Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 70

Having found the right path, Virgo and I climbed unhindered to the attic of the Avatar Castle. No one interfered with us anymore, so we soon found ourselves in a large room that looked like an office. 

There were tall bookcases against the walls, and in the center of the room there was a work table and a chair, more like a full-fledged throne, on which our last enemy was now sitting. 

Alok, the official head of the Avatar cult, head priest, and also the manager of this entire organization, recruiting new pawns for the believers in Zeref, who seek to make the dream of this insane Dark Mage a reality.

Although, I don't think that everything is so simple and it seems to me that all these dark mages are trying not for the sake of Zeref's ambitions, but rather for their own ambitions, only hiding behind Zeref in order to do their own dark deeds. Well, people are like that and there is nothing surprising in this. 

Although, of course, among the 'followers of Zeref' there are real fanatics who really believe in the ideal world conceived by Zeref. True, this is all a lie, because Zeref himself just wants to die, and he does not need any ideal world, but the Dark Mages do not know or do not want to know, so they continue to move towards their mythical goal, despite all the sacrifices they will leave behind. And Alok, just the same, such a person. 

Alok himself was a grown man who wore a gray ferraiolo (cloak) on which signs resembling the Greek letter epsilon were painted. On his head he wears a headdress with the symbol of the Avatar cult called the miter, usually worn by religious figures, so this further complements his image of a priest.

But, the same image was spoiled by his iron mask, which completely hid Alok's face, full of burns, which he inflicted on himself, in order to obtain greater strength. More precisely, it was his sacrifice in order to create a contract to call on God. As is clear, wherever sacrifice is involved, black magic is involved, and the call of God is no exception. 

At least the God that Alok contracted with, because it is one of the magic of the 'Yakuma Eighteen Battle Gods Magic.', magic that was passed down in the extinct Yakuma clan, who actively used sacrifice to use their magic, for which he later paid the price. 

The Magic Council destroyed the entire clan 200 years ago due to their inclinations, but even after so many years, from time to time their magic returns and someone appears who uses one of the 18 types of magic. 

In this case, this is Alok, who, due to the ability to call on the real God himself, became confident that he was invincible and any enemy that came after his soul would be destroyed by his call, even if before that he was able to defeat all the other members of the cult.

In general, therefore, Virgo and I did not really hide, because we knew that Arok was already waiting for us, in full confidence that nothing would happen to him, and at any moment he could call on God, who would end us. I love self-confident enemies, they always make everything easier...

- Ah, you're already here. You have come a long way, managed to infiltrate our headquarters undetected and defeated all my subordinates, but here, everything will end. - somewhat friendly and very self-confident, said Alok, rising from his throne. 

- And why such confidence? - I asked, deliberately playing into the hands of this idiot, because I, just the same, really want him to call on his God. 

If I thought Ikusa-Tsunagi (the name of the god with whom Alok made a contract) was dangerous, I would not hesitate even a second and Alok would already be lying unconscious, with broken bones and numerous burns, but I know that this so-called God, not very strong. 

At least one hit was enough for Natsu to at least drive Ikusa-Tsunagi back from where he came from, and at the most, completely kill him. I don't think I'm any weaker now than Natsu is a year after Fairy Tail's victory over Tartaros, so my chances against Ikusa-Tsunaga are pretty high. 

Plus, do not forget about my many trump cards, so I'm quite confident that I can defeat a fully-fledged, though obviously not very strong (in comparison, with the rest) God.

It's not every day that you get a chance to fight a real God, so I'm even a little anticipated. I have already killed demons, but there are no Gods yet. In addition, this is a good opportunity to test my new Soul Spheres that Rosa gave me today. Maybe I can even capture the Soul of God. I don't know why I need it, especially someone like Ikusa-Tsunaga, but I think having such a valuable and rare item would be useful.

- Ah, my foolish enemy, of course I am self-confident, because you, with your spirit, came straight into my trap. And no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to cope with what I have prepared for you. - said Alok enthusiastically, not at all afraid of Virgo and me.

I certainly understand that he has reasons to be so bold, it's still hard to imagine that some unknown mage would be able to defeat the real God, but Alok could have been a little more careful. It also takes time to summon, and even if it is only one second, even in this second, you can die. 

Since he pissed me off a little, and I didn't want to listen to his arrogant babble any longer, I decided to hurry him up, reminding him that I was actually his enemy and that I could be dangerous to his life. 

The Needle of Light that pierced right into his forehead and pierced his mask, plunging a few millimeters into his skin, sobered up Alok well, and he put up a transparent and thick barrier around himself, using his magic staff, which he had been in his hands all this time.

Alok himself was apparently angered by my move, because through the cracks in his mask, you could see his eyes, changed from condescension and arrogance to fury directed at me.

- I was going to take pity on you and offer you to join our cult instead of the painful death I had prepared, but you yourself chose your path, so do not regret it later. - hissing like a snake, Alok said, hiding behind his barrier like a coward. 

In general, he is a coward who prefers to hide behind the backs of his subordinates, and when they cannot protect him, he calls on his God, who usually solves all problems for Alok, using the most useful tool in this world - force. 

Although, he was clearly put in charge of the Avatar not for strength, but for his fanaticism to Zerefu and his managerial skills. Still, managing such an organization is not so easy, and given that no one knew about the true nature of the Avatar, and they only opened up due to an absurd accident (and without my intervention, they would have worked ten years longer), then Alok could be commended for this, if he were not Zeref's crazy cultist, of course.

- Yes, yes, stop talking, use your trump card already, I'm tired of listening to you. - I said dismissively, and in order to annoy this idiot, I started picking at my ear.

In the past, when there were many enemies who could give me problems or do some suicidal stupidity (I was mainly worried about Mary), I showed the necessary caution and acted wisely. I didn't really want to be the cause of the death of dozens of people, even if they are villains. It would leave a bad taste in your mouth. 

Now, when everyone is neutralized and only Alok remains, whose main trump card I know, I can relax and enjoy the process. Even if everything went according to my plan and I was able to defeat everyone in stages without causing too much noise, this is not too to my taste. It seems that Fairy Tail has started to affect me negatively, and now I also want to solve all problems with my fists.… Not that I mind, considering that in this world, this is the most effective method.

- Foolish heretics, you will regret your arrogance and pay for the attack on us. - Alok shouted, and if not for the mask, he would have spat at us with rage. 

Seeing that his performance did not impress either me or Virgo, who stood quietly behind me, again playing the maid, Alok gnashed his teeth in anger, after which, placing his hand on his mask, he loudly exclaimed: - Sacrificial Summoning Magic: Come, Ikusa-Tsunagi! 

Apparently, his mask was some kind of key to the call, because when he took it off, powerful magic escaped from Alok's body, which gathered above his head, and hit the sky with a beam, breaking through the roof of the castle.

- Hahaha, see the true power of God that will grind you to dust, haahaha… - Laughing madly, Alok threw his hands up and looked at us, clearly wanting to see the fear on our faces. 

Unfortunately, all he saw so it's the calm Virgin and my face full of disgust, to which the words were added: - Well, you're a freak. It would be better not to take off the mask at all. I already thought nothing would be worse than D-6, but no, it turned out that I was wrong. 

- What? - from my words, Alok was completely confused and simply did not know what to say more.

- Master, he opened the gate to the dimension of the Gods. - With a little concern, said the Virgo, looking at the sky, where purple clouds were gathering and lightning began to strike.

- I know, Virgo. Don't worry, I'll deal with it. - I said calmly, feeling very powerful magic gathering in the sky. 

Luckily, Alok simply doesn't have the strength to summon anyone stronger than Ikusa-Tsunagi, who is most likely a minor god. And it's not even a fact that he is a full-fledged god, but for me it's not so important.

- What don't you understand? I called on the God who came for your souls, why are you so calm? - Alok asked, close to hysteria.

- I would be more impressed if it was someone more famous, like Zeus or Odin, or at worst some Inari, but I have never heard of Ikusa-Tsunagi, so it's unlikely that he is anything what it represents. - I said calmly, at the same time reassuring the Virgo, who was a little scared by the discovery of a small gap in the real world of the Gods. 

Now, I'm wondering what this dimension is and how someone like Alok managed to open a passage into it, but I think this question can be left for later. 

Now, it is necessary to stop God, who, although he did not impress me, was very dangerous for ordinary people.

- Ikusa-Tsunagi is the real God of War, what difference does it make if you haven't heard of him, you can't handle him anyway! - Alok shouted, not understanding my disdain for God. 

To be honest, even if they say God, this does not mean that he is an omnipotent being capable of creating and destroying galaxies with a snap of his fingers. It seems to me that the Gods in this world are another race, not much different from Dragons and Demons. 

Yes, they are strong and legends are made about them, but for me, they are not much different from the same Celestial Spirits that live in another dimension and visit Earthland from time to time. Of course, this is just my guess, but I think I'll still have the opportunity to find out the whole truth.

- We'll see how strong your God is. In any case, you shouldn't worry about it, you have bigger problems. Virgo… - I said, looking at Arlock and addressing the spirit, which knew its task. 

- Understood, Master. - Bowing said the Virgo, and after one blow she broke through the barrier protecting Alok. 

The head of the Avatar did not expect this and did not have time to do anything, as the Virgo broke his legs and knocked him out with a strong blow from a hand wrapped in stone. And she did well, learn new tricks.

- Keep him safe, we'll need him later. - I said, tying Alok and throwing all the necessary spells on him.

- As you command, Master. - said the Virgo, and then looking at me sincerely, she added: - And good luck.

- Don't worry Virgo, he's just God. - I said with a smirk as I activated my 'Light' spell and turned into my angel-like transformation.

- And you are just an Angel. - Virgo said with a roll of her eyes.

- This is a minor detail. - I said casually, then adding: - I'm quickly. 

Flapping my wings, I flew into the air, and after breaking through the roof with my body, I began to rise into the sky, where Ikusa-Tsunagi had already begun to appear. Well, I hope my first battle with God will be successful...


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