Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 59

In the morning, as planned, I hit the road, after having breakfast with Mira and giving her a farewell kiss, because we will not see each other for at least a few days, maybe all two weeks. 

We haven't been apart for such a long time. I will really miss her, even though we will have the opportunity to call…. Love hit me hard, didn't it? And I still don't know if this is good or bad... 

Okay, let's leave these thoughts for the future, and get back to the topic. It so happened that of the entire guild, I was the last to go on a mission. 

Everyone else dropped everything last night and hit the road so as not to let the Master down and brilliantly complete the missions entrusted to him, while I had fun with my girlfriend all night. And I don't regret anything.

Now only the Master remained in Magnolia, and the S-Rank Mages, who would soon go to the future exam site to prepare everything, as well as a few magicians who had received tasks from the locals or nearby places. 

It seems that Lisanna got a mission in the Gates of Hell, swamps located near the city. Fortunately, the name is greatly exaggerated, and the swamps are not as dangerous as they seem. No more dangerous than normal swamps, so I'm sure Lisanna can handle it. 

My intuition was silent on this matter, but I decided not to risk it and leave a few of my Light Clones, who, just in case, would look after the order in the city. Still, when all the strong guild mages scattered across the country, leaving the city unattended, there may be some individuals who want to make trouble. I would not like because of some idiots my house was damaged, so I decided to take precautions. 

My clones only have ten percent of my power and can't use most of my powers, but due to being made entirely of solid light, they are stronger and more durable than Naruto's notorious shadow clones and can change their bodies without issue, for example, replacing limbs with weapons. Well, Light Magic is also present in their arsenal. 

Having made sure that nothing irreparable would pass in my absence, I really set off, but my goal was not to complete the task. Still. I had a few more tasks I wanted to complete on my way to Mikage Forest where the Avatar Cult was headquartered. 

The first thing I needed to do was visit my financial advisor and the manager of my trading company, Rosa Pines. She should now be in the city of Clover, and it is there that I am flying now, at the same time absorbing solar ether, so as not to interrupt the tradition. Then, I have plans in the nearby small town of Shirotsumi, but more on that later. 

I think, while I'm busy flying, it's time to talk about how we came to the fact that Rosa not only became my consultant, but now I am the secret owner of my trading company. Although, there is nothing special to talk about, because everything happened to the banal simply. 

Although Rosa initially turned me down, stating that she was still responsible for the company branch and employees, and simply asked me to wait until the collapsing company finally went bankrupt so that she could leave with a pure heart, I did not have to wait long at all. I was ready to wait even two years for such a specialist, but it all happened much faster. 

Less than three months after our agreement, Jude Heartfieflia closed the branch despite promising not to, after Rosa, thanks to my help, managed to salvage millions of jewelry worth of merchandise. Instead of using the money he received to keep the branch afloat, which would have helped it earn more in the long run, he used it to pay off his loans. 

To then collect more loans, and all in order for his company to last at least a few months longer. And in doing so, he simply threw out all the workers, those who had not yet escaped from the sinking ship themselves, with no severance pay and no chance of retirement. It seems that no matter what world you're in, the bastard bosses are the same everywhere. Although, I must admit that with his nasty act, he played into my hands. 

When the whole hopelessness of the situation became clear, Rosa contacted me and asked for help. I didn't mind giving a few million of my wealth to help the unfortunate workers, while impressing Rosa even more, which would give me her boundless devotion, which is most appreciated in any world, but Rosa herself had a different plan. 

After a short meeting, when I showed Rosa what to work with, we took an inventory of all my property, and Rosa offered to create my own company through which I could sell my treasures, which, in fact, lay only dead weight and were not I need. In fact, it was ideal, because thanks to the company, we could hit several birds at once with one stone. 

Firstly, Rosa will be able to help her employees by offering them a new job, and secondly, Rosa will have assistants whom she can trust, thirdly, as mentioned above, I will get rid of unnecessary junk, and most importantly, fourthly, I will not need to do anything for this and I just could entrust everything to Rosa herself.

In just a week, Rosa prepared all the necessary paperwork, and after I put in a few signatures (seems like the bureaucracy isn't much different either, no matter what world you're in), I officially became the owner of a trading company called 'Angel Wing'. I didn't come up with the name... 

And the most funny thing, in my opinion, is that Rosa bought out the old building of her branch and immediately hired her workers back. In fact, all that has changed is the new symbol of the company, the new owner who never appears and the salaries that I allowed Rosa to increase, because I understand how difficult it is to live paycheck to paycheck, especially in such a dangerous world. 

In any case, for now, my company is just selling my treasures. I kept the most valuable thing and what I could someday come in handy to myself, and I entrusted all sorts of trinkets to the hands of professionals who definitely know more about sales than I do. And when the treasure is depleted, they will start a real business under the guidance of Rosa, using the previously accumulated capital to increase my fortune even more. 

Although, I'm not sure when that time will come, because Rosa is very thorough in selling and always knocks out the maximum price, for which she can also be appreciated. 

I repeat, but what I like most about this situation is that for this I don't even have to lift a finger on a finger. And Rosa is happy that she is doing her favorite thing, for which she was born. Although, because of me, she has become much more responsibilities, because she not only manages the branch and is engaged in sales, she still has to go to business meetings, conclude contracts, and sometimes carry out my instructions. But I think the salary of several million that I pay her every month compensates for any dissatisfaction. 

'Angel Wing' has only been in business for a few months, but so far, it has brought me just over 100,000,000 in net income and this is just the beginning. Looks like I'll have to build my own bank where I'll keep my money. Soon I will turn into Scrooge McDuck and be able to swim in my own money, although I myself do not understand why I should do this. 

Although, of course, there are downsides to such wealth. My company has declared itself too loudly and now many people are interested W

where do all these treasures come from? 

Fortunately, Rosa prepared for this possibility in advance and prepared documents proving that all this was found at the bottom of the sea, in ancient ruins, which is actually true. 

And in order to avoid problems with the government, we had to pay a large tax and give bribes to many, but now we are completely clean before the law. It's annoying, but there was no other way. And compared to all my wealth, the tax was ridiculously small. Although, an ordinary family could live for several centuries on that kind of money. Strongly in my eyes the value of money has fallen, yeah... 

But, this is not the biggest problem. Worst of all, dark personalities have appeared who want to get all these riches in any way. And since I hide my identity, mainly to avoid dealing with pesky nobles, all sorts of Dark Mages cannot find me, and because of this, attempts have already been made to attack the headquarters of the company. 

Fortunately, I had anticipated this in advance and enchanted the building to the maximum and prepared protective amulets for each worker, which protected them all from attack. 

The small dark guild that dared to take such a step couldn't even scratch the barrier around the building, and they were all caught in the end.

Such attacks occur once every couple of weeks and everyone is already used to them. Unfortunately, the day is near when a larger fish will covet such a sweet target, but I have everything prepared for this case. Any, whoever tries to take something that belongs to me will pay dearly for it...

But, let's leave these gloomy thoughts. In fact, I no longer need to work as a Mage, because it's pointless, but I need to accumulate more strength. I already have plans for this, but I still have to wait for their execution. And to brighten up this expectation, I work as a Mage.

In addition, as I said once, the title of S-Rank is also useful to me, because it can open many doors, even those that the owner of the richest company in Fiore, and maybe all of Ishgar, cannot open.

Before receiving the long-awaited title, there is only a little left, but before that I still need to do something and the first on the agenda, as already mentioned, is a meeting with Rosa, for which I finally arrived in Clover City.

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