Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 72

Knowing full well that with such a size, Ikusa-Tsunagi can bring great destruction by simply stepping where it is not necessary, not to mention the attacks of his huge sword, I decided to secure the surrounding area from him and from myself too. 

When we start a serious battle, then everyone who is in the immediate vicinity will not be very well, and I would not want to cause the death of innocent animals and witnesses. 

Using magic, I activated the spell 'Solar Écriture: Dragon's King Slayer Barrier', which created an orange rectangular-shaped barrier made of hot plasma, which covered a large area, separating me and Ikusa-Tsunagi from the rest of the world, and the leaving Avatar headquarters outside.

This is my original spell that I recently created in an attempt to combine my main magic 'Light Écriture' and Solar Dragon's King Slayer Magic. This was very difficult to do, because the very magic that I inherited from the skeleton of Solaris had a very wild temper, and it was extremely difficult to control. 

Like a real sun, this magic, however strange it may sound, only wanted to destroy everything with its unimaginable heat and it was almost impossible to use it for any other purpose. Like if I wanted to use my version of Dragon's Slayer Magic just to incinerate my enemies so that only ash remains of them, then there would be no problem, but I'm not Natsu, I need magic for more than that.

Casting some offensive spells with dragon solar elements wasn't that hard, I already had experience with my Devil's Slayer Magic, but it was impossible to develop this non-direct attack magic in any other direction. Even banal spells like support did not work for me. 

I once tried to create an ordinary shield spell from the Etherano of the Solar Dragon, as a result, it turned out to be more like a plasma ram, which, although it protected me, but at the same time, its heat also destroyed everything around. 

As is clear, this magic was practically uncontrollable, and apart from spells of complete destruction, nothing worked for me. But I could not even control the power of spells, they always turned out to be as destructive and hot as possible, which is dangerous not only for my enemies, but also for my allies. 

Due to my physiology, I am not afraid of the heat of my spells, but the same cannot be said for my comrades, so if there was someone nearby, who I didn't want to kill (which could be my enemies that I wanted to take alive), I couldn't use the Solar Dragon's King Slayer Magic. 

As if I have enough alternative ways to fight, but it really pissed me off that my own magic was not under my complete control and that because of its too much power, I can not use it to the fullest when I want to and I have to adjust to the surrounding conditions. 

I've never had this problem with Light Devil's Slayer Magic, and although it required too much Etherano in the early stages, now that I've become stronger, it's not such a big problem anymore, and I have full control of it, at least until I let the Devil's Slayer Tattoo fully grow and cover my entire body, but that's a whole other issue and not relevant to this thread. 

Perhaps, of course, that it was only due to my great propensity for Light Magic that this happened, but I didn't care much, because the Solar Dragon's King Slayer Magic was still too headstrong and did not want to obey me like a true dragon. But, I was not satisfied with this, and since I myself am still stubborn, I was not going to give up and wanted to ensure that this magic was intended not only for destruction. 

Since hard training did not really help, I decided to try the other way and, as you know, in the end, I turned to 'Light Écriture'. Before that, I had already experimented with combining 'Light Écriture' and Light Devil's Slayer Magic, and I even succeeded in replacing the regular Etherano that I use for my main magic with Devil's Slayer Etherano, but the result, to be honest, is not very for me impressed. 

Yes, the Light-Devolic Écriture spells got stronger, around 15%, and they got the Devil's Slayer effect, but that's about it. There were no other changes, apparently due to the fact that the main element of magic was still Light, only with the addition of Devil's particles. In addition, the energy consumption of these spells became somehow exorbitant and increased almost three times than usual, which did not suit me very much for such a small effect. 

After all, I could use a regular Light Devil's Slayer Magic to create a spell with the same amount of energy as a Light-Devolic Écriture spell, and in the end, it would be several times stronger and not have to be so bothered. 

So, I considered this experiment unpromising for everyday use, I decided to use these two types of magic separately, just like before. Maybe, someday the situation arises that I need to apply the Light-Devolic Écriture and I will be ready to use it, but until that day, it is practically useless for me. 

The same cannot be said for the Solar-Dragonic Écriture that I created in an attempt to control the Solaris Solar Etherano. By the same principle as in the previous experiment, I replaced the regular Etherano with the Solar Dragon's Slayer Etherano and tried to apply the Light Écriture with it, which eventually turned out, and the result even exceeded my expectations. 

Yes, it turned out to be prohibitively difficult to use the willful and uncontrollable dragon ether for such filigree magic, but it was still easier than creating non-attacking and non-incinerating spells from the same ether, so there was progress, and I continued to develop this idea. 

During our cruise with Mira, I was able to create several working spells of the Solar-Dragonic Écriture (I simply did not have time to create more, although I am still actively working on it), the effect of which I was completely satisfied with. 

Thanks to the incorporation of Light Écriture into this magic, I can, albeit with difficulty, fully control the Solar Dragon's Etherano and regulate its power and heat myself, and as a result, I can create almost any spell in the form of Écriture with it, although I need it first practice to make sure it works properly.

I had one unpleasant incident, so now I first check how the spells of this combined type of magic work, and then I decide if it suits me. Apart from this unpleasant shortcoming, this magic has no other disadvantages, and all of these spells have the attribute and heat of the Solar Dragon's King Slayer Magic, and the spells themselves have 30% more power than the normal 'Light Écriture'. And they require only one and a half times more energy. 

Why there is such a difference with the Light-Devolic Écriture, I don't know, I can only assume that the element of Light has such an effect on the Devil's particles in magic (as absurd as it sounds, considering that I am a Light Devil's Slayer), but I know for sure, that Solar-Dragonic Écriture I will use more often. 

It allows me to use the Solar Dragon's Etherano to the fullest extent, and without restrictions, and Devil's Slayer Magic I already have complete control over. 

As a result, it turns out that I use the Light Écriture for ordinary, not related to direct combat, cases. 

When I have to fight a weak opponent, I prefer to use normal Light Magic, which are basically a variety of solid light designs that are very easy to create. 

When the opponent is strong enough or when there are many enemies, I use Light Devil's Slayer Magic, and when it is not enough, or something more powerful is needed to finish everything quickly, I use the normal Solar Dragon's King Slayer Magic (if the situation allows).

And when there is a need for more targeted use of the Solar Dragon's Etherano and its power is needed not only for destruction, I use the Solar-Dragonic Écriture if other types of magic do not suit me, just like what happened now when I created a barrier designed to protect our with the Ikusa-Tsugami battle against the rest of the world. 

I could create a barrier with any kind of magic, but given the physical strength and size, the God of Battle would be able to destroy any barrier that I would spend a lot of Etherano on, which would be stupid given the current situation, or would spend a lot of time on its configuration, which would also not be too smart. 

As a result, the barrier, which consists of a plasma at a temperature close to the surface of the sun, became an ideal option, because I created it quickly (although Ikusa-Tsunagi did not interfere with me, he just keeps staring at me since he dispelled my first attack) didn't use much energy and only a fool would want to touch such a barrier himself, because he would rather destroy his hands than break through it. 

And thanks to the peculiarity of the Solar-Dragonic Écriture, I made this barrier, although it is eerily hot, but if you do not touch it, this heat is not felt at all, because it does not affect the surrounding world, so if you do not climb yourself, you will not suffer. 

Unfortunately, it seems that Ikusa-Tsunagi is smart enough to stay away from this barrier. In general, this is how I decided to dispose of my arsenal of skills and also do not forget about my many trump cards, as well as last chance methods that I do not want to use, but if the situation requires it, I will do it without hesitation. I think it's clear now why am I so sure that I can overcome God. 

In addition, it is necessary at least once to use all of my above abilities in a real battle, otherwise I only do what I save power, and I have never used it normally. It's nice to just be stronger than your enemies and crush them with your huge power, but you also want to take part in the battle with an equal (or at least strong enough) enemy from time to time. 

True, my opponent for some reason never attacked me, although before I attracted his attention, he was determined to destroy, but now he is frozen with a sword in his hand and at the last minute, looks at me with his eyes, in which something shines from time to time. 

Creating a solar barrier only increased this glow in the eyes, but after that, there was no change and I continue to hang in the air three hundred meters away, waiting for it to start. I wanted to give Ikusa-Tsunagi the opportunity to launch the first attack, but since he did not take advantage of this, I decided to go first. 

Turning to the power of the Dragon again, I began to collect a mini sun in my hands, which continued to grow and grow, and soon it grew to a radius of twenty meters. 

Ikusa-Tsunagi clearly felt the heat of my impending attack and finally showed at least some signs of movement. As I continued to gather the power of the sun above my head, the God of Battle pointed his sword at me and also began to gather his attack, which looked like dark purple energy gathering at the tip of his sword blade. 

- *? %*? %; :? *? *%? *(%((* - Ikusa-Tsunagi spoke to me for the first time, but I didn't understand him because he was using some unknown language. 

Since I couldn't distract myself right now and cast the translation spell, his words remained a mystery to me, but his actions were completely understandable. Seemingly pissed off that I didn't answer him, Ikusa-Tsunagi growled something, and then, concentrating energy on his sword, he swung it extremely quickly, and as if it was a Getsuga Tenshō, a sickle of energy flew at me. 

Luckily, I was ready too, and the miniature sun I was creating above my head was already over a hundred meters in diameter. But, I was not going to just throw this sun, no, I began to squeeze it in my hands in order to concentrate its power, and soon it turned blue (which clearly indicated an increased temperature) and was only the size of my body. 

Before Ikusa-Tsunaga's attack reached me, I placed the Solar Dragon's King Sirius (that's what I called the spell) in front of me, and he burned the attack with his heat without any problem and protected me, so that in the next moment, with great speed, fly into the God of Battle, who was clearly not ready for this. 

But, at the same time, Ikusa-Tsunagi managed to react and put his sword forward, trying to cut Sirius, as he recently did with my Supernova. Unfortunately, for him, I took into account the previous mistake, and now God did not succeed, but only his sword began to melt from the heat of the sun. 

Ikusa-Tsunagi screamed furiously and used more strength to repel the attack, but in the end, he lost his sword, and no matter how he resisted it, the mini-Sun reached God, which was accompanied by a huge explosion that covered half the area that I covered barrier. 

- Suddenly… - I said when I realized that Ikusa-Tsunagi survived this attack, which I honestly overdid. 

I distinctly heard the sound of God's heartbeat, and when the effects of the attack disappeared, I could see a very angry Ikusa-Tsunagi, who lost all his hair, received a lot of burns on his face, and also lost his armour, which flowed from him with molten metal. Moreover, under the armour, there were only a few burns and it seems that it was she who saved his life.

- Looks like this will be more interesting than I thought… - I said with an excited smile as the God of Battle charged at me with his bare hands, deciding not to wait for me to prepare my spell this time. Fairy Tail is definitely a bad influence on me...

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