Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 64

The person who emerged from the Mikage Forest was a scantily clad girl with silver hair and milk chocolate skin. And as noted earlier, she appeared before us in a quadruple, girls absolutely identical to each other, not counting the expression on their faces. And they were not twins, as it might seem at first. 

Briar, that's the name of this enchantress and she is a member of the black magic cult of Zeref, on whose soul I arrived today by order of the royal family of Fiore. As you might guess, the main magic of this girl is connected with clones, on which she can split into four pieces, which are now slowly and menacingly approaching the Virgo and me.

Clone Magic is quite promising, after all, extra hands never hurt and the ability to be in several places at once is incredibly useful, but in no case should it be used as the main magic, because there is no use if you are divided into several parts, if you yourself you don't represent anything. Even if each clone has self-awareness and can act separately, the destruction of the clone will not affect the Mage in any way. 

This magic should be combined with some kind of offensive magic, and then its owner can already become a significant force. But, unfortunately, despite the above perspectives, Briar's Clone Magic belongs to the section of black magic, and has several very significant drawbacks, because of which it is more dangerous than useful. 

The biggest disadvantage of this magic, in my opinion, is that that the number of clones is limited to only four, each of which is dominated by one of the emotions, which is clearly seen in the clones of Briar, on whose faces expressions of happiness, anger, sadness and love are clearly visible. The last clone scares me a little, to be honest. 

I wouldn't mind learning clone magic, as Naruto shows how versatile and useful this power is, especially since my magic doesn't allow me to create full-fledged clones that will have self-awareness or at least half of my powers, not to mention about all power, as it happens in the case of Briar, but the emotional instability inherent in this magic is not worth it in my opinion. Clones of Light are fine with me, despite their shortcomings. 

And the opportunity to learn something four times faster, because each such clone is essentially a separate part of a person and that's it what one clone learns, the mage himself will know, is not worth the risk that my hypothetical Wrath Clone can do, because I well imagine what I can do in a fit of rage. And about the Clone of Love, you shouldn't stutter at all. 

All these thoughts took me only a couple of seconds and they were necessary in order to decide what to do with the magician girl and her clones, who, it seems, are not in the mood to talk to us and only want to deal with the uninvited guests as soon as possible (especially this desire is clearly seen in the Clone of Wrath). 

Although, this does not apply to the Love Clone, who looks at me with noticeable lust and literal hearts in her eyes. Well, it's scary... This is more a clone of lust than love... And how does Briar get along with such personality disorders and still manages to maintain her sanity... Although she is a dark mage, but I even feel sorry for her a little... 

Since Briar's Magic doesn't interest me, I only need it to get information about the Avatar, their crimes and plans, as well as their headquarters, which I'm going to storm soon. 

Information is never superfluous and it is foolish to go blindly, even if I have superior strength. Traps have not yet been canceled, because even the most powerful mage can lose their lives through negligence. 

In addition, it would not hurt to find out about the cult members themselves, since to my embarrassment, apart from Briar herself and the head priest of the cult, I don't remember anyone else. And the information in the mission description itself was rather scarce, and apart from the place where to look for them, there was practically nothing else. Well, what can do, these characters were not particularly memorable. 

So the plan was simple. I quickly disable Briar and her clones, and then I get all the necessary information, for which the cooperation of the girl herself is unnecessary for me, I will find out everything anyway, whether she wants it or not. 

But, as it turned out, there was someone who did not agree with this plan, or rather, one girl, the Celestial Spirit, who was standing next to me, about which she did not fail to tell me. 

- Master, let me deal with the enemy. - Virgo asked, looking at the four Briars with obvious disgust.

- I don't mind. You are strong enough to take care of her, but let me know the reason for this desire? - I asked, noticing that two Briars had run forward as the vanguard and now they were rushing at me and the Virgo in the attack, although we still have a little time to chat, because I covered us with a barrier. 

- This woman is corrupted. It is completely saturated with vile black magic, as if it corrodes it from the inside. At the same time, she herself actively condones this and uses this disgusting power. We, the Celestial Spirits, are very sensitive to such things and hate any manifestation of black magic. It is in our instincts to purify such filth, especially for me, because my very nature adheres to the concept of purity. - the Virgo said gloomily, looking at the half-naked girls attacking the barrier.

- Well, yes, you are a Virgo. A symbol of chastity and purity. And the maid who cleans up the dirt is also well associated with this. - I said, although the thought flashed through my mind that the Virgo herself did not at all correspond to such a title. Although perhaps masochism and chastity go hand in hand, who knows. In this world, everything is possible.

- Yes, Master. And now my task is to clean this dirt. - the Virgo said decisively. 

- I understand it's your duty. You can act. - I said, and then I looked at Virgo with a smirk and added: - Just tell me the real reason why you want to fight her first.

Judging by the averted eyes and a touch of blush on her cheeks, I was not mistaken, and the Virgo had another reason that she diligently wanted to hide. And it had nothing to do with her aversion to dark magic.

- And? - I asked a little demanding.

- Incredible insight, Master. - having regained her composure, the Virgo staunchly praised me, but seeing that flattery would not help, she sighed and answered honestly: - As your servant, I cannot allow some half-naked pigalis to jump in front of you and seduce you with her sinful body, full of vile magic. I am obliged to defend your honor and protect you from this vile harlot, especially the one who casts those lustful glances at you...

- HEY!!! - Upon hearing the words of the Virgo, Briar spoke for the first time, and all four at once, and stopped attacking the barrier, which they could only slightly shake.

- Something like that I expected from you… - I said muffledly, shaking my head.

- Of course, because I am your maid and it is my duty. - Virgo said enthusiastically, then quietly adding, thinking that I would not hear: - Only I can seduce you with my body... 

Eh... I'm already beginning to regret that I even started the summoning of this masochist. Of course, it's nice to hear this from a beautiful girl, but not when she's not healthy in the head. Besides, she is still a virgin and it is unlikely that she can have sex, although I didn't really intend to.

It is clear that these are all jokes and flirting, which is unlikely to cross the line of easy flogging, so desired by the Virgo, yet I already have a loved one, and the Virgo herself has her own circumstances, but for some reason it's all very tiring for me.

Eh... In any case, it remains only to get used to it and stop being led by the girl-spirit, otherwise it gives her incredible pleasure, judging by the gleam in her eyes.

In any case, now is not the time for this, and it's rude, can't leave the enemy unattended, so, looking at the Virgo again, I said: - Then, go ahead. Just don't kill her, she might still come in handy.

- As you command, Master. - Maiden said readily, and jumped on the first clone as soon as I removed the barrier protecting us from the dark sorceress.

- Just take care of yourself and be extremely careful. - Iadded at last. Still, I'm a little worried about Virgo's safety. When fighting a Dark Mage, you can never be too careful.

Briar obviously did not expect that the fragile-looking maid possessed such strength and speed, so she soon paid for it, having lost the Clone of Sadness, which, after a strong blow from the Virgo, disincarnated. 

Although, perhaps the fact is that this clone did not have any fighting spirit. After this oversight, Briar got down to business seriously and now two clones pounced on Virgo, with chocolate-skine girls using something like Vibration Magic to send shock waves into the ground, which caused a lot of destruction and prevented the Celestial Spirit from fully using his skills and magic. 

And this, by the way, is a very useful ability, ideal for Virgo, who, despite all her magic, prefers close combat. If it is also possible to send shockwaves in the air, it will greatly increase the strength and danger of my maid. 

While I was developing this thought, making a note to myself that I should look for such Magic in the Guild Library, a third clone approached me, who took advantage of the turmoil, and fled from the Maiden. 

- Hi, handsome. Would you like to spend time with this older sister? I think I fell in love with you and really want it... - Briar's Love Clone asked me in a languid voice, wiggling her hips seductively as she approached me without fear. 

- No, thanks. I instantly replied and released a wave of Dragon Slayer solar heat, which instantly destroyed the clone. 

She may be beautiful, and incredible and very much my type, especially because of the color of her hair, but because of these clones, she is even more sick in the head than Virgo. And who knows what past this girl has and where she has been. Even if I didn't have Mira, I wouldn't risk it. 

- I'm done, Master. - Virgo said, distracting me from my thoughts. It turns out that she had already finished destroying the clones, and when only one Briar remained, again whole, the Virgo, not without problems, but defeated her rival and beat her quite hard, dragging the dark sorceress to me, tying her with flails. 

- Well done, Virgo. - I said with a smile, stroking the Celestial Spirit on the head, and then drawing attention to the exhausted Briar, who was looking at me helplessly. 

Obviously not the outcome she expected when she arrived here, but rarely do our wishes come true. Now, can start extracting information.

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