Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 61

Ever since I received the Sagittarius Key, in gratitude for solving the problem of Galuna Island, the thought of the Virgo Key, the location of which I knew exactly, and which I could take without any problems, has not left my head. 

To be honest, Celestial Spirit Magic doesn't bother me at all and I don't even particularly like it because of its limitations and other shortcomings. Although I'm curious about the final technique of this magic 'Star Dress', it doesn't outweigh my slight disdain for these types of magic.

And I took the Sagittarius Key only because I wanted to prevent the Eclipse Gate that I stole not so long ago from opening, so the chance that someone will find and use it has dropped even lower, although it is still not zero, because who knows what to expect from the same Zeref. 

But, in the near future, no one will be able to use the Gate, because until a total eclipse, which is a prerequisite for the activation of this kind of time machine, is still a few years away and I don't have to worry about it. 

Moreover, I'm still considering the option of disassembling the gate into pieces in order to obtain the valuable materials from which it is composed. It's still in the pipeline though, and I'll see if it's really worth giving up on this fallback for a new armor I'm thinking of making in a few years. 

With all of the above it makes no sense for me to look for other Golden Keys, although I know where they are and who has them. Lucy has several, she inherited them from her mother. A few from Sorano of the Oración Seis, some she had before, others she had taken from Karen Lilica, who had been killed by her. One for Loki of Fairy Tail, who himself is the Celestial Spirit Lion, who is now in exile in this world, and one for Zoldeo, a former servant of Laila, who used his magic and moved into the body of Capricorn and since then he has been in the Grimoire Heart. 

But, as I said before, I don't care about them, and I don't even need to keep the key of a poor and useless archer, it will be more useful if I sell it. But how can I resist when it comes to the Virgin, the beautiful and devoted maid? I don't consider myself a fan of maids but only the thought of the Virgin serving me and calling me 'master', touches some strings in my soul, which I can not resist in any way. 

Of course, I am not going to force Virgo into anything immoral, and there is no question of any sexual relationship, nevertheless I have a girlfriend, but I will be happy if a beautiful spirit takes care of my needs and my house, in short skirt. And you don't dare to judge me for that, do you understand? 

And now, the biggest problem is not how to take away the key from Everly and conclude a contract with the lady of the court, but how to persuade Mira to leave the Maiden and let her take care of us. As I said, Mira is very jealous and she does not like it when other girls curl around me. 

The only ones she doesn't get jealous of me are her sister, who is uncontrollably in love with Natsu and Erza, who does not interest me, which I directly told my girlfriend and who is too stubborn for this, and is not capable of more than reading vulgar novels. The last words were a direct quote from Mira. 

As is clear, since I still decided to go to Everly, I think that I can still persuade Mira to accept the Virgin. It will not be easy and the chance that she will refuse me or use her feminine charms against me to get rid of the Virgo's key is about 60% not in my favor, but it's better than nothing and there is always the opportunity to persuade her with the help of my male charms. 

Taking into account all the facts and hoping for the consent of Mira, I left Clover and headed to the nearby city of Shirotsumi, which was located in a mountain valley and was very small in size compared to Clover itself and the same Magnolia. 

The city actually belonged to the ducal family, the only representative of which was the aforementioned Everly. The city of the White Claws was completely built with the money of the Everly family by his distant ancestor, so that is why he is its owner and manager, although in fact the mayor does all the work for him, and Everly himself simply drowns in his wealth and hedonism, doing dark things, with suspicious individuals. 

All this I was able to learn upon arrival in the city, just ten minutes listening to the gossip of local residents. I learned a surprising amount about Everly's crimes, since he did not even try to be encrypted and everyone knows everything, but as always, no one can do anything, because all power is in the hands of Everly himself. 

If someone tries to contact the authorities outside the city, then they can lose their lives, so everyone just has to endure the clumsy duke. At least, he cares neither about the city itself, nor about the inhabitants, as long as they regularly pay taxes and Everly gets his money, which he spends on himself. 

I visited the city not only to make sure that Everly, like in the anime, is still an asshole who would not be shameful to rob and put in jail, but also to make sure that there is a huge gorilla-like maid in Everly's service with pink hair. This was the Maiden whom Everly forced to take on such a form because of his terrible taste in women. I just wasn't sure how long ago Everly could get the Maiden's key and how long she served him. 

It is only certain that he received the key not earlier than July 7, 777, because then it was at the disposal of Laila Heartfilia when she opened the Eclipse Gate, and what happened then is unknown. Quite possible, that Everly's key could have been obtained in the year and a half that remained before the beginning of the canon and the mission to destroy the book, with the participation of Lucy and Natsu. 

But I was lucky and according to the words of one old woman, from time to time a three-meter monster, exactly matching the description of the Virgo, comes to the city to buy food. So I immediately went to the duke's mansion, which was located on a hill, not far from the city, in order to get the key. 

And I don't even have to get into a fight, because all I have to do is prove Everly's crimes so that he is arrested and then his contract with the Virgo will collapse on its own and she will become free, because the contract implies that the criminal cannot to be a conjurer of stellar spirits. 

All I have to do is use the key and summon the maiden to make a new contract. Hope, I will be able to do it, otherwise it will suddenly turn out that I have no talent in this magic. But, I have no time to think about such an outcome, especially since I have already reached the mansion and, having become a living ghost, entered it, unnoticed by all its inhabitants. 

Everly himself, who was a short and obese man of fifty years old, with a stupid hairstyle and an even stupider mustache that seemed to grow right out of his nostrils, I found in a couple of minutes and, despite the fact that it was almost 12 in the morning, he was still sleeping, surrounded by their ugly maids, who seemed to be no ordinary servants. 

Here it is the carefree life of the nobles, which will end very soon for this guy. Finding the Maiden's key, which was in the pocket of my jacket, which hung from the chandelier, after an apparently stormy night, which I, fortunately, did not find (I already had enough of the sight of Everly half-naked and his maids), I took it and, having bound the spells of the still sleeping Everly, he went with him to his office, for compromising evidence. 

The maiden, fortunately, chose not to appear and did not protect her master, so the only obstacle to my goal was the two magicians that Everly had hired to protect the mansion from intruders. 

When I met these mercenaries, they were busy with dinner, so they did not have time to understand anything, as they joined the sleeping Everly, whom I dragged behind me with a rope.

These Vanish brothers, as they call themselves, would make good witnesses against Everly, whom the Rune Knights could interrogate to confirm some of his crimes. 

As finishing evidence, documents with illegal transactions and a literal diary of all the crimes that Everly has ever committed, which I found in his office, will act. 

What is this, a new level? If before the villains just told their vile plan, now they also began to keep diaries with all their 'exploits'? Either this Everly is just stupid or too arrogant. 

But, it's easier for me, so I have nothing to complain about. Since I didn't hesitate to contact the local authorities, attaching all the evidence to the bound duke and his two mercenaries, I opened a portal to Hargeon and left them right at the knight's department, where the local rune knights would deal with them. Considering that, What I found on Everly, he's facing a very long prison sentence.

'Yes, it's done. Got rid of Everly, got the key, at the same time helped to take the load off Rosa a little and now there is one less nobles bothering her. I can dump.' – closing the portal, through which it was already possible to see how the knights found my gift, I thought, and having created a teleportation spell, I disappeared.

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