding not to torment the girl, I said and shrugged my shoulders, answered: - This is an A-Rank reconnaissance mission. 

- Reconnaissance? It is not often that someone from our guild is entrusted with this kind of task. - Mira said thoughtfully.

- That's not surprising, given that none of the guild members know how to work delicately. Although, apparently, the Master decided that I could handle such a task. And in principle, I agree with him. True, I do not think that everything will be limited to one search for information. - I expressed my honest thoughts.

- Yes? And what do you need to find out? - the girl asked, already trembling with impatience. 

- A newly emerged cult called 'Avatar'. They recently started recruiting. The cult itself does not seem bad, because they help people and profess their faith, in which at first glance there is nothing strange, but... - I said, frowning noticeably, knowing full well that this was just a screen.

- Does the Magic Council think they're hiding something?

- No, the task came from the Fiore Royal Family. They are the ones who want someone to scout and find out the true intentions of the 'Avatar'. And it seems that the Master was able to knock out this task, especially for me. - I said.

- Do you also think that this cult is not pure? - Mira asked looking into my eyes.

- I'm sure about that. And I think the battle is unavoidable. - I said honestly, deciding to hide the fact that it was not only because of intuition. 

- It may be dangerous. Too bad I can't go with you. I'll be busy all two weeks preparing the main venue for the exam. - Mira said sadly. 

- It's okey. Moreover, I cannot accept anyone's help, because this is my way of showing that I am worthy of becoming a candidate for the exam. - I hugged the girl and said. 

- Yes, I understand that. But that doesn't mean I'm not worried about you. - Laying her head on my chest, Mira said.

- Don't worry, since the Master entrusted me with this task, it means that he believes in me and you should. - I said confidently. 

- I believe. It's just… - Mirajane said uncertainly.

- Yes, I understand. It's still a risk and you never know what will happen. But I promise that everything will go smoothly and without a hitch. - I said, stroking the girl on the head. 

- Uh-huh… - said Mira, who was still worried. 

- Hey, come on. When the exam is over and I get the title of S-Rank Mage, we will take on the task together. After all, we never went on a single mission together, although we were going to. Those missions that we completed during the cruise do not count, because they were easy. - I suggested to distract the girl. 

- Are you sure you'll pass the exam? - Mira raised her head and looked into my eyes.

- Lighter than easy. - I said confidently with a flashing smile.

- We'll see that again. Just don't cry when you fail. - Pointing her finger at my chest, she said. 

- Good. Promise. - I said, realizing that the girl was just joking.

- And I agree. Let's go on an S-rank mission together. - Kissing me on the lips, Mira said and we again continued on our way to the house.

- Well, that's good. You can even choose a mission for us yourself. - I said, squeezing the girl's hand.

- This was not discussed. - Mira said with a smirk, and then asked a little slyly: - When will you go on a mission? 

- Tomorrow morning. It would take a while to get to the cult headquarters and I wanted to drop by one more place. - I replied.

- Then let's not waste the rest of our time. Let's hurry. - Mira said quickly and ran home, where we spent the whole night doing you-know-what.

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