Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 63

Virgo did not question my order to attack me and did not seem to be going to give in, so as soon as she sank underground, she immediately began to use her advantage and attacked me, trying to catch me. 

Fortunately, I was on the alert, and immediately sensing danger, I immediately reacted and jumped to the side, dodging the chains that burst from the ground, which tried to grab me at the order of their mistress. 

Unfortunately, they didn't give me the opportunity to rest, and as soon as I put my foot on the ground, another batch of metal chains appeared that practically captured my foot, but this time I managed to escape, again jumping to the side, this time as far as possible.

Considering that even despite the much greater distance, the chains reappeared as soon as my feet touched the ground, I can assume that Virgo, like Toph from Avatar, is able to feel the vibrations of the earth and easily sense who is near her, even if she herself is now underground, at a depth of three meters, according to my search spell. 

A useful ability, thanks to which you can always find the enemy if he is in close proximity and if he is not able to fly. Given that Virgo is more of a melee fighter, Seismic Sensitivity pairs very well with her other powers. 

Of course, it's very easy for me to avoid her detection at any moment by taking to the air, but now I want to test what Virgo is capable of in combat, so I should succumb and let her use all her tricks. 

Although, if it was too easy, uninteresting, and no one would be challenged, so dodging the chains a few more times while measuring that Virgo's sensory detection range was about two hundred meters, I let the chains grab my leg, then grab the chain myself and pull it with all your might. 

Considering the cute scream I heard underground, I pulled not only the chain, but also the Maiden herself, who, I can guess, was holding on to the chains to guide them underground and guide them to my location. 

Unfortunately, the Virgo quickly oriented herself and in less than a second, the chain for which I was pulling disappeared from non-existence, and the Virgo herself sailed away, somewhere into the deeper bowels of the earth. 

Since Virgo is obviously not stupid, she was not going to expose herself like that again and let me grab the chains, so now I was waiting for her next move. This time, Virgo used the chains again, but they broke out of the ground away from me, near the edge of the Mikage Forest. 

Watching with interest what the Virgo was up to, I saw a dozen chains wrapped around thick tree trunks, which the next moment were already flying in the air after the chains were pulled out of the ground and thrown at me. 

Raising my hand, I used a basic Light Magic spell and destroyed all the trees to find that dozens more uprooted trees were flying towards me. It looks like Virgo intends to completely overwhelm me with huge trees, even if it means destroying the entire forest. 

Getting more serious, I jumped into the air to dodge the nearby projectiles, and then used a higher level Light Magic and turned all the trees to ash, calmly returning to my place. 

And just at that moment, I realized that the entire previous attack had been a distraction so that Virgo could lay a trap for me while I was busy. 

The ground, on which I calmly walked before, turned into a quagmire, which, under the control of the Celestial Spirit, began to intensively suck my legs, obviously intending to drown me completely. 

Since I did not want to swim in the ground (this is the prerogative of Virgo), I was about to break out, but I was again prevented by the chains that broke out of the quagmire and quickly tied my arms and shoulders, practically immobilizing me, and then pulled me down so that I drowned faster. 

On this I decided that it was time to stop giving in and, with a little force, I broke all the chains, which, as it turned out, were also not the final plan of Virgo. 

While I was busy with the chains, Virgo climbed out of the ground ten meters behind me (which I could hear with my super hearing), and using Earth Magic again, restored the soil to its true solid state and encased my legs, which had already sunk knee-deep into the ground, into solid stone.

- Very commendable, Virgo. You were able to catch me. - I said sincerely, turning my head to look at my new maid. 

- Thank you, Master. - With a sweet smile, Virgo said, but then, making a serious face, she added: - But, this is not the end. 

Deciding to end our sweet conversation on that note, Virgo sat down and, placing her hand on the ground, cast the spell 'Spica Lock', which gathered the surrounding earth, and like I was a magnet, drew it to me, sealing me inside a stone ball. 

- Auch. - that's all I said, being buried inside the stone, not at all worried about it and not even going to break out, because it seems that the Virgin did not finish there Ethernano. 

Using a simple spell which allows me to see through walls, I looked at Virgo who had already prepared the next spell. Exclaiming 'Spica Hole', she jumped into the air, and concentrating magic power in her hands, which she folded over her head, Virgo hit my prison, which immediately shattered into smithereens, and I got it, although I didn't really feel it. 

Calmly getting to my feet, after the blow of the Virgo, I serenely brushed off the dirt from my clothes and looked at the Celestial Spirit, which was no longer going to attack me and was just waiting for me to finish. 

- Are you satisfied, Master? - Virgo asked modestly. 

- Yes, it is quite. You showed the ability to think ahead when you realized that it was better not to fight me in close combat. Since ranged combat is not your specialty, you decided to distract me and prepare a trap so that your direct attack will definitely succeed. - With a satisfied smile, I said.

- That's right, Master. - Bowing, said Virgo. 

- First, you hid underground so that you had time to prepare everything, and so that I would not find you right away, you distracted me with chains. And although it didn't work out the way you hoped, you quickly got your bearings and changed your distraction method. You managed to catch me, and you managed to use magic to imprison me, even for a short time, which was enough to launch a main attack that I simply could not dodge and that I could not respond to. Indeed, very delivers. You can think, unlike many Mages. - I sincerely praised the spirit girl. 

- Thank you, Master. - not without joy in her head, said the Virgo, although then she added with a touch of displeasure: - Unfortunately, all this was useless and you were not even hurt. 

- Well, well, it's not so bad. I confess I cheated a little at the last moment. - I said honestly, showing on my hand the hieroglyphs of the spell that increased the strength of my skin so that the blow of Virgo would not harm me. 

- Even without that spell, you wouldn't have been harmed. The maximum that I would have achieved is a bruise. And this despite the fact that you do not limit me in the Ethernano, and I can show all my strength in this world. Not to mention that at any moment you could break out of my trap and actually let me hit you. It's really a shame. - Virgo said unhappily. 

- Don't be so upset, I'm just a little special. For some reason, I'm much tougher than normal magicians and I have other tricks up my sleeves, so it would be weird if you could hurt me even though I was succumbing. But be sure if in my place any other mage of A-Rank, and possibly higher, he would definitely be hurt by your blow. You are much stronger and more skilled than I originally thought. - I spoke honestly.

- I am glad to hear that, Master, although I understand that I will be of no use to you when the battle comes. - Bowing, said the Virgin.

- Maybe so, but that's far from the main reason you serve me. Besides, now I can really trust you to protect people close to me. - I said, going up to Virgo and stroking her hair, but after a little thought, I added: - Although, you should still increase your Earth Magic spell repertoire and learn at least some long-range attacks.

- Glad to serve you, Master. - happily accepting the stroke, said Virgo, but then she looked into my eyes and asked pleadingly: - In that case, maybe you will punish me for such a meager knowledge of Earth Magic?

- Next time. - I said, removing my hand from the head of the spirit. And now she always has to spoil everything, showing her masochism...

- Cruel, as always. You are unique, Master. - having received a buzz from the refusal, the Virgo said languidly, shaking with delight. 

'Oh, what else did I expect…' - I thought with doom, slapping my forehead when I heard the sound of footsteps from the forest. 

Looking in that direction, I saw four completely identical people who looked at me and Virgo, clearly not with good intentions. Oh yes, my mission. 

The members of the Avatar must have overheard Virgo and me sparring and came to see what's going on here. Well, that's wonderful. I don't have to look for them and can immediately deal with the whole cult, and only then, find evidence of their crimes. In the best traditions of absolute justice.

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