Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 74

- Are you okay, Master? - Virgo asked with concern, a couple of minutes after the battle ended.

- Yes, Virgo, just a little tired. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll come to my senses. - I said wearily as I lay on the ground and watched as the dark clouds that appeared when Ikusa-Tsunagi summoned finally began to dissipate, revealing the bright sun. 

The Virgo nodded obediently and came closer, sat next to me and put my head on her knees, which I did not resist, because it was really nice and I exhaled contentedly, closing my eyes.

After basking in the rays of the nearest star for ten minutes, which as a Solar Dragon Slayer I was especially pleased with, I opened my mouth and began to absorb my element to replenish my Etherano reserves. 

The battle was really debilitating for me and although physically I'm completely fine, apart from the phantom pain from a broken wing, mentally I was quite tired, not to mention the loss of more than 80% of the Etherano, which is a record for me, in one battle. 

At least I didn't have to use the Etherano Container afterburner mode like I did with Larcade, so it's not that bad. Although, I would not refuse a twelve-hour sleep, but unfortunately, there are still too many things that must be done, otherwise all my work will go down the drain. 

So after taking another ten minutes to rest, I fully regained my energy supply, enjoyed the soft thighs of the Virgo, and also used a couple of spells to remove fatigue, after which I got to my feet, saying: 

- Come on, Virgo, we need to clean up the garbage.

- As you command, Master. - Virgo said happily as she followed me to the Avatar headquarters. 

This time, we entered through the front door and climbed to the very top without any problems, bypassing the unconscious bodies of the Dark Soldiers left by the Virgo, as well as a couple of mages that I had already taken care of. 

Returning to Alok's office again, I found the same picture that I had left before leaving, and the head priest himself was still lying on the floor, showing his disfigured face. 

Luckily, Virgo did her job perfectly and no one ever escaped, although it's not like they could, but caution never hurts.

- So, Virgo, could you collect all the magicians and soldiers in one place while I look for evidence of the cult's income? - I asked, sitting down at Alok's desk and starting to rummage through the drawers.

- No problem, Master. - said the Virgo, bowing slightly.

- Fine, then gather them all in the main hall so the Rune Knights can arrest everyone when they arrive. - I said, finding the priest's journal, in which a lot of dirt was written. 

After bowing once more, the celestial spirit went off to do her task while I began to read the journal and sort through the other papers, which had all the evidence I needed. 

As silly as it may sound, but when you manage such a huge organization as Avatar, which recruits and trains new dark magicians and soldiers, and is also a link between dozens of dark guilds, have to maintain complete documentation. 

Even if it discredits and in the end can prove guilt, it will not work out differently, because the logistics of all this is huge and without keeping accurate records, all this will not work, and even the Dark Magician has to be stained with bureaucracy.

I think even those who once created the first incarnation of this organization understood this, and even despite the risks, they decided to do everything right so that everything continued to work, because the advantages of the existence of such a structure far outweigh the disadvantages. 

They clearly expected that no outsider would be able to get access to these documents, not in vain, Alok had such serious protection and a trump card in the form of God's summon. And all the compromising evidence was not even particularly hidden, because it was in the table of the chief priest. 

And in principle, it worked, and if it were not for my intervention, ten more years would have continued to work, and so, in the end, only because of their bad luck, I ended up here, took care of all the security, and received in my hand all the documents containing everything that the Avatar has been doing since its inception. 

No wonder they say that bureaucracy is the true evil of the world. Although, in this case, this is a blessing, because without the bureaucracy, it would be more difficult to obtain evidence, but now I have everything on hand and I can call the Magic Council to take care of this mess. 

I did not find anything fundamentally new in these documents, they only confirmed what I learned from Briar, but on the other hand, now there should be no complaints against me, because I perfectly completed my task. 

Investigated a suspicious cult and found all the necessary evidence of their crimes, and the rest is not so important. 

True, before calling the Rune Knights, need call Master Makarov, I think he will be curious about the results of my mission. At the same time, he can help with the Magic Council so that they don't cling to me and I can quickly get out of here. 

Actually, this is what I decided to do when I collected all the necessary documents and Alok's journal in one folder. Taking out my communication lacrima, I dialed the code for Master's personal lacrima to contact him. Fortunately, this time he did not forget to take it with him. 

And even though he now has to prepare the place where the S-Rank Mage Exam will take place this year, Makarov accepted the challenge rather quickly.

- Drake, my boy, is something wrong? Shouldn't you be busy with your task? - asked the Master, whose face appeared in the lacrima.

- That's exactly why I'm calling, Master. I have already completed my mission. - I said with a smile sitting comfortably in Alok's chair. In comfort, he certainly does not deny himself. 

Surprise was clearly reflected on Makarov's face, because only a few hours had passed since I set off on a journey to complete the task, which was supposed to take me two weeks of time, but he quickly pulled himself together and said: 

- In that case, well done, you did great. But you wouldn't mess with me if everything was fine, right? So what happened?

- That's right, it's a pretty serious matter. While investigating the affairs of the cult, I had to go into battle, and then I found out that... - I said and began to retell the events of the last hours. 

Although, I still hid some details, like the battle with God or how I got information from Briar. I thought it best to keep it a secret. There is no need to disturb the weak heart of the old man. 

And he or the Magic Council shouldn't know that I'm able to kill the real God, even though he is clearly at the very bottom of the hierarchy. I don't need that kind of attention. 

- ...in general, I neutralized all the magicians and soldiers, and then collected all the documentation that fully proves the guilt of the Avatar Cult and contains a lot of useful information that will definitely be of interest to the Magic Council and the government of the country. - I finished my story.

- You were right, it's a serious matter. And that's an understatement. - Master said with a serious face as he cast aside all childishness and entered Guild Master Mode. 

- That's right, that's why I decided to contact you. You know better than I do who should be entrusted with my discovery and who can use it in the right way. - I said, nodding my head.

- Okay, then I will contact my friend from the Magic Council and ask him to send trustworthy Rune Knights who will arrest all the cult members and take all the documents in order to destroy the Avatar recruitment network with their help. - Master said. 

- I don't ask for more. - I said. Fortunately, all the boring work can be dumped on other people. 

- Then wait, I think they will be able to get to you in a couple of hours. -Master said.

- Thank you and see you soon. ; I said, and after receiving a nod from Makarov, I turned off the lacrima. 

- I'm done, Master. - said the Virgo, who had returned after she had dragged Alok to the others. 

- Well done, Virgo. We are basically finished here, it remains only to wait for the law enforcement to arrive, so you can return to the Celestial Spirit World if you want to. - I said putting my feet up on the table. Yes, I'll definitely take this chair for myself, it's too comfortable.

- I would rather stay with you, Master. - Virgo said politely. 

- Okay, I do not mind. Shall we drink your tea again then? - I suggested.

- One second, please. - the Virgo said, and then disappeared from this world for a second and returned with a tea set. 

- Thanks, Virgo. - I said, taking a cup, and then remembering something, I decided to ask: - Virgo, what can you tell about God, who did I fight?

- Not much, Master. I can tell for sure that he came from the Dimension of Gods and that he was in his true body, so you managed to actually kill him. - answered the Virgin, pouring me tea. 

- True body? - I asked.

- Usually the Gods don't go personally to Earthland. They send their avatar, which has only a part of the powers of God, and if the avatar is killed, then for God himself it is unpleasant, but not critical. In this case, Ikusa-Tsunagi came in person, with his full strength, and he would have been killed. - Virgo explained in detail and could not hide her admiration for such an act.

- And what were those particles that he turned into after death? - I asked, even though I had a hunch. 

- It was the essence of Ikusa-Tsunaga. If these particles and his soul were to return back to the Dimension of the Gods, then after a while, he would be able to resurrect and would come to life again. - said the Virgo, confirming my suspicions.

- But I imprisoned his essence in the Soul Orb, and now he cannot return. - I said, nodding my head.

- That's right, and now whoever uses the Orb for its intended purpose will not only be able to absorb his Soul, but will also be able to receive some of the powers of Ikusa-Tsunagi, which usually does not happen. - Virgo added. 

- Well, that's what I was expecting. - I said thoughtfully. It's a pity that the Soul of Ikusa-Tsunaga doesn't suit me and I'm unlikely to be able to absorb it, but I hope there is someone to whom I can entrust it.

- And one more detail, Master. - said the Virgin, pouring tea for me.

- Yes? And what? - I inquired.

- I don't really understand this issue, but as far as I understand, if you didn't use the Soul Orb, then part of the essence of Ikusa-Tsunaga, in the form of particles, would have to fit into your body and you would have become a full-fledged God Slayer, gaining all the benefits of this magic. This would be a kind of completion of the ritual. And now the whole essence is locked in the Orb and the ritual is broken, and even if you swallow the essence from the sphere, this will not make a God Slayer out of a person. - Virgo said.

- Is that how? Well, it's interesting, but nothing more. I don't think the essence of Ikusa-Tsunagi would make me stronger. He is a minor God thing. Moreover, the God of Battle and it would not give me any new element. If I did become a God Slayer, I would rather choose someone else. - I said honestly. 

And even more so, for the sake of this, I would have to let go of Ikusa-Tsunagi and after a while he would return to life, but I would not want that. He would definitely want to take revenge and tell the other gods about me, which I wouldn't want either, given that they know me and we had some kind of common history, in the end, who consider me a traitor. It's better to leave everything as it is.

- Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since we have time, do you mind telling me more about your world? - I asked.

- Of course, Master. - the Viro said with a smile, and began her story. 

And just like that, over tea and conversation, time passed imperceptibly and the Rune Knights finally arrived.


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