Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 77

After a conversation with Mira, which dragged on longer than I expected, I went to bed, but unfortunately, I was not allowed to enjoy a pleasant sleep for a long time. 

Just a couple of hours later, in the middle of the night, I was awakened by the call of the communication Lacrima, which I had left lying on my bedside table. 

Opening my sleepy eyes with difficulty, I grabbed Lacrima and fed some ether into it, answered the call, with noticeable irritation due to interrupted sleep: 

- Yes? What happened?

- Drake, we're under attack! - with a panic in her voice, a woman shouted, with a familiar voice, only waking up, I could not understand who it was.

- What? Where did they attack? Who attacked? - I asked, groggily, getting out of bed.

- The headquarters of the 'Angel Wing' company has been attacked by dark mages! They're storming the building! - shouted the woman I finally recognized, more in annoyance than fear. 

- Rosa, is that you? - I asked, realizing that it was time to use magic in order to finally wake up and not be stupid anymore. 

- Who else do you think? Quickly take your ass and get it here before we all get killed!!! - shouted the deputy head of my trading company, either in panic or anger at my slowness. 

Since the eternally professional and calm Rosa is panicking like that, then the matter is really serious and does not look like the past attacks of dark mages, which ended quickly and without damage. 

- Rosa, Rosa, calm down and don't panic. Tell me everything in detail and from the very beginning. - Putting on my pants, I quickly said. 

- Fuuuh, okay, okay. Yesterday we sold one artifact very successfully at a huge price, which for a long time could not be sold due to the intervention of Duke Everly, as he wanted to take it for himself, and without paying anything, so he used his connections and actively interfered with me, hoping that I will eventually give up and give the artifact to him. - in one breath, said Rosa, who pulled herself together.

- But, the day before yesterday, Everly was arrested and he lost his power and money, so he could no longer interfere and you were able to find a buyer for the artifact. - I thought as I buttoned up my shirt.

- That's right, an 'unknown person' broke into the mansion and kidnapped Everly, along with his mercenaries, and then left them in front of the Rune Knights building in Hargeon, with evidence of all the Duke's crimes, so he was stripped of his title and arrested. When this became known, a minor noble immediately appeared, ready to buy the artifact for the price I demanded. - obviously pleased with the fate of the vile Duke and her achievement, said Rosa.

- I'm certainly happy for you and for myself, considering that I received even more money, but why did you tell about it? - I asked, pulling on the second boot. It's not very convenient to talk on a orb lacrima and dress at the same time.

- You yourself asked me to tell you everything in detail, and this is important for the story, so shut up and listen! - Rosa shouted irritably, and then, taking a deep breath, continued: - In the end, having concluded such a long-awaited deal, I decided to celebrate it, at the same time cheer up the workers and thank them for their excellent work, so I arranged a corporate party, which was attended by all the workers and their families. 

- So, despite the fact it's night now, are you all at the company headquarters now? - I asked, feeling the onset of a headaches.

- Yes, and everything was fine, the workers had fun with their families, someone drank alcohol, someone ate delicious food, in general, it was a typical corporate party, until the protection system that you installed suddenly activated. It turned out that while we were having a carefree time, hundreds of dark magicians infiltrated the city and attacked the company building with joint efforts. - said Rosa, with noticeable panic in her voice. 

- I understand that since you were able to contact me, then the defense did its job? - I asked, feeling a lot of anger at those bastards who decided that since they had magic, they could do whatever they wanted.

- Yes, but, Drake, it won't last long. We are still relatively safe within the walls of the building, but magicians will not rest until they break through the protection. They continue to attack and no one will stop them, because they have installed something like an air dome that will not let anyone in, and the defense is getting weaker and weaker, and only your light warriors interfere with the mages, but they won't last long, so you should hurry up. - Rosa pleaded. 

- Alright, I'll be right there, you have nothing to worry about. It'll all be over in ten minutes. - I said decisively.

- Please, Drake, hurry up, I can hardly manage to keep my people under control, a little more and they will succumb to panic and do some stupid thing to save themselves and their loved ones. - Rosa said, showing that she is worried not only for herself, but also for her employees, which is worthy of respect and once again shows that it is not in vain that I appreciate her so much. 

- Tell everyone that soon they will be able to return home and receive a considerable bonus to their salary. - I asked, hoping that this would somehow calm them down. 

- Okay, Drake, I hope to see you soon. - said Rosa, whom I sort of managed to calm down. 

- Ten minutes, start counting. - I said and turned off the Lacrima. 

It seems that these dark magicians did not learn from the experience of their predecessors and did not understand that it is not worth attacking my company. 

I think I should teach them a much more cruel lesson, especially since they made me notably angry. 

Using magic, I teleported to Clover City and immediately went to the place where the headquarters of my company stands. Fortunately, the building is on the outskirts, far enough from the city, so that no outsider was involved in this situation. At least one good news for today. 

As Rosa said, over the entire building and its surrounding area, now there is a huge dome of constantly moving sharp currents of air that did not allow anyone to know what was happening on the other side of the dome or penetrate there. 

The dome attracted attention and local Rune Knights and magicians were already gathered near it, who tried to understand what was happening and break through it, but they had no success. 

Not wanting to waste time on empty talk, I found a place where there was no one and already guessing who was involved in this attack, I began trying to break through the wind dome, which turned out to be unexpectedly difficult, because the swirls from which the dome was created could tear apart not only people, but also spells. 

Magic just did not have time to act, as the wind tore it to pieces, and even more so, it became stronger, sucking the ether from my own spells. Good, that I decided not to risk trying to teleport to the other side, who knows what would happen to me if I tried. 

A nasty thing, no wonder the dark magicians were so overconfident. Ordinary Rune Knights and weak magicians will never be able to break through and the dark mages will have as much time as they want to destroy the defenses around the building. 

And, unfortunately, even though I tried my best to create a defense, but under a hail of attacks, it definitely won't last long, so I really should hurry. I do not want the death of my company's employees to be on my hands. 

Knowing that the dome can only be breached with superior power, otherwise it would be useless, I decided to use something new that would also help me intimidate those bastards. 

Raising my hand, I began to create a new spell, the idea of which came to my mind yesterday. Hope, it will turn out exactly as I imagined. 

- 'Solar-Dragonic Écriture: Sunspot Mode' - I proclaimed, attaching a spell consisting of as many as twelve characters to my hand. 

The spell activated, and in the next moment, my body began to intensely absorb the sunlight reflected from the moon and the Dragon Etherano itself contained in my container.

Eventually, this caused my entire body to absorb all the ambient light, and I turned into a completely black silhouette, enveloped in the hot energy of the sun, similar to the Solar Crown. 

This mode is a controlled prototype of the Dragon Force Mode, which I cannot use yet, so I had to come up with an alternative that allows me to use to the fullest not only my inner powers, but the natural etherano coming from the Sun. 

It won't be wrong to say that this is some variation of Naruto World's Sage Mode and maybe even better than the original Sun Dragon King's Dragon Force Mode, although that's just a guess. 

As you might guess, when creating the Sunspot Mode, I was inspired by the mutant hero of the same name from Marvel Comics and everything seemed to work out, although I don't know yet all the pros and cons of the regime and what the consequences will be, but for now this is not important, now something else is more important. 

Clenching my fist to get used to the new strength, I began to heat the halo around me even more and began to plunge my hand into the dome, the winds of which tried to chop me into pieces, but they did not succeed. The winds just couldn't handle my solar crown. 

As a result, I began to sink deeper and deeper into the dome until I was on the other side, where I was met by a dumbfounded dark magician dressed in a school uniform, which indicates his belonging to the dark guild 'Dark Unicorn'.

- Hello there… - I said with a smile, frightening the mage even more. I have to admit, I looked a little creepy right now. Like a living shadow on fire.

- What KHAAA… - was all the magician could squeeze out of himself, because in the next moment, I punched him in the face and he flew away for a long time, screaming in pain. Apparently, he did not like the stylish burn on the floor of his face that I gave him...

The mage's cry attracted the attention of the other magicians gathered here, and now three hundred people from such dark guilds as the Spirit of the Vampire, the Naked Mummy, the Red Hood, Werewolf Eggs (yes, there is such a guild), Harpies and most importantly, Eisenwald were looking at me in shock.

- And who are you? – with arrogance asked the chief magician here, who looked like a half-naked, skinny man in a hoodie and holding a scythe of a grim reaper in his hands. 

It was Erigor, the head of the Eisenwald Guild, which the Magic Council had disbanded almost three years ago for pursuing assassination orders, when in fact they ignored the order and simply became a dark guild controlled by the Oración Seis. 

Apparently Erigor learned about a rapidly growing company that has many valuable artifacts and, like other similar magicians, decided to profit by attacking the company's headquarters. 

Although, I must admit, he acted smarter and enlisted the support of other guilds, and also made sure that he was not interfered with. 

True, he made a serious mistake by doing this and it's time to show this arrogant geek that sometimes it's worth curbing your thirst.

- The one you shouldn't have pissed off. - I said with noticeable anger and immediately attacked this rabble, sending an attack from the solar ether into them, which ended in getting burns of the whole body from a third of magicians who did not take my words seriously. 

- Attack!!! Attack him! - Erigor shouted in panic, sending a sickle of wind at me, which I simply dodged. 

Now, I have attracted enough attention and they are no longer up to attack the building, whose protection was close to destruction. The real battle can begin. More specifically, a massacre.


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