Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 71

Rising quickly into the sky, I could watch the emergence of my opponent, which, to be honest, was very impressive and pretentious. Maybe Ikusa-Tsunagi is not just called God, because he was able to catch up with a good atmosphere of majesty, and if I didn't know, I would definitely think that the strongest creature in the world would now appear, although this is far from the case. 

Day turned into night due to dense purple clouds that covered the entire area of ​​Mikage Forest, completely hiding the sun. Ominous lightning shot out of the clouds, which I had to dodge in flight, since I did not know if they could harm me, and frankly, I did not want to check it.

From the lightning itself, I felt a very strange and powerful Etherano, which I had not met before. I can only assume that its origin is connected with the Dimension of the Gods, from where Ikusa-Tsunagi breaks out. 

I don't think that this lightning can be called truly Divine, but it is clearly very unusual, since it has a purple color and it is unlikely that my feelings are deceiving me, so it still has some secret. 

Also, it is unlikely that this lightning has anything to do with Ikusa-Tsunagi himself, since he is the God of Battle and if my memory serves, he uses his powerful body to fight. At the very least, he didn't show any kind of magic or ability other than brandishing a huge club.

I can assume that lightning is some kind of by-product or effect that occurs, when someone opens a passage to the Dimension of the Gods and connects the ordinary world with another dimension, so that God, in this case, Ikusa-Tsunagi, can appear in the human world. 

This is only a crude theory, but it is possible that the lightning was born due to the mixing of Etherano from the world of the Gods and Etherano from the world of people, which should not normally touch. This explains the sensations that I felt from the lightning itself, while flying to meet God. 

And frankly, now I'm curious to study this lightning. I was so attracted by this thought that I no longer worried about Ikusa-Tsunagi, who was one step away from breaking into my world. I don't think I'll ever get the chance to meet a purple lightning like this again in my life, so don't miss the chance. 

Unfortunately, I can't just ignore God and I still need to deal with him, so I can't just start my research by letting it rage. In addition, I don't think that the lightning will last long and most likely it will immediately disappear as soon as the passage to the Dimension of the Gods closes. It opens quite slowly anyway and the call of Ikusa-Tsunaga has already dragged on, to be honest, so I just have to take a sample of this lightning and leave its study for the future. 

Luckily, thanks to my basic magic, it's not that hard to do. Honestly, I don't know how I would have survived in this world if I got some other, more normal magic that can only be used for battle. Thank God I'm not Natsu.

I didn't have much time, so I decided to hurry. Slightly changing the course of the flight, in order to be out of the reach of lightning, I began to work my magic. Easy to attract lightning one spell is enough according to the principle of the lightning rod, but to catch and save the lightning so that it retains all its properties, this is difficult. 

At first, I wanted to use an empty Lightning Lacrima for this, in which all the Etherano ended, but then I decided that even if there is no energy in it, the Lacrima itself consists of this Etherano (after all, it is primarily crystallized magical energy) and it can affect the purple lightning energy contained in it, which I would not like. 

Besides, in this way the lightning will lose its original form and only its Ether remains enclosed in a crystal, and I would like the lightning to remain lightning, for conducting one experiment. So, I decided to find another container for her and turned to Soul Spheres. 

Since the spheres can store such abstract things as souls, then pure lightning, they can keep. Although, first I need to change the sphere so that it works the way I need it. I'm far from an artifactor, and it's hard to call me an enchanter, but my magic again solves the whole problem, and although this is a temporary solution, it will work for the moment. 

Taking out one of the spheres, I quickly cast several spells that would change its properties, but not too dramatically, yet its most important function is to conserve energy. I worked as fast as I could, so that in twenty seconds everything was ready, and it seemed that nothing should have exploded. 

Just in case, once again making sure that everything was in order, I cast another spell, and the lightning that still continued to strike from the center of the clouds, from where the huge leg of God had already stuck out by this moment, began to be attracted to the sphere, which, although with creaking, but began to absorb them and contain them. 

I had to hold the sphere in my hands and control the absorption process, because the lightning had great power and almost destroyed my spells and the sphere itself, but fortunately it did not cause me any harm, and soon the process became calmer, continuing on its own. 

Since I didn't have to worry about my lightning storage prototype, I was finally able to turn my attention to God, who slowly began to crawl out. The process took so long because of the size of Ikusa-Tsunaga. He was huge. No, not like that, he was VERY HUGE. According to my estimates, at least three hundred meters. 

Now I understand why Alok was so sure of himself. Maybe Ikusa-Tsunagi is not some famous and powerful god (most likely, he is at the very bottom of the hierarchy of Gods), but with such a size, he could even twist Acnologia into a ram's horn, if the dragon allowed it, of course. 

Ikusa-Tsunagi hasn't fully appeared yet (so far only both feet that still haven't set foot on the ground), but I already feel it well and can identify something. 

It is felt in a special way, unlike those whom I have met before (neither a man, nor a demon, nor a Celestial Spirit, it does not look like), which proves its unusual nature. 

But if you take a closer look (feel?) more closely precisely at Ikusa-Tsunagi, discarding everything else (mainly its huge size and a ton of Etherano that erupts from the passage to the world of the Gods and which clearly does not belong to Ikusa-Tsunagi himself), then he seems not so too strong. 

He is definitely weaker than Makarov, the strongest man I have ever met, and Lacrede is not worth talking about. No, no doubt, Ikusa-Tsunagi is strong, and even very strong, but for ordinary mages. A few months ago and for me, he would be a major problem, as Larcade once was, but now that I have two varieties of Slayer Magic, and a huge amount of Etherano, this so-called God is not impressive. 

Although, it is possible that he simply cannot show his full strength in this world, due to the fact that he was called by Alok, not a very strong mage. True, I doubt it, because sacrificial, black magic is involved here, which can bypass the summoner's restrictions. I'm almost 100% sure that this is the full power of Ikusa-Tsunaga. 

The current Erza would definitely not be able to defeat him alone (mostly, again due to his size), but if she cooperated with Mira and they worked as a team, then I think they would destroy this God. 

In addition, the summon itself takes too long. It's been three whole minutes since Alok opened the passage, and while I was indulging in my thoughts and collecting lightning, no more than two minutes passed, but during this time, only his lower half appeared (it's good that he wears a loincloth and I didn't have to look at the 'dignity' of God), which, by the way, is now vulnerable, and if I wanted to, I could already burn his legs.

Three minutes doesn't seem like much, but in a battle, everything happens in a matter of seconds, and summon Ikusa-Tsunagi for so long is the pinnacle of stupidity. 

Most likely, such a long summon is due to the difficulty of opening the gates to the Dimension of the Gods, but it is possible that this was done to intimidate the enemy. It would be like Alok. 

But, it doesn't matter, I can wait, because I want to fight with God, and not defeat him with one blow. I rarely get the chance to use my full repertoire of spells, and Ikusa-Tsunagi can be a good boxing toy, I hope. 

Especially now that I have made sure that he is not so strong and I can defeat him without any problems. Of course, I didn't intend to fight a God of unknown power, and although I'm sure of myself, I'm not a fool to take such risks. 

My knowledge from the manga could be wrong, and although I doubted it, I was still ready to stop the summoning at any second, until I was convinced that Ikusa-Tsunagi, although strong, but I was stronger. 

The magic that summoned this God is working on Alok's sacrifice, and it would be logical to assume that if I cancel the sacrifice, then the summoning will also be canceled. It wouldn't be hard for me to fix Alok's face. 

And even if it didn't work, he could be killed, then the summon would definitely stop, because it is tied to Alok. It would not be so difficult to arrange a clinical death for this idiot for a few minutes. 

But fortunately, none of the above was needed and Ikusa-Tsunagi, who poses no threat to me (if I take minimal care, because arrogance kills), finally put his feet on the ground, and appeared before me in his full splendor. 

When this happened, all the purple lightning disappeared, apparently due to the fact that the passage to the other world was closed, so I put the full sphere of souls in my spatial pocket, and I turned my attention to the god. 

Ikusa-Tsunagi appears as a colossal-large creature with black armor all over its body. His face and cheekbones are reminiscent of a lion, and on the sides of his face are two horns very similar to those of Mira in her Sitri Form, which makes me think that this is not a coincidence. 

This God, whose appearance truly justifies his title of God of Battle, has a small beard of a light color on his chin, and his hairstyle itself consists of a long mane of blond hair that sticks up. Ikusa-Tsunaga has no pupils, instead he has black sclera, in the center of which from time to time, shining light. 

The best word that fully describes Ikusa-Tsunagi would be 'demon'. He really does not look like God at all, but more like an evil demon, with clawed hands and animal feet.

 Not sure if God is supposed to look like this, but it's possible that Ikusa-Tsunagi is something like Asura, from Hindu mythology. In this mythology, Asuras are lesser gods, also called demons, titans, demigods, anti-gods, and giants. They were opponents of the Devas, the main gods of this religion. 

This is very similar to the confrontation between the gods and the titans in Greek mythology. If Ikusa-Tsunagi really belongs to the camp of the titans of this world, the opponents of the Gods, then his appearance is very justified. 

Although, this is not so important, all that I am interested in I can find out later, now, when the enemy is finally in front of me, the time has come for the battle. Ikusa-Tsunagi himself was of the same opinion and as soon as he got to his feet, he was already ready to start destroying. 

He was not even interested in who called him and what was the purpose of this call, he had only one desire. Ikusa-Tsunagi raised his huge sword, more like a club, and was already ready to destroy the Avatar castle, since it was the only thing that could be destroyed here. 

But, I interfered with him, because I understood that he was more like a rabid bull who needed a goal, otherwise he would destroy everything that was possible. I didn't want the castle to be destroyed, it's still proof of the Avatar's crimes, and the Virgo is still there, so I created a Sun Dragon Supernova in my hands and threw it at Ikusa-Tsunagi. 

It turned out even better than I thought, because Ikusa-Tsunagi, sensing my attack, abruptly changed the target of his attack and cut my hot mini sun with his sword.

- This seems to be more interesting than I thought… - I muttered when I saw Ikusa-Tsunagi looking at me with obvious battle lust. Fairy Tail is definitely a bad influence on me….

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