Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 69

Since we were in the basement, and apart from the two unconscious magicians and Virgo, no one could witness me using my Light Écriture (it's really too bright and attention-grabbing magic, which is not very suitable for stealth missions), I used the spell and surveyed the entire building of the cult. 

The castle itself (and there is no other way to call it, the Dark Mages obviously do not deny themselves comfort), was built of stone and had an area of ​​​​almost 200 m2, not counting the basement area, and had three floors, with ceilings a height of four meters, plus an attic, under the roof.

In the tunnels, Virgo and I disabled twenty-five soldiers, plus we have a trio of dark mages (Briar, D-6 and Gômon) on our account, so at least we have to deal with three more mages and a hundred fifty dark soldiers. In general, my assumptions turned out to be correct and my spell confirmed this. 

Apparently, Alok was really worried after Briar's disappearance and gathered all his forces in the castle, even returning all the soldiers patrolling the tunnels. Considering that some of the soldiers simply will not physically be able to return after meeting with us, like Gômon, who was sent for D-6, which, in fact, has already been neutralized, Alok's concerns were confirmed, and now he has raised his full combat readiness. 

And it looks like the cult has some kind of contingency plan in case of an attack, and now all capable combat units are in place, waiting for the enemy to appear. My spell indicated that all the remaining soldiers were gathered in the hall, right at the front entrance of the castle, already preparing an ambush and at any moment, waiting for an opportunity to attack the enemy who entered the door with their magical firearms. 

They act as the vanguard, which at least should slow down the enemy, or deplete his strength. Well, as expected of cannon fodder, that's the only thing they're good for, and that's exactly why the Dark Guilds set up such a garrison. 

If the enemy manages to defeat all the soldiers, then on the second floor, a more serious enemy is waiting for him, one of the elite magicians, whose task is to finish off the enemy and prevent him from advancing further and reaching the chief priest of the cult, for whose safety all this was compiled plan. 

After all, the task of all these people is to prevent for Alok to suffer or fall into the hands of the enemy, because he is the manager of this whole institution and he knows all the secrets of this place, which in no case should fall into the wrong hands. 

If the first magician fails, there is another magician who is on the third floor as insurance. Initially, all these magicians were supposed to work in pairs, for reliability, and one more, or rather, Briar personally, was supposed to guard Alok in his office, but I had already disabled three magicians, so now, the cult members had to act according to the situation. 

And only after overcoming the aforementioned mages, you can go up to the attic, where Alok is now hiding and, just in case, is preparing his trump card, which certainly should destroy the enemy who has overcome all previous obstacles. At least that's what he thinks. 

Unfortunately for Avatar, Virgo and I don't use the classic Fairy Tail method of rushing ahead, and we've already infiltrated the headquarters a long time ago, so their preparations were in vain. The Dark Soldiers could easily be ignored, but I didn't want them to end up escaping, so I decided to trust Virgo to take them out. I myself am going to deal with the last mages, as well as Alok's trump card, which I even look forward to meeting. 

Having informed the plan of action to the Virgo, we climbed the stairs leading from the basement to the first floor of the building. After making sure that no one would notice us, I opened the door and the spirit girl and I went out into a large hall, right next to the large staircase leading to the second floor. There are too many stairs for today...

And it so happened that we, imperceptibly for everyone, ended up right behind the backs of the dark soldiers, who were tense to the limit and were waiting, when the enemy enters through the front door. 

The situation turned out to be extremely funny, but it would be a sin not to take advantage of such a good opportunity, so giving a sign to the Virgo and quietly wishing her good luck, I jumped in one fell swoop to the second floor, bypassing the stairs, and went on, leaving behind the poor soldiers who were already attacked by my maid. 

On the second floor I was met by a long corridor with a bunch of doors. The corridor itself was filled with all sorts of traps that I already knew about, so in order not to bother disabling them, I used an intangibility spell and simply walked through them, reaching the door at the end of the corridor leading to the large ballroom, in which they were already waiting for me. 

As I flew through the door like a ghost, the blow of a sword filled with dark magic flew into my face. And although I was still intangible, I had to urgently defend myself from the blow, using my Leviathan Axe, which I had previously summoned. 

Light Écriture is still considered Light Magic, and like everything else in the world, Light Magic has its antipode. As you can see, this is Dark Magic, which is the main weakness of this type of Magic. Darkness has a stronger effect on the Light Mage (which can be said about the opposite), so I still have to be wary, because even intangibility would not save me now and I could take full damage. The armor would have protected me, but I still didn't want to risk it. 

After parrying the blow, I immediately canceled the now useless spell and rushed to attack the swordsman who attacked me, imbuing my weapon with Solar King Dragon Slayer Magic. 

The person who attacked me was Jerome, a 14-year-old blond-haired boy who had recently joined the cult after finishing his training at the Dark Mage training center. 

Clearly, this guy was a magical swordsman who enhanced his abilities with Dark Magic and used a magical sword that further enhanced his skills and increased his overall strength. It seems that even though he is a magician, he also underwent the procedure to become a dark soldier, which made him even stronger and despite being quite young, he could be considered an A-rank magician. The current Natsu and Gray, even together, would not be able to cope with him. 

Unfortunately for Jerome, his skills and the sword, which was quite an impressive work of art and the dark magic enveloping him, melted, or rather corrupted, everything he touched (although it's still nothing compared to my axe), not helped him a lot, against me. 

Only his first surprise attack, at least a little, could be dangerous for me, otherwise, I overwhelmed him fairly quickly with my much higher physical strength and melted his sword with my heat (sounded vulgar) without which it was pretty useless. 

And although I liked that he acted decisively and did not talk too much, Jerome was still my enemy, so I quickly finished with him, ignoring his last attempts and screams that he would win anyway and 'cleanse' me. 

Convinced that he would no longer be able to fight today, especially my last spell, which left a lot of burns on the body of the dark mage (and he didn't have to shout something so ambiguous), I tied Jerome and, taking the fragments of his sword (I'll give his Erza, she must like the new sword in the collection) moved to the next mage. 

My final hurdle before meeting Alok, should become the most dangerous person in this cult. And her name is Mary. 

Mary herself is nothing special, she is just a young girl (13-14 years), with not a very large reserve of magical power, maximum C-Rank, but what makes her dangerous is her special black magic.

Her magic is called 'the Virus' and allows Mary to inject a special magical virus into her opponents, which literally begins to devour the poor soul's body from the inside. 

Coupled with such magic, as well as with the sadistic nature of Mary herself, who, although she can instantly kill by infecting the brain, but prefers to torture her enemies and watch them slowly die such a terrible death, make her truly dangerous. 

Fortunately, again thanks to Briar, I'm completely ready to meet this lady and I'm not even going to give her the opportunity to infect me. Still, if not prepared and if Mary is completely serious, she will be able to kill most of the The Wizard Saints Mages. Only a few will be able to resist it and it's really creepy.

It is not in vain that they say that it is not the one with the larger club that is more dangerous, but the one from whom you do not even expect a dirty trick. 

Finding my way to the third floor fairly quickly, I again found myself in a large room that looked like a dining room, and here was Mary herself, who looked like a miniature girl, with pink hair and large golden eyes, with diamond-shaped pupils. 

The image of a harmless and sweet girl is also complemented by a simple dress, stockings, and a headband with cat ears. You will meet such a girl, and you will never think that she is an evil dark magician. 

That's exactly what she uses and gets close to the enemy, who then waits only suffering and pain. Unlike Jerome, Mary did not immediately attack me, but only smiled affably and went to meet me, clearly trying to weaken my vigilance as much as possible in order to use her magic. Unfortunately, this won't work for me. 

- And here is our guest. Plus, you looks so strongband and in such cool armor. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to fight you, on the contrary, I want to be friends with you… - Mary said, smiling brightly, closing her eyes, getting closer and closer to me, acting like a child, which is also part of her disguise. 

I had no intention of answering her and was about to attack her with a strong Demon Slayer spell to make sure she was disabled, but I was outpaced by a Virgo who unexpectedly popped up from the stone floor behind Mary and hit her on the head with enough force so that the dark sorceress immediately passed out. 

To be honest, I did not expect such a turn. Like a fool, I was preparing for a meeting with such dangerous magic, I even overdid it a little so as not to get hurt, and then the Virgo appears and finishes everything, before I even had time to move. Somehow it's a shame...

- Virgo, what are you, already finished with all the soldiers? - I asked, looking at the maid, who had already plunged Mary into the stone, so that she would not run away like that.

- Yes, Master, they were not particularly dangerous. After I dug their feet into the ground, all I had to do was drill them all out one by one, occasionally defending themselves from magic weapon fire. It didn't take long, so I hurried after you and arrived just in time to take out that sorceress. - Virgo said with a sweet smile.

- It wasn't worth it, I could have handled it myself. - I said somehow uncertainly, thinking to myself that during the time I dealt with one Jerome, the Virgo neutralized one hundred and fifty soldiers. Now, I feel useless...

- Well, what are you, master, it is my duty to protect you from all vile bitches that encroach on your honor. - said Virgo without even hiding their intentions.

- Oh, what did I expect… - I said doomedly, and then, waving my hand at it, added: - Okay, let's move on, only Alok and his Sacrificial Summoning Magic remained…

The maid meekly nodded and followed me to the attic, but at the same time, her whole face expressed a desire to receive praise. Knowing what she meant by praise, I ignored her and walked faster. 

Dealing with Virgo turned out to be more difficult for me, at least morally, than dealing with a whole cult of dark magicians...

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