Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 65

- I won't tell you anything. You can torture me, but it won't do you any good. - the immobilized Briar said calmly, perfectly understanding why I gave the order to the Virgo not to kill her. 

Although she was extremely upset at her loss in the battle, she tried not to show it. In addition, it was noticeable that she hoped to buy time long enough for her comrades to arrive and save her. She obviously did not believe that her comrades themselves had a chance to lose. 

- No one was going to torture you, this is not our method. I'm still a member of the Light Guild and I am not going to stoop to such base methods of obtaining information. - I said calmly, taking out a chair from my vault, on which I immediately sat down in front of the lying sorceress. The Virgo, as befits a true maiden, stood behind me.

- Then what do you want from me? - the sorceress asked wearily, regretting a hundred times that she had entered into a confrontation with us.

She thought that we were just weak people who simply ended up where they should not have been and who need to be removed as unnecessary witnesses. 

After all, I deliberately chose the most remote place in order to penetrate the Mikage Forest so that ordinary people and mages would not notice me. Mikage Forest, although quite spooky and at times dangerous, is not as densely forested in the northern and western parts, so some people visit it, especially since the official headquarters of the Avatar is located almost on the edge of the forest. 

I say the official headquarters, because in fact, the Avatar has two buildings. The first building acts as an ordinary church of a small cult of goodness and prosperity (well-known version), who invites anyone to come to his door. Basically, it's a front for recruiting new cultists to turn them into followers of Zeref.

The second building is located in the very depths of an impenetrable forest and, according to official information, it does not exist at all. But, in the quest leaflet I was given, it was written that the Rune Knights were able to find out about this structure from an unfortunate hunter who wandered too far into the forest. 

He miraculously managed to get out of the forest and was able to tell that in the most dangerous part of the forest, for some reason, there is a terrible building with the emblem of the Avatar, which no one knew about. 

It was this information that so alarmed the government of the country, because the fact that the new cult has such an incomprehensible secret is very suspicious, and since this world had many unpleasant stories with different cults, it was decided to explore this building and find out its purpose. 

In general, this is the essence of my task, which the Master entrusted to me, as someone who can investigate everything quietly, without alarming the entire cult, since such a scandal is not needed by the government. And in our Guild, there are very few people who can do everything delicately. 

But, since I initially knew more and was aware of the true essence of the Avatar, I initially went with the mindset to beat everyone in the face and not investigate, namely, to find information proving the crimes of the Avatar. 

True, I did not think that so soon I would meet a high-ranking cult member who would immediately attack me. Apparently the news of the leak that brought me here had reached the top of the cult and they decided not to let it happen again. 

And since I was running around near the most deserted entrance to the forest, which, by the way, located closest to the location of the second building, so I also arranged a battle with the Virgo here, which, undoubtedly, raised a big fuss. As a result, for our elimination as possible witnesses, Briar was sent. 

After all, the cult could not allow even more information about their secret affairs to become public knowledge, they already attracted too much attention.

In general, the situation itself played into my hands and I was able to get someone in advance who would allow me to get all the necessary information, even before I entered the battle with the main forces of the cult. 

Although, things could have gone in a different direction, and the mages could have simply run away, but knowing the arrogant nature of the dark mages, this would hardly have happened. But, in any case, it would be necessary to act more prudently, otherwise I again acted not too deliberately. 

Turning my attention back to Briar, who was waiting for an answer to her question, I honestly said: - You understood everything correctly, and I need information, but I will get it in another way. And your participation, I do not need.

- What are you thinking? - Briar asked with appreciable excitement as I began to prepare a powerful spell that would allow me to know everything I wanted to know. 

- Don't worry, you won't get hurt. - I said with a smile, and after creating a spell called 'Body Control', I threw it on the girl's body. 

When the spell touched the sorceress, despite her best efforts not to allow it, she froze abruptly and could only roll her large eyes wildly, unable to control her own body.

- Virgo, you can put your chains away. She is no longer dangerous. - I calmly said to the maid, who, after a moment's hesitation, complied with the order. 

After the disappearance of the chains, the picture did not change, and Briar still froze in the same position, unable to move anything but his eyeballs. 

The spell I used on her allows me to basically take over control of the girl's movements and until I tell her to, she won't be able to move herself. And she will be able to move only after my commands. And no matter what I say, she will do everything. Even if she really doesn't want to. 

In a situation where you need to get information, it is certainly better to use the control of the mind, not the body, but such a spell is much, much, much more difficult to use and it will require an incredible amount of Ethernano. And it's not a fact that it will work, because the will of the target can overcome even the most powerful spell. There is always a chance for it. 

And to control someone else's body is quite simple and it is not as dark magic as the subordination of the mind. Although it's not very pleasant and it still breaks the law, but if no one finds out, then you can. Moreover, Briar s a dark mage and the law is much more severe for them. 

At the moment, of course, I can't get Briar to tell me everything I want to know, but I can do something else that, in the current situation, she can't resist. It's still pretty gross, but better than flattering the other person's head. Especially since I don't want to know what's going on in the dark mage's head.

- Stand up, please. - I said to Briar, and she immediately obeyed, although it was clear that she had no intention of doing so. 

Taking another chair, a table and a pencil from my inventory, with several sheets of paper that I keep just in case, I handed Briar writing materials, saying: - Sit down at the table, take the sheets and write on them everything you know about the cult 'Avatar', about his goals, members and any other classified information that may be of value. If you run out of paper, I'll give you more. 

With incredible anger in her eyes, Briar still reached out and took the sheets and pencil, and then sat down and began to write, whatever I asked. She resisted, of course, and would even have a chance of breaking my spell if she had the Ethernano, but thanks to me, her container is completely empty. And with the extra fuel from me, the spell of submission won't break. 

What I used can be called a trick, since I did not seem to subjugate the mind itself, but made it work in the direction I needed. If Briar knew some kind of mental magic, it would not work, but since it does not, then my deception worked and now her body, at my command, records all the knowledge from her own mind. 

Certainly not a fact that I will generally receive all the necessary knowledge, since the essence of what she writes to me also depends on my question, and she may be able to hide something, but this does not bother me much, since I need more general information, known elite members of the cult. And if I search too meticulously for information, this process will drag on for eternity.

- Looks like it's going to be a long time. - I said, seeing that Briar was finishing scribbling already on the third sheet, so looking at the Virgo, who had nothing against my dirty method, I suggested: - Maybe we can drink tea?

- Trust me, Master, I will arrange everything. - said the Virgo, and after a small half-clone, she disappeared from this world to return with everything necessary for a picnic.

- Can you return to the Celestial Spirits World without my permission? - I asked, getting up from my seat.

- With the amount of Ethernano that you give me, Master, I can open a passage back to my world without any problems. Although, I can not do it if you ask. - said the Virgo, spreading a blanket on the ground, with a print similar to the starry sky.

- I'm not against it. As you can see, this can be very useful. - I said, sitting down on the ground and while the Virgo was pouring tea, added: - Though, I wouldn't mind visiting your world.

- That requires permission from the Celestial Spirit King and special clothing that allows you to be there. If you wish, I can make a request to the King. I don't think he wouldn't mind considering you're a Light Mage, which fits in nicely with our dimension. - suggested the Virgo, handing me a cup of tea, which was clearly from this world. I wonder where she got it?

- They don't beat you for demand, so I don't mind. Although, I'm still worried about the time difference between our measurements. If I'm not mistaken, one day there is three months here, right? - I asked as I sipped some delicious hot tea.

- True, but that's only half of your year. The other half of the year, the situation is reversed, one day here turns into three months in the Celestial Spirit World. So, our world is arranged. - said the Virgo, carefully sitting down next to me.

- Is that how? This is useful to know. I can use this time difference to your advantage. - I said thoughtfully, already planning how to use this extra time.

- Unfortunately, a person with your current strength, even in the clothes of the Celestial Spirits, cannot be in my world for more than two days in a row. And then it is forbidden to come back again within three earth months. - with an apology in her voice, said the Virgo. 

- It's a shame, of course, but it's still an extra half a year. Or even a year, if choose the right time to visit the world of Celestial Spirits. When exactly does the time difference change? - I asked, not too upset by the new information. Either way, it's better than nothing. 

- On the days of the solstice. From the winter solstice to the summer solstice, time passes more slowly in my world¸ than here, and vice versa from summer to winter solstice. - Virgo said honestly.

- Uh-huh, so there's going to be a change soon, good to know. - I murmured thoughtfully, and then finished my tea in one gulp and said: - Anyway, it doesn't matter now, the Spirit King's permission is required first. And, have to complete the task first.

- As you say, Master. - said the Virgo meekly, pouring tea for me again. 

But I drew attention to Briar, who continued to write, but at the same time managed to look at me with fierce hatred. 

Taking out another stack of papers, since the previous ones were already almost filled, I put them in front of the dark sorceress and said: 

- Continue in the same spirit. Also, write about the magic you used to create shock waves. This might come in handy. 

Ignoring the looks that promised me all hellish torments, I took the already written sheets and, returning to the Virgo, began to read them, drinking delicious tea along the way.

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