Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 60

- Good morning. - I shouted with a smile, deliberately frightening the working Rosa.

- KYA! - not expecting me to appear behind her, Rosa exclaimed sweetly, and then looked furiously at me.

- Sorry, sorry. Couldn't resist. - I said with difficulty holding back my laughter.

- Stop climbing into my office through the window every time! - Rosa said displeasedly, after which, folding her hands under her chest, thus showing her irritation, she added: - The door was invented for a reason! 

- But it's more fun. - I said shamelessly, finally moving away from the window through which I had climbed a minute earlier and bypassing Rosa's desk, sat down on a chair specially prepared for guests.

- Not for me. One day, my heart will fail. - with a heavy sigh, said Rose, who was actually amused by my antics, but as a professional, she could not show it.

- Besides, this way I don't distract the rest of the workers and they won't know who I am. - I added with a shrug. 

- Says a man who, with the help of his magic, can become invisible and pass through walls. - Rosa scolded me. 

- Touche. - I said with a smirk that annoyed Ms. Pines even more. 

We both understand that I'm only joking with Rosa because of her reaction, and I can easily meet her discreetly. What can I say, if as soon as I entered the office, I immediately cast a privacy spell so that no one could eavesdrop on us. 

But, this is not fun, besides, such jokes only bring us closer, because we are not just business partners, but also close friends.

- Grr, someday, I will stop falling for your tricks. - said Rose, growling a little in helplessness.

- We'll see. - I said with a provocative smirk, but after, since the time for our teasing was over, I removed the smirk and seriously asked: - Did you do what I asked? 

Showing her excellent professionalism, for which I appreciate her so much, Rosa instantly switched to her working mode and, adjusting her glasses, said: - Yes, I found a master artefactor who was able to complete your order.

- I didn't doubt you. - I said with a smile, since subordinates who have done their job well should always be praised in order to increase their trust and loyalty…. And how the hell do I know that? Did I graduate, management courses? Sometimes I myself am amazed at my hidden talents and knowledge... 

- No need to flatter, I was just running an errand for my boss. - Rosa said with a snort, trying hard to hide her blush. Ha, being a good boss isn't that hard.

- Okay, okay, let's get back to business. Did your master do the work? - I asked, with a little impatience.

- Yes, although he made an unreasonable price, but since you asked to hurry, I paid, and he did everything in two weeks. - said Rosa, who disliked wasteful spending.

- I hope after finishing work, you did as I asked? - I asked seriously.

- Yes, I used that artifact of yours, the Memory Neutralizer, it seems, and erased his memory of the spheres and how he worked on them. Although, I still think it was overkill. - Rosa said with a frown and took out a silver mirror with inlaid Lacrimas from a desk drawer.

- There was no other choice. He knew the recipe for their creation and, by any chance, was going to create more in order to sell them left and right. I couldn't let the orbs that could easily capture the souls of even the most powerful magical beings flood the market. There would be real chaos. - I said and took the mirror, which I myself enchanted so that anyone who looks into it will lose the memory of what is written with a magic pen on the back of the mirror. Thanks to this, even a non-magician will be able to use it. Actually, it's pretty dangerous.

- I think you're overreacting. It already smacks of paranoia. I don't think an artifact from the past would have taught such a lesson. There would certainly be excitement, but it's not as bad as you think. - Rosa disagreed. 

- Maybe, but I didn't want to risk it. I will be calmer if only I have access to the Soul Spheres. - Shrugging, I said.

- But still, erasing the memory of an innocent person, it's somehow…. - said Rosa with a grimace, whom I personally forced to do this, since at that time I was busy hunting for a demon.

- Wrong, I know. But, it's better that way than to conclude some kind of magical contract that will hang on him for the rest of his life. And so, he does not remember anything and no worries. In addition, he received money for the work. - I said seriously.

- You're right, of course, and that way he'll never blab about anything, because there's nothing to talk about, just… Don't make me do it again… - Rose begged, with a slightly pitiful expression on her face. 

- Promise. - I said instantly when I realized that this was such a big test for her. Still, she's an ordinary person, and asking her to erase a person's memory was too much...

- Okay, then let's close this topic. Now your spheres will be brought to you. - Rosa said with relief and pulled the rope on the table, because of which the sound of a bell rang out. 

Soon, there was a knock on the room, and a young girl entered, whom Rosa asked to bring the box, which she had warned about earlier. The girl, Rosa's secretary, nodded and, closing the door, left without noticing that I was in the room, because I was already invisible. To be honest, I like to play undercover boss without anyone knowing my identity. Childish, I know, but it's fun... 

After a couple of minutes, the girl returned and put the closed wooden box on Rosa's desk, after which, saying goodbye, she left, and I became visible again.

- Here are your twenty Soul Spheres. - said Rosa, opening the box and showing packed glass spheres, exactly the same as the one I found in the Temple of Poseidon, in which the soul of Arariel was sealed. 

As planned, having a recipe for their creation, I decided to get a supply of them, which in the end, as you know, I entrusted to Rosa.

Now I can give Mira and the rest of the Strauss one sphere each to make it easier for them to capture new creatures for their respective magic, as I've wanted to do almost since we first met. 

And the rest of the spheres will be kept in my dimensional pocket in case I meet another Angel that can be captured, well, or any other creature that might come in handy. In addition, these spheres do not have to be used for Take-Over Magic, you can simply seal the souls of my enemies in them forever. 

This is certainly vile and wrong, but it is a sure way to get rid of the enemy, because even death is sometimes not a guarantee. And so, I will be calmer. 

- Thanks. - I said and moved the entire box to my storage. Hopefully I'll get the chance to try them out soon.

- How is the company doing? - I asked when we finally finished with the main business. 

- Well, even very well. Sales are excellent and are only increasing day by day. - Rose said very pleased when the topic returned to her favorite finances.

- It cannot but rejoice. - I said with a smile. 

- Actually, we don't have enough hands and I'm thinking of hiring a few people, do you mind? - Rose asked. 

- No, but first they will need to be carefully checked, because when it becomes known that our company is recruiting, there will be many spies and thieves. - I said knowing full well how it works. 

Now it makes no sense for us to worry about this, because all the employees are extremely devoted to Rosa and will not betray her after how she got them back to work. And from coercion they are protected by amulets. 

- You're right, and that's why I haven't hired anyone yet, even though we already have to work overtime due to the number of customers who want to buy our product. But, after all, no matter how carefully I check, at least one or two spies will still be able to slip through and there's nothing to be done. - Rose said wearily.

- Aren't there magic items that can tell a person's lies? - I asked, remembering that there was something like that in the anime. 

- Yes, but they are rare, have their drawbacks, and can be bypassed if you know how, and the infiltrators will definitely know how, at least some of them. In addition, they are unreasonably expensive. - said Rosa, again displaying her frugal nature.

- I understand that in this way, you are hinting to me that you want me to create an artifact that will help you? - I asked, easily understanding what Rosa was getting at. 

- Well, since you were able to create a mirror that erases memory, then you can create a lie detector, right? - asked Rosa, tilting her head, obviously trying to put pressure on my pride. 

- I'll see what I can do about it, but not right now. I'm busy for the next month. - Rolling my eyes, I said.

- Just enough time to find candidates. - Rosa said with a smile.

- I'm glad you believe in me so much. - I grumpily said, and then deciding to change the subject, I asked: - Is there anything else to tell about? 

- If the staff becomes larger, then we should move to another building, because it will not be able to accommodate so many people. Yet, in the first place, this place was only a branch of the main company and is not quite suitable for the headquarters. - Rosa said.

- Do you already have ideas? - I asked, noticing the sparkle in the girl's eyes.

- We'd better build a new building comparable to the Jude's Company Headquarters to raise our profile and show our success. At the same time and wipe the nose of this bastard. - Rosa said with a vindictive smirk.

- U don't see any problems, but let's also deal with this later. I have an idea what kind of headquarters to create, but it will take time and you need to find a suitable place. Not to mention, the installation of protection. In any case, we are in no hurry, so we will return to this later. - Thinking for a bit, I said. 

- I don't mind. - Nodding her head, the girl said, then, remembering something, she said: - About protection. For a couple of weeks there were no attacks by either bandits or dark magicians. I do not like it. 

- Mm, the calm before the storm? Perhaps, realizing that they could not overcome the defense on their own, they decided to enlist support or prepare a joint strike. - I suggested. 

- I thought about that too. - With a sigh, the girl said. 

- In that case, I will strengthen the defense and add warriors of light as guards. If you see that they can not cope, then immediately call for help and I will come. - I said, still not feeling any danger, so that the situation is not so bad.

- Good, and thanks. - relieved, the girl said.

- No problem, I'm the head of the company and I have to take care of her. - I said with a grin. 

- Right. - with the same smirk, said Rosa.

- How are the nobles? Still bothering you? - I asked.

- Yes, they always want to know your personality and make friends with you in order to increase their power and authority. But, as you requested, I send all such people to hell and burn all letters and gifts. - Rose said irritably. 

- You do it right. There is no point in even talking to these vultures. Although, of course, they will be offended because of this, and I would not be surprised if some of the attacks were started by them, but as long as we comply with the law and pay whoever we need, we are under the protection of the king. And there's nothing these nobles can do about it. - I said enough, rejoicing, that almost all power in Fiore belongs to the king and the nobles cannot do anything to us openly, and I will deal with the shadow part by force.

- I can't disagree with you, but there is another type of nobles who try to use their authority to get discounts or even get some of the goods for free. Especially, a certain duke who manages a city nearby is trying to do this. said Rosa wearily, who has to deal with these idiots. Here's another reason why I'm hiding and not even going to run the company on my own... 

- Everly? From Shirotsumi City? - I figured it out almost immediately. 

- Right. Do you know him? - Rosa asked looking at me. 

- No, but I was just about to meet him today. Don't worry, soon he will stop bothering you. - I said with a grin.

- You won't kill him, will you? - Rosa asked softly.

- No, don't worry. He will simply lose his title and go to jail. And you can believe it will be fair. - I said honestly.

- I don't doubt it. - Rosa said in a low voice, who had already dealt with this guy and was clearly not happy.

- Well, I have to go. See you after the exam, then we will continue the conversation. - I said as I got up from my chair.

- Alright, and good luck on the exam. - my financial manager said with a smile. 

- Thanks. And call if something happens. - I said as I climbed out of the window. 

- There is a door! - Rosa called out as I summoned my wings and took to the air, laughing hard. The next target - Shirotsumi city. 

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