Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 75

After talking with Makarov, I wondered how the people from the Magic Council would be able to get to the headquarters of the Avatar in such a short time. The master promised that the Rune Knights would arrive in just a couple of hours, which is very short, because now I am in that still wilderness, far from all more or less large cities. 

Considering how serious the situation I described, it would be foolish of the Council to send arrest members of such a dangerous cult, some random ordinary knights who are just the closest to the Mikage Forest, so trusted people from the Era itself should arrive, city ​​headquarters of the Magic Council.

And Era, by the way, is located outside of Fiore, as it is considered a sort of separate city-state, so the path is not very close and cannot be overcome by ordinary means in just two hours. 

There are very few ways to transfer an entire garrison (and they simply cannot send fewer people to arrest so many dark soldiers and dangerous dark magicians) over such a long distance. Personally, I assumed that the Rune Knights would use teleportation, and two hours were needed to gather all the necessary people. 

But, as it turned out, I was wrong, because exactly two hours after I completed the conversation with the Master of my guild, from the window of Arlock's office, I saw how a huge flying ship was approaching the cult's castle across the sky, similar to the one what is at the disposal of the Guild 'Blue Pegasus'. 

Only the Council ship did not resemble a Pegasus in its shape, but looked like a completely ordinary iron aircraft carrier. Flying aircraft carrier. I hope I don't meet a one-eyed, stern, black man in a leather coat today? 

I didn't know that the Magic Council had something similar, but given that the usual, albeit very rich guild (and Blue Pegasus is considered the richest guild in Fiore) has its own air transport, then the Council should also have something similar, and it's unlikely whether in one copy. After all, what the Council has no shortage of is money, which should be enough for such toys. 

Unless, apparently, the Council does not often use their aircraft carrier, which is more of a weapon than a transport, but for my sake, or rather what I found during my mission, they are ready to use it in order to arrive on the spot as soon as possible. actions. Well, good. Didn't have to spend even more time on pointless waiting. 

Since the ones I was expecting finally arrived, my tea party with the Virgo ended. Standing up from Arlock's throne, remembering to move it to my spatial storage (after all, it's too convenient and I can't help but take it with me), I finished my last cup of tea, after which I said:

- The Rune Knights are already here, so It's time for you to return to your world. 

- Do you want me to leave? - asked the Virgo, who was a little offended by such a request, although she tried to hide it. Not very well, I must say. 

Still, all those hours that I spent talking to her were not in vain, and I was more or less able to recognize her and already quite understand her personality, which is not as simple as it seems at first glance. 

Not only is she a masochist who wants physical punishment from me, that will please her twisted soul. This is just an external facade, behind which the Virgo hides her real thoughts and feelings when she does not want unfamiliar people to recognize her real one, otherwise she is a much deeper character than she seems. 

I myself understood this far from immediately, her too unexpected and vulgar phrases unsettled me, but I want to believe that I began to better understand my Celestial Spirit and we were able to establish relationships. 

Still, the experience of Karen Lilica showed that the Celestial Spirits are far from ordinary tools, but quite reasonable individuals, and if you do not communicate with them accordingly, they may refuse to complete the task, which can lead to very dangerous consequences. 

Maybe for me Virgo is not the main force, and she acts for me first of all as a maid or assistant, but I would like to entrust quite important tasks to her, and perhaps even those related to people close to me. And I would not want Virgo to let me down at the most important moment. 

So, I need to establish a good, trusting relationship with her, and it seems that so far it's working out very well, especially considering that I already realize that she is not only a complete masochist, but also quite a multifaceted personality. 

And so that all progress does not go down the drain, I need to explain to Virgo the reason why I do not want people from the Magic Council to see her.

- Don't misunderstand, Virgo, I want you to return to the Celestial Spirit World, not because I'm not happy with anything, but because I don't want to advertise my ability to do Celestial Spirit Magic, as well as possessing the golden zodiac key. - I explained softly.

- You do not want, for anyone to know about it? - the Virgo asked, slightly bowing her head, who already doesn't seem to be offended by me. 

- Yes. And the reason is that there are very dangerous people in the world who should not know about it. And if the Council finds out about it, then these people will know. No offense. - I said, deciding not to give all the details. 

Even if I have already stolen the Eclipse Gate, no one can say that there are no second ones in the world or that Zeref cannot create new ones. In addition, there is always a chance that the gate that I keep in my base can be taken by someone. As long as there is even the slightest possibility that someone could use such a dangerous artifact, I am not going to relax. 

At a minimum, having two zodiac keys seriously reduces this possibility. But, having these keys in my hands, also hangs a target on my back and if the same Zeref suddenly wants to use the gate, I can't stop him in any way if he tries to take the golden keys from me. I'm not strong enough for that, even if I killed a god just two hours ago. 

And since I already made a contract with Virgo, I just can't hide the key at the end of the world and forget about it. And let's be honest, if this monster wants, he can get all the information from me, after which I hardly want to live. 

So, I would prefer that as long as possible, this information remain a secret. I'll be much calmer. 

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but in my opinion, the chance that someone could use a literal time machine to change the world I know is much scarier than the existence of several insane dragons that can always be killed, if you are strong enough. 

But playing with time is a completely different category of dangers, so I do not regret my precaution.

- Since that is your wish, Master, I will fulfill it. - said the Virgo meekly, as if she understood my motives, because she herself knows that the keys can be used not only to summon Celestial Spirits.

- Alright, Virgo, thanks. - I said with a soft smile.

- Then, Master, may I ask a question? - the Virgo asked a little uncertainly, but having received my nod, she nevertheless asked her question, which sounded like: - Are you satisfied with my service? 

- Well, yes, I have no wrangling. You showed yourself perfectly, as a maid and as a fighter. Basically, you did everything I asked you to, so I have nothing to complain about. - I said honestly.

- Then, may I ask for a reward? - as if innocently asked the Virgo, but far from innocent things were hidden behind her words.

- Don't tell me… - I said desperately, covering my face with my hand.

- Exactly. Please spank me Master. And tougher. - said the Virgo breathlessly, pulling out a whip from somewhere. 

She may be a deep personality, but this still does not negate the fact that she is a complete masochist and does not even try to hide it.

- Leave already, please. - I pleaded, but seeing that it had no effect, and the Virgo still continued to look at me with hope, I resigned myself and added: - Okay, but not today.

- You are very generous, Master. - Although upset at my refusal, but at the same time becoming one step closer to fulfilling her desire, she quickly bowed and disappeared before I changed my mind. 

And what should I do with her? I'm not into BDSM, so I don't want to do that. To be honest, hurting others just for my own pleasure is not for me. Can I find a sadist who will only be happy to spank her? Although, of the sadists I can trust to punish my Celestial Spirit, I only know Mira… Maybe… No no no, bad idea. This can turn into something really crazy, so let's leave that problem for now and come back to it later. 

Now that the Virgo is gone, I can go meet the Rune Knights, who just by this time had flown their aircraft carrier to the Avatar's castle and had even begun to descend from it. Taking all the necessary written evidence of the crimes of the cult, I opened the window and jumped out, where I saw several dozen people, more like clergymen than knights, who were approaching the cult building in even formation. 

Quite calmly surviving the jump from a ten-meter height, I headed towards the marching forces of the Magic Council, trying to find at least one familiar face that I could see in manga or anime, but I did not recognize anyone. It's a pity, because at least I could understand in advance who I have to deal with, but it looks like I'll have to get to know each other this way. 

Ahead of the whole squad of rune knights, a very tall and muscular man, about forty years old, was walking, dressed in a slightly different uniform, which showed his higher status. As I understand it, it was he who was the division commander and it was with him that I needed to talk.

- Nathaniel Drake, from Fairy Tail? - without ceremony, the commander asked when we were at a distance of five meters from each other. 

- He is. I'm glad you arrived so quickly. Nice to meet you… - I said, and coming closer, I extended my hand in a friendly manner. 

- Captain of the Detention Squad, Stonehart. - The man introduced himself, shaking my hand without hesitation. 

Luckily, I didn't notice any slight towards me, as I was afraid that due to my guild's reputation, the meeting would not go well, but it looks like Makarov sent the right person. 

- Are you aware of the whole situation? - I said, just in case.

- Advisor Yajima personally gave us all the information and explained our task to us, so don't worry. - Stonehart replied. It seems that he is quite a normal man, although a little harsh, but professional. 

- Wonderful. In that case, here is the evidence, and you can find all the criminals in the main hall of the building. They are alive, but disabled, so they can not resist. - I said, handing over all the documents to Stonehart, the thoughts I had read to make sure he could be trusted. 

Luckily he didn't notice when I cast a spell on myself and dug into his superficial thoughts, and luckily he really is trustworthy.

- You have done an excellent job. Your mission is completed and you will even receive a bonus, in light of all the latest events. - Glancing at the files to make sure that this is exactly what you need, Stonehart said, and then he waved to his people, who immediately went to the castle to arrest the magicians and soldiers.

- Thank you. In that case, if you don't need me anymore, I would like to leave as soon as possible. I'm too exhausted today. 

- Of course. We will find you if we have any questions. - Stonehart nodded his head. 

- See you. - I said, and having created wings with a spell, I took off into the air and flew out of the Mikage forest and no one was even going to detain me, only Stonehart waved goodbye. 

Looks like I have a new favorite Rune Knight. Everything is fast and concise, it would always be so. And now, I need to quickly eat and rest.


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